You're an Affiliate for Amazon. Great. How do you gain a following?

by GGpaul
10 replies
Okay, so I see that there are tons of us that are affiliates for Amazon. My question is, do YOU guys own the product? I'm trying to think how in the hell do you gain a big following in social media and what not if you don't even own the product? I mean, anyone can write a review grab pics of the product and post it on their site. And then they do the same thing on FB, but I don't see how that's effective or how the heck you're going to get more likes / followers from that.

I would THINK that having the actual product and doing a cool review can definitely get you more of a following since people really see you're into the product or NOT into the product.

Unless I'm missing something in regards to where you guys post something else on your fb page to get more likes and follows?

Help me out here. I'm trying to figure out how I can market / brand a site where I monetize through Amazon. Unless of course my site doesn't involve JUST amazon review pages.

Sorry if I'm talking all over the place, don't have time to review my writing at work . Thanks guys.
#affiliate #amazon #gain #great
  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    If you plan on utilizing social media, avoid review sites and become your own brand, targeting the demographic that would use the products you want to promote.

    For example, if I want to promote laptops, maybe I'd build a brand around online gaming, build a following, and then market gaming laptops to my readers. If I want to promote camping equipment, I'd build a brand around camping. The possibilities are endless.
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    • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      If you plan on utilizing social media, avoid review sites and become your own brand, targeting the demographic that would use the products you want to promote.

      For example, if I want to promote laptops, maybe I'd build a brand around online gaming, build a following, and then market gaming laptops to my readers. If I want to promote camping equipment, I'd build a brand around camping. The possibilities are endless.

      That's what I'm thinking. For instance, I have a fitness blog. Every now and then I'll be writing a review about the latest prework out and put an affiliate link in it from Amazon.

      That's why I steered away from amazon review sites and I just now have a full on blown out blog.

      RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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  • Profile picture of the author workoutstuff1
    You can set up a Facebook fan page, and work to drive traffic to it. You can also think of some interesting video ideas, and work to make a video go viral with links to Amazon products in the body of the video description.
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
    Check out Lynn Terry ClickNewz! Internet Marketing Blog | by Lynn Terry

    She didn't start out developing her own products instead she focused on affiliate marketing and developing a loyal following of people based from her desire to genuinely help people.

    There are quite a few people like that out there. If you focus on acquiring and getting "FOLLOWERS" you will end up tanking your efforts and get the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

    Take a look at Youtube for examples of people selling by fan base.
    Here is one example: PrettyKeli - YouTube

    Watch her video on how she builds her business here

    It doesn't matter if it is Amazon, Clickbank etc.. OR your own products. The methods are the same. If you watch the second video I linked you will hear most of the things that you already know and have heard about marketing.

    These are just real examples of people that actually use that knowledge, there is no surprise or big secrets. Just take action on the knowledge you already have but for those of you that need examples and proof that this works just take a look at Lynn Terry and "PrettyKelli."
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    The problem for many with building a brand is that although it can be built into a very stable business, it takes effort and real content. Many marketers on these forums are allergic to work. I see this all the time - my lower-end Amazon review sites sell like hotcakes but my slightly more expensive branded community sites are a struggle to sell.

    I can only assume that it's because the review sites are "easy" work - just post reviews (which people typically just rewrite from Amazon) while the branded community sites require some additional costs and more effort.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      The problem for many with building a brand is that although it can be built into a very stable business, it takes effort and real content. Many marketers on these forums are allergic to work. I see this all the time - my lower-end Amazon review sites sell like hotcakes but my slightly more expensive branded community sites are a struggle to sell.

      I can only assume that it's because the review sites are "easy" work - just post reviews (which people typically just rewrite from Amazon) while the branded community sites require some additional costs and more effort.
      Totally makes sense. I just get bored for doing "review sites". That's my issue. I want to do more than that. I got all the tools, learned a lot might as well do it.

      RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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    • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post

      The problem for many with building a brand is that although it can be built into a very stable business, it takes effort and real content. Many marketers on these forums are allergic to work. I see this all the time - my lower-end Amazon review sites sell like hotcakes but my slightly more expensive branded community sites are a struggle to sell.

      I can only assume that it's because the review sites are "easy" work - just post reviews (which people typically just rewrite from Amazon) while the branded community sites require some additional costs and more effort.

      Any type of effort involved will not go over at all in the warriors. Has always been that way and will always be that way. I wouldn't focus too much on selling on this site, instead focus on marketing to the general public.

      If you put together the right combo you can make a lot of sales here but you also will have instant competition from everyone reselling and cloning your product whether you want that to happen or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii

    I wouldn't say that's entirely true. I mean, while there is a large segment of people who want to push a button, there are many that are willing to put forth effort. Much depends who you market to here and how you do it.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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    • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
      Originally Posted by wolfmmiii View Post


      I wouldn't say that's entirely true. I mean, while there is a large segment of people who want to push a button, there are many that are willing to put forth effort. Much depends who you market to here and how you do it.
      Right, there will always be a certain small percentage of people that will have no problem with.. cough cough "work" BUT in my over decade of membership to this forum the vast majority have an adverse reaction to it.

      GGPaul, I have no doubt you are a hard worker and are not remotely like this as well as many others that come here. I just can't get past the vast personal experience of dealing with hundreds of people over the years I met from this forum and paid to do work, partnered on projects with that turned out have no work ethic. I am getting off topic and don't mean to sound so sour, it just gags me to see that type of behavior and it is rampant here.

      I have no doubt you will be successful, I just have one of those feelings that you will make it.

      Best to you and your success!

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  • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
    I know I'm willing to put in the effort. Especially after seeing how online marketing is handled through a 9-5.

    RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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