Create a new site or add to an old site?

by Artesh
9 replies
Hi i have several websites running and a few of them have a decent amount of google traffic. I'm wondering what the prevailing opinion on expanding a site vs creating a new domain is?

To be more specific if i have a website about cars and i want to branch out and have a section about tires and car insurance am i better off creating a whole new site or adding it to the domain/site that i already have about cars?

Thanks for any input its much appreciated.
#add #adsense #create #google #niche #site
  • Profile picture of the author evilclown
    If your main site is quality, use the leverage you have built so far. That's a no brainier.
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  • Profile picture of the author GregBrooks
    Using the same site will allow you to benefit from domain age and preexisting links. You can always revise your site as significantly as you need, and then re-index the site with Google
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  • Profile picture of the author CSmitty
    Add to the new site, especially if it is a derivative of the same niche.
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  • I'd expand the site, since it is already in a closely related niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Black 68
    The practice of building authority sites is becoming ever more popular.
    If you already have traffic and a presence on Google you need to build on this.
    The more articles you add in these new areas, the more traffic you'll pull in.

    You will find it much easier to rank for the related search terms you want to add using the site you've already built.

    I'd create new categories for each new area you move into - but keep them related to your core topic.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dani78
      It is better to use an aged websit if applicable
      (the one you already have).
      57 FREE Traffic Sources >> Download Here
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  • Profile picture of the author Marco Moeschter
    Go and built a big authority site which will help you to gets a stronger site and more authority. Authority sites are getting more and more momentum in the search engines and it will be easier for you to rank post in google if you have a big site like that!
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnTheJock
      I agree with all the comments. Expansion of your existing site is the best way to go. Become an authority in your niche and you'll find that once your site is well established in Google all your future posts will be indexed and ranked quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Artesh
    Thanks everyone it seems to be a consensus. i'm going to go at it as an add on category to the site i already have.

    Thanks again
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