Amazon Review Site Question
About 9 months ago, I had a warrior build a review site for me which included 5 x 500 word reviews. The site was delivered on time but it was really, really ugly and the reviews had spelling and grammatical errors. I haven't done anything with the site for 9 months but noticed some sales starting to trickle in on a daily basis. I'm thinking of clean up the site and adding some more/better reviews. My questions are:
1. The current wordpress theme is horrible. Could changing the current wordpress theme to a newer theme reverse any SERP gains I have received in the last 9 months?
2. Should I clean up the spelling and grammatical errors or just write new reviews on new products which would push the older reviews to the bottom of "Recent Posts" list?
3. Lastly, the reviews are for winter products. The search traffic dies off in March and picks up again in July. Should I wait until July to write more reviews?
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