Reviewing TV and Movies- Legal Issuies

1 replies
Hey there!

Being a huge TV series enthusiast and a frequent movie goer, I am thinking of adding a "Reviews" section on my site for movies and TV series.

My question though is about the legal issues concerning the use of screenshots,posters,trailers and clips from the movies and series.

I see many sites like IMDB, Rotten Potatoes and IGN doing it on a daily basis. Of course they have been on the market for a long time and have become the go to sources for movies/TV reviews.
However, everybody need to start somewhere.

How do you think they begun with the reviews? Can I buy the movies or series and screenshot for clips and screens for my review articles? Will it suffice to mention the source of the screen and maybe add a link to Amazon for the product?
#issuies #legal #movies #reviewing
  • Profile picture of the author LABEShops
    Studios release movie poster images for publicity so anything from the official movies website (or tv series website) can be shared without issue. The only thing you cannot share really are things from other sites that are "exclusive to..." and they usually state that in the article or caption. As long as you are using the images to promote the movie/series it's from (a review is considered promotion), you are fine. I used to regularly get press kits from studios for their releases that included download links or cds of images.

    (If you review any scifi-fantasy titles, feel free to submit them to me to I could use a good reviewer )

    Owner of & 20+ Niche Online Stores as well as and other sites. Recommended Host: Evolve

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