Are you being held Accountable?
So what to do you ask?
The best thing is to join an accountability group (if you can afford it, of course), but even if you cannot afford that right now, I would suggest you befriending other people in your company & letting them know that you are loking for an accountabilty partner.
"Ok I found a good partner, what do I do now?"
You & your partner need to start a 90 day plan right away. Write down the main 3-4 things you are both going to do to grow your business. (HINT HINT: Prospecting should be the 1st on your list).
Then decide how many days per week you are going to work the business.
Then remember to check in with your partner at a pre-set time every single day that you work the business. (By phone. Email and/or text DO NOT count)
"What do I say when I check in with my partner?"
Well, the call can be as short as 3 mins or as long as 1 hr. It all depends of what you guys feel like talking about. The main thing is to confirm with your partner that you have completed all your activities that day. After that you may brainstorm together, recomment a book you are reading, vent out any frustrations you may have, ask them a question, answer their questions or just plain old get to know them a little better. ETC ETC
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions or better yet, contribute your own ideas. We all learn from each other ;-)
To your success,