Warning about Outbrain widget

by bgr
2 replies
I wanted to warn people about using the outbrain widget that you can install on your website and share content from accross the internet.

It suppose to increase traffic as you share your content across the internet. I have been weary of this claim since it actually just infers this. I thought I would do a nice little test on a few sites just in case I am missing something.

Over the last month I ran the widget. here is my results

I sent just under 4000 clicks through the system. In return I got less then 2000. So basicaly they stole 2000 clicks. It was pretty close to 50%. If I received as much as I sent I would say it's a great widget but losing 50% is pretty huge loss.

That can add up to quite a bit of money. My ad revenue was dropping and I figured on those sites guess what the click on this widget was going up.

So beware of this widget if you have it. When it started it only recommended sites within my site. I also had all the sponsered listings turned off since they send the money to charity.
#outbrain #warning #widget
  • Profile picture of the author awledd
    Can this be an issue of relevancy?
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    Thanks for the info. That's good to know.

    I don't use the Outbrain widget, but I don't think it's a total loss.

    Chances are you'd likely not have monetized that 4,000 clicks because they were at the bottom of the post; however, you may very well have earned from the 2,000 visitors you received that wouldn't have received without participating in the Outbrain network.

    That said, you could test an ad or something in the place of the Outbrain widget and if you earn more than you would with Outbrain traffic, discontinue the Outbrain widget.

    On a related matter, I buy Outbrain traffic and it's very profitable for me. Outbrain visitors are excellent - they spend an above-average amount of time on my site and view an above-average amount of pages per visit... plus the revenue is a positive ROI.

    Give buying the traffic a shot with Outbrain.

    FYI - I'm not affiliated with Outbrain, just a happy customer.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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