Selling Domains - Anyone tried GoDaddy auctions?
I am thinking about selling several domain names for spring cleaning, because I have decided to focus primarily on one particular business.
I know I can sell here on the Classifieds or the Web Sites For Sale sections, and I probably will, but I was just wondering if any of you have used GoDaddy domain auctions before.
I actually never knew that there was an auction capability tied into GoDaddy, and I have had an account with them for six or seven years now.
Anyway, just wondering if you had any feedback you can give me about GoDaddy domain auctions, good or bad.
And if you know of some other place where you have successfully unloaded your domain names in a hurry, that would be great to know as well.
I have been Googling options, and there are literally hundreds to choose from. Do not want to spend a lot of time on this, as I am not as concerned about making a huge profit as I am in getting rid of these domains quickly.
Thanks a lot WF guys and gals, I hope you are having a cracking good 2014.
Nick Logan -
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