Broken Website

by 1 replies
There is a problem with my templates. I've changed my HTML files by accident, and now the website is broken. Even if I try to log in to my dashboard it shows errors. I could upload it through an FTP, but I don't have all the files that were on website. However, I have saved all of the templates, so I can just paste it into WordPress, so it will be working again. Is there anything I can do?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #broken #website
  • You can contact your hosting provider they will have a backup, it may be a week old and they may charge you.

    If its wordpress you have revisions saved in there and can go back to an older one.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

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    Hello, There is a problem with my templates. I've changed my HTML files by accident, and now the website is broken. Even if I try to log in to my dashboard it shows errors. I could upload it through an FTP, but I don't have all the files that were on website. However, I have saved all of the templates, so I can just paste it into WordPress, so it will be working again. Is there anything I can do?