What site delivers the best POST click engagement? NOT FB!

6 replies
I was just going thru my morning routine and checking what's the latest in all areas of marketing - check this out!

STUDY: YouTube Pummels Facebook In Post-Click Engagement - AllFacebook

Look where FB is compared to

Twitter (twitter?)

If you're spending advertising dollars..... Makes you think, aye?
#advertising #click #delivers #engagement #facebook #post #site
  • Profile picture of the author ddev
    Can't believe they've added StumbleUpon to the list
    Nice post.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    add google and youtube together, because they`re the same company, and the results are amazing for the google company
    Worked as a senior editor on ThePricer.org, experienced in financial topics
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    • Profile picture of the author dogstar
      Excellent post...indeed. Makes you wonder exactly what kind of hell FB's development team is being put thru right now looking at this...plus, if there were any doubters about video...well, I'm glad there are still (unbelievably) plenty of them out there...more for the believers...like me
      thanks much for posting this!

      Truth About Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    Great post. I'm not surprised. But the post fails to mention how much easier it is to get traffic from Facebook than from YouTube, especially with paid traffic. I generate much lower cost traffic with Facebook ads than I do with YouTube Adwords.

    While the analysis is definitely helpful, I think it needs to be taken one step further to assess ROI.

    That said, some people are magicians with YouTube traffic while others are better generating FB traffic. I do both, but find it much easier to generate traffic from Facebook.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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  • Profile picture of the author dejaone
    It all depends on the niches. Other studies have reported different results. B2C sites (shopping sites) get better traffic from Pinterest and Facebook, and B2B sites will get better traffic from slideshare, Linkedin and Twitter. The bounce rate from stumbleupon is about 90% regardless the niches.
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    Can't really draw a conclusion on this as it's different for all businesses. For us, facebook hits hard... and I'm talking about thousands of clicks a day for us in traffic... and we wouldn't be doing that unless it was profitable.

    BUT, I believe that any business could do well on FB... it just takes the right person, with the right skills, and the patience to "crack the code" for them... and they're in business.
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