by P0tt3r
3 replies
Can anyone give me a quick run down and or point me in the righ direction as to getting people in the door from my online efforts. Any advice is better then none. unless its bad advice.
#car #dealership
  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    You seem to have a problem expressing yourself and maintaining connectivity of message to your users.

    For example, your subject says "car dealership" but your post says nothing about what kind of business you want people in the door for. I needed to reread the subject to see that you are talking about a car dealership.

    If your marketing materials are as brief, vague and confusing as your post then that is probably one reason you are not connecting to customers.

    You need to work on your communication and message you want to send.

    Start by framing the problem your customers has: No car? Old car? Poor credit? High existing car payments?

    Then show how you can help solve their problem: Gentle approach for new car buyers... easy finance no credit = no problem... we can refinance a new car and reduce your payments

    Then give a call to action: Call now and book a test drive... call now for a free credit review... visit our website for a free assessment.

    Then start advertising using your framed sales pitch and offer.

    A good idea is to use a consistent campaign and sales pitch across all media. Your radio and TV spots should have the same theme as your print and online ads.

    The other thing is you need to follow up leads. Once someone submits the form on the website, for example, they should be contacted directly to see if they need help (i.e. a car).
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    • Profile picture of the author P0tt3r
      Thank You. Your right.
      There are two types those that have a problem and those that want to be entertained. I have a better Idea of what i need to do THanks again!
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Here's another idea, based on a manual system an acquaintance of mine used to use.

        Unless people have an urgent need, collect info on what kind of car they are looking for (sedan, minivan, etc.), options, price range, etc.

        When you take a car in, compare it to your "looking for" file and contact the matches that you have what they said they were looking for and invite them to make an appointment to see it.

        This sends the subtle message that there may be competition for the car without saying it out loud.

        My acquaintance used to use an index card file, but a database would be more efficient.

        If you collected the information online, put the data in custom fields in your autoresponder. When you get a new car in, sort the list by people who match, then broadcast your message to them.
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