Excellent WF answer but no "THANKS"? That Sucks!

54 replies
Here's the situation...

A fellow Warrior posts a question
You, the expert, provides an excellent answer. :rolleyes:
The original poster doesn't even bother to reply, or to hit the "Thanks" button

Now, knowing you provided a great answer, that sucks!

I think many warriors lose track of their original questions/threads.

Here's a quick solution.

When you post a question, subscribe to your own thread (thread tools)
This way, you will never lose track when someone provides an answer.
Just say "thanks" when someone really does help you out with a helpful expert-answer.
A simple click on that "thanks" button is all it takes.
And it's FREE as well!
#answer #excellent #sucks
  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    LOL, Nice idea, and...

    personally I hit the thanks button if someone makes me laugh. I like to laugh so I reward the poster. I click thanks when someone who is usually grumpy is nice. Niceness should be rewarded. Now we need a your welcome button to hit when someone says thanks

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author thatgirlJ
    What a nice reminder We often forget to be appreciative of others' thoughts...and it's so important to -- especially when they've helped us out!

    Good reminder, and thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambbit
    I'd say I agree.

    In a community, we must appreciate other's contributions and hitting the thanks button is just a small thing we can do in exchange of the valuable information we get!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    I normally cringe...

    Whatever. Great post (reminder)

    Well worth a thank you.


    Not promoting right now

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  • Profile picture of the author thatgirlJ
    No one thanked me


    Just kidding :p
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  • Profile picture of the author Edgar Moreno
    I just now saw that button that says Thanks. I may need to go back and thank some people. I could see how someone gets annoyed when they spend a certain amount of time typing a response just to get no response.

    Check us out beforehand, only looking for those who are ready to earn. Contact us for interview, no longer accepting "blind enrollments". Training available at no cost.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    Originally Posted by Marc Rodill View Post

    Hey! Don't tell me what to do!

    Thanks by the way!


    Not promoting right now

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    • Profile picture of the author JustaWizard
      Hey Stefan, I agree - I always hit the thanks button AT LEAST because if someone takes the time to give me an answer, I figure the least I can do is thank them!
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  • Profile picture of the author RainDrop
    Thanks for the tip about subscribing to the thread... I will go find my posts and do that.
    Stupid question- where is the thanks button?? Seriously, I can't find it!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      My thanks is knowing that I've helped somebody.

      No thanks are necessary.
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      • Profile picture of the author John Durham
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        My thanks is knowing that I've helped somebody.

        No thanks are necessary.
        Steven you are one of my faves on WF,I have to agree, but also say this:

        "If you don't get a thanks or even a reply, then how do you know you helped them"?

        I spent 30 minutes giving away one of my most solid business plans the other day ( re: telemarketing) and even references to people I personally know, who would help this guy to get some contracts, and I dont think he even went back and read the answers...!

        I was really hoping to hear that my advice benefitted him. Would've made my day, especially being that I was the only one who responded to his question.

        It's nice to know that you actually helped someone.
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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Originally Posted by kadensnga View Post

          Steven you are one of my faves on WF,I have to agree, but also say this:

          "If you don't get a thanks or even a reply then how do you know you helped them"?

          I spent 30 minutes giving away one of my most solid business plans the other day ( re: telemarketing) and even references to people I know who would personally help this guy and get some contracts, and I dont think he even went back and read the answers...!

          I was really hoping to hear that my advice benefitted him.

          All I want to do is help too, but it's nice to know that you actually helped someone.

          I understand that side of things. On the flip side, most people don't take
          action on your advice anyway, so to expect that you've made a difference
          is asking a lot. Thus, I just post my words of wisdom and hope that they
          make a difference.

          Sometimes, it's all you can really hope for.
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          • Profile picture of the author John Durham
            Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

            I understand that side of things. On the flip side, most people don't take
            action on your advice anyway, so to expect that you've made a difference
            is asking a lot. Thus, I just post my words of wisdom and hope that they
            make a difference.

            Sometimes, it's all you can really hope for.
            I guess you are right. It's better just to give and move onto more giving!

