My UK Bank charges me for receiving Clickbank Cheques

14 replies
Hi Guys

I have just recently started receiving Clickbank Cheques and I was wondering how people in the UK receive their money.

The reason being I just banked a small cheque for $71 and instead of receiving the £43 I was expecting on current exchange ratesnI received just £33 after bank charges. Does anyone have a way round this.

Thanks Anton
#bank #charges #cheques #clickbank #receiving
  • Profile picture of the author billythekid
    Im trying to sign up to clickbank at the moment?
    Is it any good as an affiliate programe? Would you recommend them?
    Im experiencing errors on their site and keep on entering the validation code to get my affiliate id but nothing happens.

    Sorry i don't have an answer for you. can they send the money via paypal?
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  • Profile picture of the author billythekid
    if you have a friend in america that you trust, perhaps get them to pay it in and send via western union (charges may be less??)
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  • Profile picture of the author Melanie Crouse
    Once you have received 3 cheques in a 12 week period, you can change your payment method to direct deposit. That might eliminate the bank fees.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    As far as I know all UK banks charge fees for cashing cheques paid in dollars. I really wish Clickbank could get with the program and start paying via PayPal.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jenni Mac
      Yep go for direct deposits when you meet the requirements: after 3 paper cheques.

      My bank charges me £8 to cash them, but if you save up the cheques and cash them all together - which is what I do - you only get charged the once. Cash them individually and you get charged for each.

      I've just opened a new CB account and so it's a pain to have to go back to cheques - especially when the cheque gets lost between the UK and States and then CB charges you $20 to cancel the cheque and reissue it! One month and counting waiting for this one cheque to turn up!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kat Fuschillo

    I'm from the UK too and I remember what a pain it was to cash those cheques. Not only do you have to pay, but it takes ages!

    As soon as you receive that third check, go to your account settings and change your payment method to Direct Deposit.

    I hope this helps


    Need Killer content? Head to

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  • Profile picture of the author Nigel Greaves
    Until you can get direct deposit you could use the NatWest they only charge £5 per cheque.

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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
    Originally Posted by anton343 View Post

    Hi Guys

    I have just recently started receiving Clickbank Cheques and I was wondering how people in the UK receive their money.

    The reason being I just banked a small cheque for $71 and instead of receiving the £43 I was expecting on current exchange ratesnI received just £33 after bank charges. Does anyone have a way round this.

    Thanks Anton
    Standard mode openendi for UK banks I'm afraid. While what they charge you may change the charge will be there I'm afraid. Lucky that after 3 cheques you can get paid electronically with charges.

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  • Profile picture of the author CBSnooper
    I changed my minimum payment figure in Clickbank to $500 to make it not hurt as much.

    Thanks for the tip, Nigel. The Halifax charge what seems like a billion pounds to cash a US cheque.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Dean
    In Australia the banks charge $10 Australian and take 4 weeks to clear!!

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  • Profile picture of the author jdjenkins
    Originally Posted by anton343 View Post

    Hi Guys

    I have just recently started receiving Clickbank Cheques and I was wondering how people in the UK receive their money.

    The reason being I just banked a small cheque for $71 and instead of receiving the £43 I was expecting on current exchange ratesnI received just £33 after bank charges. Does anyone have a way round this.

    Thanks Anton
    If you might be continuing to receive dollar cheques from various sources in the future, it is possible to open a dollar account at a UK bank, or the offshore option might be a good one,

    best wishes,

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