Best Files Sharing Site For Devlivering Products?

3 replies
I am selling my own digital products with JVZoo. I started off using MediaFire (a pro account) to store the products and deliver them but got complaints about downloads not working. I then switched to DropBox (with a pro account) but still get complaints about downloads not working. In your experience, what is the best file sharing site to deliver digital products?
#devlivering #files #products #sharing #site
  • Profile picture of the author garmahis
    Originally Posted by gwpmike View Post

    I am selling my own digital products with JVZoo. I started off using MediaFire (a pro account) to store the products and deliver them but got complaints about downloads not working. I then switched to DropBox (with a pro account) but still get complaints about downloads not working. In your experience, what is the best file sharing site to deliver digital products?
    Why are you not using JZZoo built in digital download delivery?
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    • Profile picture of the author gwpmike
      Originally Posted by garmahis View Post

      Why are you not using JZZoo built in digital download delivery?
      File size. Also because I can send customers to a form so I can build a list of people who purchased the product
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  • We used to receive allot of "download doesn't work" emails in the past. After investigation, 99% of the time it was never related to the download itself.

    Either the customer had never experienced purchasing a zip file before and had trouble opening it, or their download was interrupted from their end due to slow internet access, etc etc.

    Also, for every 100 customer "thank you's," we would get the occasional "file is corrupt" email. This also relates to their version of Winzip or other. Adding Step by step instructions have dramatically reduced these incidents. As in, "click here, download here, do this, then that, if you can't do this, then try that, ...."
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
    "I LOVE The Song! The Vibe Is Positive And Firm!" - Kymani Marley. (Son of Bob Marley).

    "Very High Quality!" Jeremy Harding - Manager / Producer. Sean Paul.
    "They Are FANTASTIC!" - Willie Crawford.

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