Pre-launching a WSO and finding affiliates?

13 replies
As many of you are now aware I am very new to the WF (as a member) but have been developing some products that I would eventually like to sell as WSOs.

With my new status comes a stigma we're all aware of and I will be working hard every day to provide value to the WF community and build relationships. To plan for launch day of my first WSO I have decided to set aside a pre-launch date that affiliates can send out to their buyers to create buzz.

My biggest questions are:

1. How far in advance of pre-launch and launch should I actively be seeking affiliates?

2. Is there somewhere I should be connecting with affiliates to get them on board?

3. When should pre-launch be scheduled in relation to the actual launch date?

Thanks all in advance!
#affiliates #finding #prelaunching #wso
  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    1. About a month

    2. there are a lot of jv boards around...try Muncheye.

    3. About a week before...according to the complexity of the pre-launch.

    Hope that helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author SlicedGenius
      Welcome to the world of WSOs!
      I've just launched my second, and you learn new things all the time.

      I would agree with the previous responses in general.

      Just a few pointers I would add:

      - WarriorPlus is just one platform to pick that has a built in affiliate marketplace. You can also try JVZoo - and there are others.
      - For your announcements, also try and Definitely agree that Muncheye is a must use - as well as their official FB group.
      - Also check these sites to see how many other launches are already scheduled for your chosen time - and if any are similar in nature that might dilute your sales.
      - Announcement and pre-launch windows should also take into consideration how much pre-launch material you have to share (videos, email swipes, FB groups, contests etc) so that you can keep up regular communication in the lead up to launch.
      - The lead up will also need to be longer if you have a big-ticket item (high price tag) as there will need to be more pre-selling to ensure healthy sales.

      Finally, I would add that when it comes to affiliates, you want quality over quantity. It's very easy to assume the more the merrier and the worst case will be that some affiliates don't sell anything. But if they mispromote your product, it will saturate your stats and make it seem less successful (e.g. lots of visitors to the product not buying it) and this can also lead to higher refund rates.

      Hope this helps!

      PS - pbarbanes: thanks for sharing your FB Group - looks promising!
      Hot Topics PLR Pack - Get five high quality, exclusive reports on some of the hottest topics in IM. Complete with squeeze pages and e-covers.
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      • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
        Originally Posted by SlicedGenius View Post

        Welcome to the world of WSOs!
        I've just launched my second, and you learn new things all the time.

        I would agree with the previous responses in general.

        Just a few pointers I would add:

        - WarriorPlus is just one platform to pick that has a built in affiliate marketplace. You can also try JVZoo - and there are others.
        - For your announcements, also try and Definitely agree that Muncheye is a must use - as well as their official FB group.
        - Also check these sites to see how many other launches are already scheduled for your chosen time - and if any are similar in nature that might dilute your sales.
        - Announcement and pre-launch windows should also take into consideration how much pre-launch material you have to share (videos, email swipes, FB groups, contests etc) so that you can keep up regular communication in the lead up to launch.
        - The lead up will also need to be longer if you have a big-ticket item (high price tag) as there will need to be more pre-selling to ensure healthy sales.

        Finally, I would add that when it comes to affiliates, you want quality over quantity. It's very easy to assume the more the merrier and the worst case will be that some affiliates don't sell anything. But if they mispromote your product, it will saturate your stats and make it seem less successful (e.g. lots of visitors to the product not buying it) and this can also lead to higher refund rates.

        Hope this helps!

        PS - pbarbanes: thanks for sharing your FB Group - looks promising!
        Thanks for your tips and especially the names of the places where to check for other launches (and for potential affiliates)!

        FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

        Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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  • Profile picture of the author globalexperts
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    • Profile picture of the author calidream217
      thats a good question....hopefully someone will drop by and enlighten us
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  • Profile picture of the author sovannachuon
    Excellent questions and answer. I am new in WF as well. My goal is to launch my own product one day. This is a good reference.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Tandan
    There are numerous JV facebook groups out there as well. Do a search - some require approval for acceptance, others are open. Just be sure to read and follow their posting guidelines. Could be a good source!
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    This will help with recruiting affiliates. The key is exposure...

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Affiliate relationships are something you should be working on constantly. If your goal is to just 'get affiliates on board' then it will never work very well for you. The type of affiliates you want promoting your offers already have strong relationships with many vendors and so you need to do some intense relationship building to break through that. It takes time. At this stage you should be asking yourself what you can do for them long before you expect them to promote your products.
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20

    1. Try listing your launch at: and to get some
    affiliates on board.

    2. Try to think about giving away 100% commissions on the front end
    especially if you have some back end offers in place so you can make
    some BIG back end sales from all the traffic that they send you.

    3. Make sure you have everything in place before your pre launch and then
    create your pre launch in conjunction with that.

    You'll then have a clear picture of when you actually want to launch.

    You'll also want to avoid the BIG gun launches too so you may want to
    set your launch date on a day where you stand a chance to get your
    launch noticed a lot more and not over SHADOWED by the bigger
    launches that come out often.
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    • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
      If you're new and you haven't got many connections yet, here's something that might help out a little:
      Get as many people as you can on your early bird list in your pre launch period. If you have a killer product that will genuinly help people, they will want to check it out asap. The best you can do is to build some scarcity with a price increase so the first people get it much cheaper.

      That seems an obvious thing to do, but what happens then when you launch and you send an email to your early bird list that you're live, is that your thread will get flooded with people genuinly interested in your product. This will result in a very high EPC for affiliates, which will result in more people promoting your product
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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    Step 1.) Announce at WSO Launch sites.

    MunchEye – I.M. Product Launch Calendar
    Warrior JV

    2.) Join and network at

    3.) Buy other product creator's products and send them your feedback. It's a great way to get on their radar for when you are ready to launch yourself.

    4.) In the future, build up a buyers list and then let them know when your latest is coming down the road. Offer a prelaunch discount. etc.etc.etc.

    5.) If possible, give away 100% on the FE to build that list. Do your best to have a converting OTO so you can profit as well.

    6.) Add your launch announcements to Skype JV rooms as well.

    Hope that helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Carrie W
    Thank you everyone so much for all the great advice! It looks like I've got my work cut out for me!
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    • Profile picture of the author skyla
      Here's an example from my own experience. When I first started out with my PLR store I just wrote up offers and ran them as a WSO. I was lucky to make 30 sales at a time.

      I then took advantage of a coaching program where I learned the importance of building relationships with other people. This should be started as soon as you start your own business. Look for the trend setters in your niche, buy their products and leave reviews. Every day you should try and connect with other marketers.

      The advantage of this is that when it is time to launch your products you will find that these people will be more open to being your affiliates. I can't stress how important this is.

      Now back to my story. After taking a 6 week coaching program and having learned how to build relationships I launched another product. I sold 250 copies of that one, all because I had affiliates on board.

      You don't need tons of affiliates, two or three affiliates can send you a boat load of traffic.

      I hope this has helped you and feel free to ask if you have any other questions.
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