Trying to quit my job...Is this the right strategy?
The first month I followed a mentor and the past couple of weeks I have been driving traffic to my squeeze pages. I am providing my list with a ton of value and have already gotten emails from people saying they have lost weight and that my tips are really helping them...I am promoting click bank products in my follow-up sequence every week or so...I currently have a list of 170 people and have made 1 sale but that eventually got refunded (darn it!)...I have learned more in these past 2 months testing and tweaking everything than I have in the 2 years prior to building my list...
Anyways I was just wondering, am I on the right track to eventually making some decent income?
Should I keep driving traffic, testing my squeeze pages and products?
Is there anything else I can be doing?
Appreciate any advice,
(...And Make A Full Time Online Income By Using 3 Bulletproof Marketing Methods)
HELP NEEDED! My Mother And Her Brother have been taking care of the mother with the help of Hospice. He just had a Massive Heart Attack while taking a short vacation. My mother had to go to Florida from Indiana to be with her brother and is not financially stable from being off work to be with grandma. Any Help Would Be Appreciated. http://www.gofundme.com/vg5kt4c
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