            Another question: How much is too much when it comes to thanking others? I have a tendency to want to thank everyone who gives me the courtesy of an answer, because I genuinely appreciate their time... just trying to learn proper WF etiquette.
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    • Profile picture of the author Harry Behrens
      Originally Posted by RainDrop View Post

      Thanks for the tip about subscribing to the thread... I will go find my posts and do that.
      Stupid question- where is the thanks button?? Seriously, I can't find it!!
      When you get to 5 posts posted, you will see it (it's to the right of Edit, Quote and those black buttons on the bottom). So next post you make, pretty much

      - Harry Behrens

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      • Profile picture of the author Neil Morgan
        I'd just prefer it if people I'd helped took a little time to answer a question that I later posted.

        Often times no-one can be bothered for some reason.

        All you ever do is take, take, take



        Easy email marketing automation without moving your lists.

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        I think of "thanks" the same way I do compliments - if you have to ask for them they aren't worth as much as if they are volunteered freely rather than as payback. When I give them it's usually not because someone answered but because I liked that particular answer.

        I appreciate them when they happen but don't think of them when answering a question.

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author vuedoolor
    someone break my thank virginity

    how do you subscribe to your own post?
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  • Profile picture of the author Lokesh Sharma
    Hey Stefan,

    No offense there but you've been thanked 22 times while you've thanked only one guy.

    But then, you might be expressing your gratitude if someone helps you by posting a reply.

    Lokesh Sharma
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    • Profile picture of the author Stefan Vee
      Originally Posted by Lokesh Sharma View Post

      Hey Stefan,

      No offense there but you've been thanked 22 times while you've thanked only one guy.

      But then, you might be expressing your gratitude if someone helps you by posting a reply.

      Lokesh Sharma
      Well, you can't thank yourself if you help someone else, can you?
      And "yes", you're absolutely right. A simple reply does wonders too.
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  • Profile picture of the author SolomonHuey
    There is also the possibility that they didn't like your answer.

    But yea Steve pretty much hit the nail on the head...

    Solomon Huey
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert43
    Thanks to anyone I've missed!
    I've learned a lot from so many people here ... and I learned something tonight!
    I didn't know I could "give thanks." Maybe I didn't have enough posts before ... or maybe I was oblivious!
    Either way, THANKS!
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  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    There, I spread some of the thanks around. Time for a group hug


    PS - It IS good to get a thanks if you put effort into a post, IMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ofthemix
    Oh man, and I thought I might be overdoing it on the thanks. Glad to know people appreciate it. For a while there, I had thanked more people than I had created posts.

    The Warrior Forum is filled with great helpful people. I think anyone who has said even something remotefully helpful to me, even if it's just encouragement to keep me going, deserves a thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    If you started the thread... or responded in it... I don't think
    you have to subscribe. Go to your subscriptions and see if every
    thread you've posted in isn't already there.

    I have to clean mine out frequently.

    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
    Originally Posted by Stefan Vee View Post

    Here's the situation...

    A fellow Warrior posts a question
    You, the expert, provides an excellent answer. :rolleyes:
    The original poster doesn't even bother to reply, or to hit the "Thanks" button

    Now, knowing you provided a great answer, that sucks!

    I think many warriors lose track of their original questions/threads.

    Here's a quick solution.

    When you post a question, subscribe to your own thread (thread tools)
    This way, you will never lose track when someone provides an answer.
    Just say "thanks" when someone really does help you out with a helpful expert-answer.
    A simple click on that "thanks" button is all it takes.
    And it's FREE as well!
    You know this has irked me for some time now when I read a thread where somebody has obviously taken time out of their most likely busy day to give a great answer and there is no response from the original poster and/or no thanks given either.

    However I had not considered the fact that some people might lose their thread, or as stated later here that they either can't give thanks or don't realize they can give thanks, so thanks for opening my eyes - I shall not feel so irked in the future

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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by SusanneUK View Post

      However I had not considered the fact that some people might lose their thread, or as stated later here that they either can't give thanks or don't realize they can give thanks, so thanks for opening my eyes - I shall not feel so irked in the future

      You are always so considerate what a wonderful disposition...
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  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    I'm always happy to be able to assist a fellow Warrior without expecting any reciprocation. If they are kind enough to hit the "Thanks" button then that's the icing on the cake!


