How to move my 60k email subscribers to a new list?

2 replies
Hi Warriors!
I have a jewelry company with quite a few email subscribers. Over 60k. Really only maybe 10k are active.

I'm starting a new business that will have a blog, email list, social media where I teach and share information about building businesses and an overall fulfilling life.

I would like to convert these subscribers from one list to another. What is the best way to do this?

Options I see so far:
1 - Simply copy them over and start a new list (isn't this considered spam? Plus I would have LOT of useless emails in this list since already most aren't active)
2 - Email everyone in the jewelry company with an offer to opt into this new list (low conversion rate?)
3 - send an email saying you are now opted into the new list, click here to opt out (Same issue as #1 - lots of useless emails and wasted money to email people who aren't actually interested)

Not to through a wrench in this, but I may be selling the jewelry company soon, so I want to be sure to be able to legally email them them once I sell the company (and the list with it).

What are your thoughts? What are better ways to do this?

Thanks Warriors!
#60k #email #list #move #subscribers
  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    2 and 3 are good... I had a list of over 10K people a few years back in a market that I was no longer going to be active in. I wanted to transition these people into a more mainstream market.

    So what I did was send 3 days or so of emails that simply introduced them to what I was going to be sending them from now on. They can always unsubscribe... and after the 3rd day, I started sending them emails pertaining to the new niche/market.

    I had another list awhile back as well, smaller list, that I wanted to transition the subs to another niche/market and what I did with that was send them an email with a link to the squeeze page. Had a good transition with quite a few of those subs subscribing to the new niche/market list.
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    • Profile picture of the author Melissahoster
      Don't move the list. Its just too troublesome. Introduce them to your new offer and hope they like the new stuff.
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