USFreeAds & Craigslist Traffic to Adsense Content Site?

2 replies
Has anyone tried sending traffic from Craigslist and USFreeAds to your Adsense Content site?
What were your results like?
#adsense #content #craigslist #site #traffic #usfreeads
  • Profile picture of the author Simon_Sezs
    I haven't tried USFreeAds but have tried Craigslist with marginal results. The only downside to sending traffic via craigslist is that you almost have to "fake" a product. The upside is that you get targeted traffic interested in whatever you are peddling.

    I only go with adsense on my craigslist sites IF other monetization formats don't convert.
    "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." Ben Franklin
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    • Profile picture of the author Johnson Tay
      Originally Posted by Simon_Sezs View Post

      I haven't tried USFreeAds but have tried Craigslist with marginal results. The only downside to sending traffic via craigslist is that you almost have to "fake" a product. The upside is that you get targeted traffic interested in whatever you are peddling.

      I only go with adsense on my craigslist sites IF other monetization formats don't convert.
      If it's okay to reveal, how much did you make?

      Also, would it be realistic to expect traffic INSTANTLY, I mean within the first couple of minutes of posting your ad?
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