You get tired of 'Product Slingers' ?

9 replies
I guess it would be the correct wording to describe it.

I bought an WSO for practically nothing a a month or two ago. It actually had some really good info. in it.

Of course, it seemed like every other sentence had a affiliate link in it. But that's cool I do don't have a problem with it if there is some good stuff within the Product. And like I said there was. And it was for practically no cost.

But in the last months I get emails everyday (twice a day) ranging from this guy emailing how to make a million on FB on how to kill it with Article Marketing or become rich with PPC.

Offer after Offer with no continuity and no solid detail description of the product and what it could realistically do for me.

Plus, I really know nothing about this Marketer. He never really introduced himself and why I should be listening to him.

He has made no attempt to build any repoire with me.

It is kind of sad and it befuddles me how some Marketers are blinded by this inclination that they MUST 'hard ' sell every email they send.

I have not unsubscribed to him ,yet. I do not know why but just haven't

Anyway, kind of blows my mind how some view Marketing. :rolleyes:

#product #slingers #tired
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Luck
    Robert, I feel your pain.

    When I jumped into the Internet full-time back in 1999, I subscribed to EVERYONES list.

    Sad to say, I bought just about EVERY product that came through my inbox, because I was looking to find my "path" that I can travel down, that made sense and made money.

    Unfortunately, not ONE product I purchased, gave me everything I needed to know and do.

    I made a few thousand dollars here and there in the early days, but nothing significant.

    So one week, I spent a few days unsubscribing to EVERY list I was on...

    But I still got spammed with emails like you talk about.

    So, I took it to the next level, and just deleted that email address I was using completely.

    I started all over.

    I spent time in forums and just trying things out on my own, not following any "one" product.

    Had several multiple six-figure years as an Affiliate.

    Then I got into Membership sites in 2007 and never looked back.

    Moral of the story is... either put your blinders on... and stay focused on one goal... and just do it yourself. IF you need someone to help you, then find one person, that you can have help mentor you.

    Get off the email lists :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      Now you have seen, first hand, how NOT to do online marketing.

      Just unsubscribe.

      Use your knowledge of what you don't like about this approach to fashion your own campaigns so that you give your customers the kind of experience you would like to have yourself.

      We feel your pain ... it happens everyday to most all of us who have joined lots of lists.

      But seeing what NOT to do can serve as a valuable lesson in exactly what to do.

      The best to you all,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    Here's why he does it... because it works.

    You keep reading them. You aren't unsubscribing. That, plus the fact that he's probably making pretty decent money with it, tells him his communication style is working - so he'll continue to do it until that changes.

    It's the same reason that we make cheesy big headline long form sales pages, even though most of us who are product creators hate them... they WORK. When they STOP working, we'll change the format.

    Ron Rule

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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

      Here's why he does it... because it works.

      You keep reading them. You aren't unsubscribing. That, plus the fact that he's probably making pretty decent money with it, tells him his communication style is working - so he'll continue to do it until that changes.

      It's the same reason that we make cheesy big headline long form sales pages, even though most of us who are product creators hate them... they WORK. When they STOP working, we'll change the format.
      Who said I keep reading them ? That is just it. I DO NOT read them or even open them, anymore. The first three or four I did about 5 weeks ago. Now, I just delete them ALL.

      Its sad because if he would have proved that he was a living human being with a blood pressure
      ( and not done shotgun marketing) I might have been interested in more info. lol

      Honestly, I have been too lazy to hit unsubscribe. But I just did 5 minutes ago.

      This guy is unlike any Marketer that I ever have seen or subscribed too. And I have seen some real morons out there.

      Just making observations.

      Steve hit it right on the mark. It just refreshingly reenforces the notion to keep doing what I have been doing for the last couple of years as far as Marketing and the way I communicate with people.

      And not to fall in this behavior of randomly 'throwing stuff on the wall ' to see if it sticks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
    As for me I am very glad (unfortunate for some of us) that these type of marketers exist
    As long as there are chaotic disturbing spammers out there, its my opportunity to provide my audience straight up no bs type of marketing.

    There are no magic pills, get rich quick schemes, easy payday systems out there period.

    There are also no hard jobs out there, but its how hard you can work that job.

    Is it impossible to make massive passive income, heck no!

    In fact now is the time to get into the information industrial age.

    All industrial jobs are in the third world and outsourced.

    Most of these new marketers wants something quick and they get tricked into it so they spam each other on fb groups make money online or email people discrat till their fingers bleed

    So my point, the more frustrated network marketers there are, the more my attraction marketing approach will shine
    Need a Coach to generate leads and TRIPLE your online business income?
    Let me Inspire and Empower You!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Tandan
    If the marketer shows no intent whatsoever of connecting with his or her subscribers, that marketer is doomed. ESPECIALLY if you're on their list after buying a product in a certain niche, and then you get pitched products that are completely unrelated to the niche of the product you first bought. I'd have unsubscribed ages ago.
    As to affiliate links within the product - I'm fine with that, PROVIDED they're not overdone nor critical to making the product work. Give me a 'do it on my own for free' option and a couple of 'this will make it faster' options and I'm okay with that. But when I see a product pasted with affiliate links I get a little uneasy.
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    • Profile picture of the author Pedro Lopes
      Originally Posted by Mark Tandan View Post

      If the marketer shows no intent whatsoever of connecting with his or her subscribers, that marketer is doomed. ESPECIALLY if you're on their list after buying a product in a certain niche, and then you get pitched products that are completely unrelated to the niche of the product you first bought. I'd have unsubscribed ages ago.
      As to affiliate links within the product - I'm fine with that, PROVIDED they're not overdone nor critical to making the product work. Give me a 'do it on my own for free' option and a couple of 'this will make it faster' options and I'm okay with that. But when I see a product pasted with affiliate links I get a little uneasy.

      I'm a firm believer in relationship building, you can't just bombard somebody's email box. It might work for a while but eventually their open rates will drop, as well as conversion rates.
      Where as alternatively, if you just attempt to build a relationship you may have a buyer forever.
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  • Profile picture of the author masterpaintingnow
    I believe in offering free, good info to my lists. In my case, free drawing videos that are exclusive to them, not on my public Youtube channel.

    Then once in a while I review an art course I like, and I give them discounts on my new courses.
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