After Heartbleed is your internet business still viable?

22 replies
Following the Heartbleed debacle what does everyone think how this affects the viability of an wholly internet dependent business?

It strikes me that this sort of global internet problem is possibly going to just get more and more frequent and serious. I think anyone who uses the internet for business should at least have a real world, off-line backup plan to continue business in the event of a cataclysmic internet failure.

If your whole business relies on the internet, I think building off-line elements or components into your business is no longer not only prudent, but quite possibly becoming essential.

What's the general feeling on this?
#business #heartbleed #internet #off line #viable
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Well, since nothing of mine got hacked and I have not felt any consequences due to it, I think the Internet will probably survive just fien.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jack Thomson
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Well, since nothing of mine got hacked and I have not felt any consequences due to it, I think the Internet will probably survive just fien.
      Same goes for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Lessard
    The internet is communication. There will always be some way to communicate and there will always be a way to adapt. Sure some systems could break for a while but I won't lose sleep over it because I know huge organizations lose sleep over it for me. If at some point we are facing the end of the world at that point where you sell your widgets does not really matter.

    There is also a difference between where you make your money and what you do with it after you made it. Internet business provides a mechanism for making absurd amounts of money with significant freedom of time and location. I suppose those that will worry more are the ones that have not extracted enough from their business to live if it all goes belly up tomorrow. Personally I have never seen any issue that did not have an opportunity behind it.

    If the web goes down I will start a carrier pigeon service :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author 10kaday
    there always will be something like the internet and things come along like the heartbleed we take a hit and bounce back
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  • Profile picture of the author Geeked Labs
    My generation would rather lose a finger than lose their precious internet. I'm not worried at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    I believe the internet will be fine. In fact, millions of websites/online businesses weren't affected at all. My banks, websites, companies I work with... weren't affected one bit.

    But of course, it was a huge scare.

    But yes, having offline aspects to your business is a wise thing.

    Me personally, I have an office and we do a lot of offline advertising as well. But we're big enough to have those things.

    My first few years, I was completely 100% online. No offline aspects and did fine. For anyone new, just focus on the internet at first, and once you're making money you can then decide whether or not to do some things offline.
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    • Profile picture of the author GaryBurke
      Probably like most of these Internet is going to be hacked emails the virus is the link you click to read more or fix it.

      I wasnt affected nor do I know any banks or big companies who were.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    You protect yourself the best way you know how and get on with it.

    Fortune favors the bold, not the frightened.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Always remember that the news business thrives on chaos and crisis. Even the name given to this bug is meant to monger fear.

      Anyone else remember Y2K, when the world economy was going to collapse, power grids were going to shutdown, and planes were going to simply drop out of the sky because a computer couldn't read a date? Anyone remember how many charlatans made big bucks "curing" the problem?
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  • Profile picture of the author betterwtveter
    It will be hard for the internet to collapse. It is such as essential necessity that if it drops, it will easily come back. The world evolves around the internet, so it will be essential to keep it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Dinero
    I would not worry, the internet is not going anywhere anytime soon. It is wise to invest a fraction of your online earnings in offline business though
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  • Profile picture of the author flyingdutch
    Internet, or more precisely, the TCP/IP protocol was designed from the beginning to continue to operate even in the case of a nuclear attack. And as far as the application www is concerned (which is build on top of TCP/IP), there are 15 BILLION pages out there. Cannot imagine that anything significant will/may/can happen, due to an attack/virus or whatever.

    And to bring this back into real-world perspective: How many real stores have a backup plan in case of war/flooding/tornadoes/earth quakes etc.etc. ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
    Young Carl: Have you heard about this Internet thing?
    Young Lenny: Internet?
    Young Carl: Yeah, its the inner netting they invented to line swim trunks. It provides a comforting snugness.
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  • Profile picture of the author pdrs
    The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

    Oh wait... no it's not.

    I'm sure Twitter, facebook and the like aren't too worried about building "offline components" into their business model.

    It's a bug, it'll get patched, then someone will find another one, and someone will patch it... and so on...

    It's a cost of doing business these days.

    Instead of building any offline components, I'd be more concerned with my backup system and how I effectively manage my passwords (which you should be changing frequently anyways).
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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    I barely noticed HeartBleed at all... just like I don`t notice most of the small earthquake tremors we frequently get here in Lima

    I think the Internet will be just fine (it has lots of smart people supporting it who want it to be doing well).
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  • Profile picture of the author xpesos
    There is not a single reason that internet business is not viable after that

    As long as sun is shining, earth is rotating nothing to worry about, they will always find a way to get this internet business thing going,
    There is some big % of worlds wealth in it and some most richest people involved, they would not let it blow up
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  • Profile picture of the author oymate
    You should really replace your SSL certs just to be safe.
    I heard Geotrust had a special Heartbleed discount going on, as well as Godaddy for affected clients...
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  • Profile picture of the author LiveChatSoftware
    Cant see any problems here either.

    Out systems were not vulnerable and our customers haven't shown any sign of problems with the site..

    So I don't think we have any major problems and im sure the internet will survive.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    I'm not worried about it at all because to be perfectly honest if all of my sites, squeeze pages, basically my entire business disappeared tomorrow I have the knowledge and financial backup to get it back up and running in less than a week. As long as I have backups of my subscriber lists I'll have money coming in.
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  • Profile picture of the author themusiccoach
    Here is the deal, your bank and every place you rely on will go down too so unless you have the fallout shelter stocked I would carry on my wayward son and realize that stuff happens and then we recover.

    Kyle O

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