Gamified network affiliate marketing website for social impact?
50% of the monetary payout from the affiliate links would be kept by the website to build the business, and 50% would go to a charity of the users' choosing.
Instead of the monetary payout for affiliate purchases, users would receive points and badges in recognition of click-throughs and purchases they get others to make. Ideally, the amount of social media interactions (likes, shares, retweets, pins, comments, etc.) would also be measured and rewarded with points and badges.
The library of products and websites that users could promote would be community curated based on a fixed set of criteria evaluating social and environmental impact.
1. Is it legal, ethical, and technically possible to generate custom affiliate links for my website's users that would track their online influence individually, but deposit the monetary payout for their affiliate purchases in my website's bank account?
2. What is the cheapest and easiest way to create a gamified network marketing website like this where users promote curated affiliate products and websites, ideally using open-source solutions?
I really appreciate your time and advice. Thank you.