Start up of Forum or Classified ads site

7 replies
Hello Guys! The last months I tried many times to built some sites but I have one common problem. The start up of one forum or one classified ads site. Both of them they want visitors in forum you want members to make posts that is the most important thing in forum because the post is the main stuff of it and the people when the forum is empty just exit of it. The same with classified ads site if you don't have any ads 90% of visitors they will not add any listing. I can't sort out that. Any advise is welcome.

thank you guys!:confused:
#ads #classified #forum #site #start
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    With a classifieds site you rely on others for the success, but, with a forum you can control it and grow it on your own.

    Just my thoughts


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author RSK3000
      Forums can take a lot of time to build up.

      You need to put a lot of content into the forum from day 1 and add more all the time so that people have something to read and respond to - posting multiple questions daily is best, until there is a good sized active membership.

      Also, its not unknown for forum owners to create a few 'fake' members and have discussions between the fake members just to make the forum look busy.

      Blog Post: Why You Need Multiple Streams Of Income, NOW!
      For more internet marketing hints and tips follow me on Twitter - @TheIncomeSherpa

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  • Profile picture of the author dejaone
    Originally Posted by angelosKy View Post

    Hello Guys! The last months I tried many times to built some sites but I have one common problem. The start up of one forum or one classified ads site. Both of them they want visitors in forum you want members to make posts that is the most important thing in forum because the post is the main stuff of it and the people when the forum is empty just exit of it. The same with classified ads site if you don't have any ads 90% of visitors they will not add any listing. I can't sort out that. Any advise is welcome.

    thank you guys!:confused:
    You could create many users and posts yourself or use a forum posting service to warm it up. I see many forum sites in 10k Alexa traffic rank still create usernames to ask questions to get forum users engaged. The challenge is traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
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    • Profile picture of the author angelosKy
      Originally Posted by hpgoodboy View Post

      Start up of Forum or Classified ads site sounds good but it's not that easy.

      The way to start one of those is to chose a narrow enough niche, get it going and then expand.
      Do you have any experience in this sector? My forum is about Forex trading. Do you believe that is narrow enough?
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    I am also in favor of starting a forum. Yes, it is right that growing a forum is very challenging task but if you are able to manage it than its really worth for you.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author TelZilla
    Both of those types of sites can be profitable, but both require a tremendous amount of work. If you aren't serious about giving it all you have for the next 2+ years, don't bother with them and pick something else that doesn't require that level of commitment.
    Don't get so wrapped up in making money that you forget the important things in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author rrnaziur51
    It's a great Idea. You are genius!!!
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