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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    what bugs me more is when someone pm's asking for help, and then never says thanks afterwards. I've sent code to people, and then never heard a peep back from them.

    Even worse - I've pre-paid for services just to help someone out, and no services were rendered. I've offered to JV with several newbies to some of my larger lists (10k), and had them never deliver (all they had to do was fiish the product they were working on).

    The world is full of unappreciative people...


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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Brian
      Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

      what bugs me more is when someone pm's asking for help, and then never says thanks afterwards.
      Yeah, it sucks, sometimes I wish I never replied.

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  • Profile picture of the author ken_p
    i totally agree with you. i just simply go back to my statistics, and click on the link that says, view all posts started by you, if i wanted to go back to my previous questions here in WF.
    hates the rain
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    I just want to drop a bit fat:

    Thank you guys!!!!

    I know i usually miss the "thank you" button so here it is, a public muito obrigado to everyone who helped me out and i forgot to hit the button.

    The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you. ~John E. Southard
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shakul
    These days, hardly anyone bothers to say "Thanks". Whether it is online or offline.

    Many people just quote the post and say thanks in the reply. I am wondering if is it possible to make just a modification, that if phrase like Thanks you .. are posted by one in a reply... Then forum automatically shows a notification to the user that if he/she wants to say Thanks, then he/she should press the Thanks button.

    Anyway, it really doesn't matter whether they press thanks button for me or not, because after all, if i really helped someone then they knew it, and I assume, my reps will automatically increase for the person to whom I provided my help.

    After all, even I am a human, and sometime even I feel disappointed that person never pressed Thanks button...

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  • Profile picture of the author artwebster
    I'm not too concerned about being thanked - what really makes me annoyed is when my answers are totally ignored because they are not what the questioner wanted to hear.

    I have seen many 'thanks' being expressed for complimentary posts - especially where someone has asked for a 'review' of their site. It shocks me that, rather than be honest, reviewers will post any old smarm in order not to discourage the poor guy who just set up a doomed web site.

    These smarmy posts are doing nobody any favours! The poor guy now has a doomed web site which he thinks is really good and it won't be long before his supplimentary question "Why isn't my web site working?" gets posted.

    You might not like what I say - but I believe it.
    Build it, make money, then build some more
    Some old school smarts would help - and here's to Rob Toth for his help. Bloody good stuff, even the freebies!

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  • Profile picture of the author ltdraper
    I try to thank people and have been thanked a few times, but I still haven't figured out where to spend them.

    Nothing to see here, move along...

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    • Profile picture of the author JP Wilson
      No doubt about it. Just like in the "real world", saying thanks is a common courtesy. When someone takes precious time out of their schedule to, if nothing else, at least attempt to solve my problem, the least I can do is take .03234 seconds and hit the 'thanks' button! Great thread Stefan... Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Droopy Dawg
    Coming from a poster that has thanked all of 1 person LOL!

    Just kidding OP... good stuff. here I even thanked YOU.

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  • Profile picture of the author marcus passey
    You know I gotta remember that thankyou button I have met so many helpful people on here and it wont hurt me to hit that button.

    I have asked so many questions on here and everyone bends over backwards to help,one day I hope I can be one of those guys who can give something back.

    This forum is priceless and I love it,I may spend to much time here but all the same I love it!!

    And a big THANKYOU for all those who have helped me.


    Watch me finally make money this year now I have a mentor follow my journey at www.marcuspassey.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Brite
    What annoys me even more is when i post a really use full thread full with information and then instead of people clicking on the thanks button (even the older members) they instead reply saying thanks. Okay at least they said thanks but still i like my thanks button to be pressed too

    Tom Brite
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    • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
      Originally Posted by Tom Brite View Post

      What annoys me even more is when i post a really use full thread full with information and then instead of people clicking on the thanks button (even the older members) they instead reply saying thanks. Okay at least they said thanks but still i like my thanks button to be pressed too

      Tom Brite
      You get what you give. Remember that.

      Karma is watching you
      People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tom Brite
        Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

        You get what you give. Remember that.

