How Can I Deliver My Videos After Email Sign Up?

8 replies
So I am working on building a page to collect peoples emails. I am using Aweber and I am offering people access to 8 free videos once they sign up. My question is how should I deliver the videos to them?

I tried doing a private album with Vimeo and I was going to send them the link but that is not going to work out.
#deliver #email #sign #videos
  • Profile picture of the author LarryHaywood
    Why not just deliver a link to a page that has the videos on it? Or am I missing something?

    Doing what everyone else is doing? You'll get the same results... 97% fail. Are you a sheep or a wolf? My team and I are changing the game. It's not as hard to make it online as you might think. Let's connect and see if we can help you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mack
    Upload them to YouTube and make them private so only those who have access to the link can view them.
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    • Profile picture of the author masay
      Originally Posted by AffMack View Post

      Upload them to YouTube and make them private so only those who have access to the link can view them.
      and you can using amazon aws
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Antoniazzi
    Well I am trying to keep the videos private so people can not view them unless they have signed up with their email on my page.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
      Originally Posted by Alexbrightdog View Post

      Well I am trying to keep the videos private so people can not view them unless they have signed up with their email on my page.
      You'll want to make the videos unlisted so you can share a link with whomever you want. A video listed as private is viewable only by you.

      Periodically, you will want to take down the unlisted videos and upload again, so they have unique urls. If anyone is out there sharing links to your unlisted videos without permission, the shared links will be broken, so you can preserve the privacy of your videos and reserve for only subscribers.
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  • Profile picture of the author serryjw
    Can't you upload them to dropbox?
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  • Profile picture of the author auseek
    How about on your Thank You page.
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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    I try to make things as simple as possible.

    I create a monetized access page and at the top, make sure to mention:

    Here are your videos and don't forget the unannounced bonuses below!

    Then I will include links to the YouTube videos (I set them to be unlisted on YouTube so they can't be casually found) and then list said unannounced bonuses.

    Works great!
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