Anyone Here Ever Tried Outbrain?

4 replies
Has anyone here ever tried Outbrain (Outbrain) to get their web content/articles distributed and for getting traffic?

If so, how has it been? Is it worth it? I tried to look up the prices, but it doesn't seem to list it on their site.

Thanks .
#outbrain #prices #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author CynthiaC
    You have to contact them directly for pricing.

    I hear good things about them.

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  • Profile picture of the author The_Idea_Gal
    I have not tried it yet, but recently took a look at it, heard it was good and was considering getting it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    Yes, we tried it last year on multiple niches. We really wanted to get one of our health/fitness properties on there however, at the time, they didn't allow anything to do with weight loss. That could've changed however.

    We did it on a more mainstream niche and worked well for us. It simply comes down to testing. And be sure that your web property is allowed.
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    • Profile picture of the author davidhorph
      Originally Posted by JCorp View Post

      Yes, we tried it last year on multiple niches. We really wanted to get one of our health/fitness properties on there however, at the time, they didn't allow anything to do with weight loss. That could've changed however.

      We did it on a more mainstream niche and worked well for us. It simply comes down to testing. And be sure that your web property is allowed.
      Did they ever give you a price quote for their services? Thanks.
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