10 Lessons & Tips from outsourcing product reviews
1. You won't hire the right writer on your first try. Therefore, getting started is a bit of a numbers game. You need to get the most applicants you can, so you can sort through them and find the best.
2. To get the most applicants you can, post jobs for a single article, at the rate you want, with automatic 5 star review. EG: "700 words for $4 and 5 stars"
3. If you are in the US, I've found posting first thing in the morning, or late at night, get lots of views.
4. Keep your job posting short and sweet. State what you want, and what the REQUIRED skills are for an applicant. Bullets are good.
5. Half the applicants barely read your job posting. At the bottom of your post put "Start your application with the following phrase: (phrase here)". Ignore any applicant who doesn't do this.
6. Applicant's sample work is often better than their real writing. Ask the best candidates to write you a 100 word blurb about some topic in order to assess their English.
7. Don't be afraid to hire someone without experience. They might be great, just confirm their writing skill with a blurb as explained above.
8. If multiple strong candidates apply for the job, hire them all, since it is only a 1-article trial run.
9. Repost your job posting every day if you don't get good candidates. Again, it is a numbers game initially.
10. Once hired, provide a sample article or format that you want them to follow, or at least do something similar to.
11. Provides quick, bulleted guidelines on things like tone, and how they should reference the writer. For example "Don't say 'I', say 'we," or "Don't exaggerate the positives of anything."
12. Once a writers delivers good work, tell them you'd like to continue to hire them at this same rate. Before additional work, spend time discussing additional details of style and format and how you want the work done. These are details you didn't need to dig too deep into in the "trials."
After a couple trial runs, you should be able to find a writer that you jive with. If you can find a couple, even better.
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