The most popular Niche

28 replies
Hi Fellow, what is the LATEST most popular Niche? Thanks
#niche #popular
  • No way to answer that with any accuracy. There are a number of 'up and coming' niches that could be huge though. Here are some that I can think of:

    Wearable technology (smart watches).
    advanced 3D Printing
    Commercial Space Vacations (several years out, but it will be big)

    Good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Originally Posted by cheehien View Post

    Hi Fellow, what is the LATEST most popular Niche? Thanks
    You tell me what's the most popular car and ill answer your question next

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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  • Profile picture of the author AndyCockayne
    It's a very difficult question to answer and there probably isn't a right answer and never will be because the world is constantly changing!

    You need to do your own research, look at sites like Amazon and see what is popular then 'think outside the box', put a twist on a popular product and research that maybe in terms of traffic...

    Sorry that I probably haven't really answered your question but like I said there isn't really a proper answer!

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    • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
      Originally Posted by AndyCockayne View Post

      It's a very difficult question to answer and there probably isn't a right answer and never will be because the world is constantly changing!

      You need to do your own research, look at sites like Amazon and see what is popular then 'think outside the box', put a twist on a popular product and research that maybe in terms of traffic...

      Sorry that I probably haven't really answered your question but like I said there isn't really a proper answer!

      Yes I`m totally agree with you, specially with the internet marketing industry, it is continuously growing and each day we can expect some niches may be suddenly appearing and probably others maybe disappearing
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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    This site can point you in the right direction: Google Trends (not an affiliate link).
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  • Profile picture of the author sparrow
    If you are going after the most popular niche prepare to do battle

    If everyone is using the same tools and metrics and your competing against
    people with a lot more resources why choose the most popular niche

    My recommendation is find a niche that has money in it without competition

    With the right metrics this is easy to find but takes work

    With the right tools it makes easier and faster

    So forget about what's popular but try find what still makes money and has the least competition if you are going to use organic search

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    • Profile picture of the author chrislewis217
      The most popular markets according to Eben Pagan and other sources I have heard are:


      If you relate your business to any of these, it's almost a sure way to have a high possibility of your business being successful. But of course there are plenty but those are the largest markets. It's not about "picking" a niche but more of discovering what needs are not being met by the market that people are dying for.
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      • Profile picture of the author pknerd
        Originally Posted by chrislewis217 View Post

        The most popular markets according to Eben Pagan and It's not about "picking" a niche but more of discovering what needs are not being met by the market that people are dying for.
        And this is the most difficult part. Specially for newcomers
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Hey There Fellow
    It's called doing your own research...

    Going for the "Most Popular" Niche is not necessarily the best idea, especially if you are starting out. You need to find a good Market and then find a profitable Niche within that market that you can exploit...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author WannaBeGeekster
    If you have to ask what the most popular niche is then you most likely do not have the experience to exploit that niche. There are tons of places you can go to where you will find out what is popular right now. It really depends on your past experience as well.

    What kind of sites can you build? That can really help narrow down what niches you should target.

    Do you have a budget to pay for marketing activities or will you be doing the work yourself? With any new venture having money to do PPC can help you test out your marketing message quickly and help generate revenue quickly. This buys you time to handle your SEO and organic rankings.

    There are several methods of marketing online. I would suggest picking a method to learn that you can successful do given your current situation. From there find a product to market that would work effectively for that method of marketing. Once you have mastered that technique you can move on to the next one. From there it is easier to go after the highest paying and most popular niches. Hopefully by then you have a large collection of web properties you can use to effectively advertise and market your newest offerings.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author mansoorwani
    To me, best niche is the niche where profit margin is high and potential of customers buying the product is high....irrespective of if product is tangible or digital one...

    For example the product I recommend has 100% profit margin...and high conversion ratio....

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    The most poopular niche is selling stuff to people who somehow believe that making money online requires no work.
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    • Profile picture of the author Samuel Adams
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      The most poopular niche is selling stuff to people who somehow believe that making money online requires no work.
      This 'get rich quick' niche will always be popular as there will always be new people getting online desperate to earn money fast with little effort. Maybe they can't get a real job or earn enough in an offline job or just lazy and don't want to put in the work. Whatever the reason, there will always be people willing to feed off that desperation. Sometimes those people are ethical and actually sell worthwhile information. Many times, not.

