ALERT: Woothemes Credit Card Fraud

5 replies
Please be aware that if you have had a recent transaction with Woo Themes your credit card may have been compromised. I have had seven fraudulent transactions on my account as a direct result of my purchase there. Woo Themes has also sent out an alert. Please be sure to check your accounts.
#alert #card #credit #fraud #woothemes
  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Millbrath
    Thanks for the update, do you know how long the danger goes back?
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  • Profile picture of the author realdude
    They mentioned three days but my purchase was on April 2nd and the fraud started on the 6th. Here is what they said:

    Steps we’ve taken:

    We contacted Sucuri who have conducted a code & security audit
    We requested a full review by our host and payment gateway
    We updated our SSL certificate
    As a pre-cautionary measure we changed our payment gateway to a completely offsite payment method – being PayPal Express.

    Sucuri discovered 3 modified files on our server pointing towards an attack. It can not be said this is the reason for any leaked credit card information, and investigations continue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Millbrath
    Okay great that is about the time I purchased from them. I will have to check my records. Thanks for the info.
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  • Profile picture of the author realdude
    Chris, appreciate your comment but not entirely accurate. When your clients use Woocommerce they select their own payment gateway. Most use Paypal with the transaction being completed on the Paypal site. The other "built-in" option is Mijireh which gives your clients access to over 90 PCI compliant gateways, including Authorize.Net and Stripe.

    You also have the option of adding an SSL and using one of their payment gateway plug-ins.

    Point-in-fact just about every major company gets hacked. It is our responsibility to update, monitor and correct any issues we find.
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