6 replies
Morning Warriors,

I run a local classified ads website and I've been trying to monetize it a bit more. Now, I have google adsense and average about 3-7$ a day and I've patiently made 350$ to this day. I have 327 local & verified e-mails registered to my website and get about 100-200 local users browsing the site. My MaxBounty ads have been running for 3 days and have not brought any profit.

Should I e-mail the users with offers or way until I gain more emails?
#classifieds #local
  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    if your email list is huge then you can do it. Otherwise wait until it grows little more.
    Bloggershook.com- Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Achieve2Lead
    What would you consider "huge"
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    huge means if you have more than 1000
    Bloggershook.com- Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Assignmentwriter
    Grow your list first after start email marketing
    Prospring launch offering a 100 Million in Prizes and stacks of benefits each week.

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    • Profile picture of the author Wealthyclark
      I wouldn't advertise anything to a list that's not related to the reason they subscribed. Just my opinion

      Wishing you much success,
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Bagley
    What difference does it make whether the list is big or small? By sending them stuff you keep them alive, you can see what they like and what they don't. Why do you have them for if you do not talk to them? They registered to your site, they expect to receive something from you.
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