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  • Profile picture of the author pl256
    Fitness. Nothing comes close.

    Cooking is the next most popular.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Porn. Just type this single word into any search engine watch what comes up.
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    • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
      I would say Make Money Online and Weight Loss Niches.
      These are what the top IM Gurus are making most of there
      money from. But these niches are highly competitive.
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      • Profile picture of the author cheehien
        Originally Posted by hardworker2013 View Post

        I would say Make Money Online and Weight Loss Niches.
        These are what the top IM Gurus are making most of there
        money from. But these niches are highly competitive.
        Yes, MONEY and WEIGHT LOSS....

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  • Profile picture of the author Dmarketman
    Make Money Online
    Weight Loss
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    • Profile picture of the author cheehien
      Yes, i agreed...

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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    Some of the best places to find trends include Previous free Trend Briefings

    TREND HUNTER - #1 in Trends, 2014 Trend Reports, Fashion Trends, Tech, Style, Design & Pop Culture

    Google Trends

    But a good way to uncover trends *within* a niche is to search for your keyword at


    Try it. You'll see.
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  • Profile picture of the author gsinfovision
    Originally Posted by cheehien View Post

    Hi Fellow, what is the LATEST most popular Niche? Thanks
    That's the twisted way of saying Do My Keyword Research For Free!
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    The make money online niche is the fastest growing niches out there. Is it the biggest? I can not confirm that for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Leo de Waal
    People will always see competition, I believe you have to feel good about on you choose and go for that, promote it well and most important "believe in it"what the mind believes the mind can create" having competition doesn't mean all of them doing 100% well, alot of people try something that seems promising because alot are doing it and when see no result they lose motivation and stop or then make not so well news letters to promote their product - there is only 1 person that is important in anything you do, and that is YOU - your believe - your passion in it - your strategy - your will to learn HOW to do it better - The whole marketing business is not for all a get rich quick road - if you start from scratch you need traffic, that is your first strategy to learn HOW to do this, it is easy when you have a large list to have large sale in anything, cause people love to buy - we are addicted purchase stuff, cause it makes us feel good when purchased something new - wether it is a new weight loss program - health product or relationship booster....and when it didnt work, we just purchase something else- so to recap all: choose what feels good in your health nich whathas a good gravity so you know it is probably a good product there it has been tried out - and start believing you will help alot of people with it, make them happy with your product, and do good research about it so you can advice them with good content and honesty, never lie to your list, cause that will only harm you in the end - dont think about money, think about your list as family who you like to treat the best with all the products you search for THEM so they not have to search but can simply from trust buy from you or through you - hope this helps

    Kind regards
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      It seems many people on this thread is confusing a niche with a market - and using them interchangeably. To me a market is a category for example, weight loss, money making, hair care, etc.

      But a niche is an untapped, unmet, or under-served need within a market. That's where the money is.

      Big difference.

      So, from that angle I would say the most popular niche (right now) are products and services that help people preserve or protect what they already have.
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  • Profile picture of the author nikoll
    The most popular always ba webpages related to loans, investing and payday loans. But it's hard to create some new valuable content there, if you are not closely associated with the credit industry and don't provide such services. Other thing is, it's hard to do SEO in this niche, because competition is really big.
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    The most popular is making money online, but there is fierce competition. You cannot compete with so many experts.

    But, there are many newbies willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their financial freedom, so you will always find someone who will trust you, since there are so many ignorant beginners.

    This is the best advantage for internet marketers. There are many others. The internet is made for internet marketers.

    Wish I liked internet marketing so much. I tried to work in this field for a while and I made some money, but it was boring for me. If you don't have this problem, you should work on something related to making money online.

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  • Profile picture of the author cheehien
    Thanks all for your valuable input. But i am strongly believe MAKING money ONLINE still have a huge market. The problem is how we going to get into this high competitive market?

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