Where to sell High DA/PA domains?

2 replies
I've worked out a pretty good method for finding domains with a 20+ DA/PA and a clean link profile. I'm not interested in building out my PBN any more at this time, but wouldn't mind unloading some of the extras I have laying around.

Does anyone know of a good marketplace to sell these? Would the WSO forum be an appropriate place to try to get rid of these?

Thanks in advance!
#da or pa #domains #file not found. #high #sell
  • Profile picture of the author domainingin
    We would be interested to purchase any PA40+ and DA 30+ to purchase provided their are claen.

    Links and Majestic TF are what Pass Authority and Rankings NOT PR / DA or PA!
    Domain Scraper and FREE Majestic metrics now available in ONE-Day-Trial of DomainMetricsTool
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    You know where to buy them but not sell them?
    No the WSO forum is probably not the best place, there are so many places:
    Godaddy,Sedo,Afternic,eBay etc.
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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