Looking for Some Criticism: 50 Twitter Accounts Every Freelance Blogger Should Follow

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I think the most valuable thing WarriorForum can offer me is criticism, and so I'm openly asking for it here.

Late last year, following the launch of my blog, I published, "Top 50 Twitter Accounts Every Freelance Blogger Should Follow".

My aim was to provide new freelance bloggers with a solid resource (because a similar list would have helped me when I was a newbie blogger), and also to connect with some high profile names. I think I did both of those, but not perfectly. It went well, but I know it could have been better.

I have a lot of ideas for similar posts, and I'm highly interested in dedicating some time to really churning out these types of resources.

However, I'm not looking to just throw together big names in order to make friends in high places. I want to make it genuinely useful resources for newbies, and for that I think I need to improve the approach I took with this particular list post.

I want it to be something people bookmark and refer to regularly. Something which gives people real value. I already have ideas, but I'd like to hear yours.

So, what else could I incorporate to make it a better resource? Is 50 too much? Too little? Should I have categorised further? Have I missed something important out?

Whatever your feedback is, I'd like to hear it. Go ahead, criticise .
#accounts #blogger #blogging #criticism #follow #freelance #twitter

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