        Karma is watching you
        Now your either trying to freak me out or just saying.... lets hope you don't make a voodoo doll of me now

        Tom Brite
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        • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
          Great way to boost your own "thanks" count!
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        • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
          Originally Posted by Tom Brite View Post

          Now your either trying to freak me out or just saying.... lets hope you don't make a voodoo doll of me now

          Tom Brite
          Ahah No way Tom... just j/k with you and at same time remembering you that sometimes we don't receive the goodies at the exact moment we expect them... but they come later.
          People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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          • Profile picture of the author Tom Brite
            Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

            Ahah No way Tom... just j/k with you and at same time remembering you that sometimes we don't receive the goodies at the exact moment we expect them... but they come later.
            Very good point there!

            Often when ive helped people it's not until a long time later that they offer or just help me too. Even with small things it still has a big impact and often them doing something small is alot better than them just giving me money.

            Tom Brite
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            • Profile picture of the author Finch
              This is one of the most cringeworthy threads I've read in a very long time.

              I don't give people advice to boost my thank count or to feel loved.

              I offer occasional advice as a way of giving something back to an industry that makes me a lot of money.

              If you're not willing to say your piece for free, write a frigging ebook and sell it.

              Oh wait...
              Finch Sells: The Affiliate Marketing Blog of Your Wettest Dreams
              Grab my Free [50+ Page Survival Kit] of What Works Today
              ** FinchPremiums.com - Affiliate Products to Build an Online Business, Take Over the World, etc etc **
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              • Profile picture of the author Stefan Vee
                Originally Posted by Finch View Post

                This is one of the most cringeworthy threads I've read in a very long time.

                I don't give people advice to boost my thank count or to feel loved.

                I offer occasional advice as a way of giving something back to an industry that makes me a lot of money.

                If you're not willing to say your piece for free, write a frigging ebook and sell it.

                Oh wait...

                Now I understand why people ask for a refund when the
                delivered goods are nothing but excellent.

                It's only a matter of perception.

                Thanks anyway!
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          • Profile picture of the author jstover77
            I just want to thank everyone who has ever thanked me
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  • Profile picture of the author Ray Erdmann
    Originally Posted by Stefan Vee View Post

    Here's the situation...

    A fellow Warrior posts a question
    You, the expert, provides an excellent answer. :rolleyes:
    The original poster doesn't even bother to reply, or to hit the "Thanks" button

    Now, knowing you provided a great answer, that sucks!
    So, it sounds like you had wanted to get a 'thanks' for the great, excellent answer you gave, even though IMHO, everyone should strive to post excellent responses, or at least provide something of value when responding to a question in a particular thread WITHOUT caring whether or not a 'thanks' is given!

    It's like the old adage.."Don't go looking for love...let it come to you!"


    "Whether you think you can or not...you'll always be 100% right!" |

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    • Profile picture of the author Stefan Vee
      Originally Posted by Ray Erdmann View Post

      So, it sounds like you had wanted to get a 'thanks' for the great, excellent answer you gave, even though IMHO, everyone should strive to post excellent responses, or at least provide something of value when responding to a question in a particular thread WITHOUT caring whether or not a 'thanks' is given!
      It's like the old adage.."Don't go looking for love...let it come to you!"
      I'd like to mention that I did spend some 10 minutes on formulating a solid answer a couple of days ago,
      and "no", I wasn't looking for love. :rolleyes:

      It's just nice to find out that the original poster did read that answer, and I think he didn't... mainly
      because I think he lost track of the (many) threads he started

      I just provided an easy solution to avoid that.

      Judging by the majority of replies, I'd like to think that many folks here did appreciate that.

      Take care!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    Great Idea, if we all did this the world would be a slightly better place, and so that i lead by example i've thanked you for this post.
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  • Profile picture of the author rfuture2009
    I would like to thank everybody that has given their input on this thread..... especially the info on where the "Thank You" button is (or will be in my case)

    Thank You ALL
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  • Profile picture of the author havefunandlive
    This is actually one of the first websites I've been to where there is a "thanks" option available.

    But I'll try to keep an eye out for it.
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