Incredibly low Amazon conversion rate

by Harar
15 replies
So I have an excellent clickthrough rate but have a really really low conversion rate.
The past 3 days I have had 1337 clicks, and only 1 sale bringing it to a brilliant 0.07% conversion rate.
The products I put to sale are highly relevant to what my website is about. A lot of people click on it so they must be interested.
So, is 0.07% really that terrible or pretty common?
How can I increase it?

If you have any question in order to help me better don't hesitate.
Thank you very much for your time
#amazon #conversion #incredibly #low #rate
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9222684].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    It is highly likely that your traffic is not coming from USA or any local Amazon countries.

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgoe
    I`ve had some really tough times with amazon as well. Just keep adding value to your website, and in time your website will get known to a point that laser targeted traffic will visit and will convert better. At this point it`s probably just one of the millions of websites on the internet.
    Worked as a senior editor on, experienced in financial topics
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  • Profile picture of the author blueclcl
    What is the reviews like for the product?
    3 stars 4 stars?
    Free cheat sheet for getting your first paying writing client on Upwork within 7 days - Learn More [/B]
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Welcome to the program. Just add 4% an incredibly low percent commission. That is why it is hard to make money on amazon. Do the math on this one. Sell an e-book and get pennies. It is easier to profit from sad sense. Why people work so hard to make billionaire Jeff Bezos even richer is still a major mystery to me.
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    • Profile picture of the author Harar
      First of all, thanks for all the answers.

      Well, 95% of my visitors are french and it's linked to so this should not be the problem.

      The visitors come mainly from refferal (non-paid) and organic.
      The reviews of the products are all good, they are popular products on amazon.

      Basically it's a french website on how to get better at league of legends and I sell gaming gear (headset, keyboard, mouse etc).
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      • Profile picture of the author kilgore
        Originally Posted by Harar View Post

        Basically it's a french website on how to get better at league of legends and I sell gaming gear (headset, keyboard, mouse etc).
        It sounds like you're catching your users too early in the buying process. People come to your shop to get better at gaming, not to shop. Maybe they see the products you're advertising and are curious enough to click. But most of them already have keyboards and headsets and while they might be interested in upgrading at some point, they're not ready to pull the trigger right away. They look at the products on Amazon say to themselves, "That looks great, maybe I'll buy it when I get my paycheck next month" and move on.

        Unfortunately, that doesn't work with Amazon's 24-hour cookie. Moreover, if it were me, I'd probably try to find some other reviews of whatever item I was thinking of buying. Maybe I read someone's blog about it. I click back to Amazon from there and *boom* that blog just stole your Amazon cookie.

        Despite what seobro says, it really is possible to make decent money with Amazon -- but he's certainly right that it's not for everyone. My site is completely different than yours and I really don't know much about the gamer market, so take my advice with that in mind. But if you're looking to convert more, one thing I might do is try to find more "impulse buy" products: the kind of things that weren't on your list at the supermarket, but somehow end up in your shopping bag when you leave. I'm not sure what that would mean in the gamer community, but they're generally the types of things people buy a lot of and they're usually cheap. Unfortunately, that also means that you might not make much per sale, so you have to decide if it's worth it for you. Regardless, you probably don't want to make everything you advertise an impulse buy, but you do probably want to mix it up more than you are.

        That said, you might do better with traditional advertising. The only way to know for sure is to experiment!
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        • Profile picture of the author myob
          You need to have a funnel system or a way of engaging your prospects until they make a purchase. Single digit conversion rates seem to be acceptable by Amazon affiliates, but IMO it's usually because they don't know what the hell they're doing. This thread discusses methods used by many top Amazon affiliates:
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        • Profile picture of the author IrisMKH
          Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

          . My site is completely different than yours and I really don't know much about the gamer market, so take my advice with that in mind. But if you're looking to convert more, one thing I might do is try to find more "impulse buy" products: the kind of things that weren't on your list at the supermarket, but somehow end up in your shopping bag when you leave.
          While I know nothing about gaming myself, I can confirm that my gaming friends rarely replace their gaming mouse and headsets etc. However they love mouse pads with funky designs, T-shirts, posters, figurines etc. One of my friends even rebought a game he already owned, so he could have a limited edition figurine.
          In summary, they buy useless crap way more often (and more eagerly) than actual functional products. I personally can't understand that, but ehh... Oh wait, I myself once owned a fluffy rabbids pillow - it even had a button for that BWAAH sound Silly stuff.
          Just some ideas for products that might work out better... Give it a try?

          I don't know know whether it's available for LoL, but some also buy soundtracks of games.

          Currently drawing:

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          • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
            Originally Posted by IrisMKH View Post

            While I know nothing about gaming myself, I can confirm that my gaming friends rarely replace their gaming mouse and headsets etc. However they love mouse pads with funky designs, T-shirts, posters, figurines etc.
            For this, he might consider using Etsy or some other online shop, rather than Amazon, that allows for custom T-shirts, mouse pads and other merchandise branded with gamer sayings/images, etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author buysellbrowse
      Originally Posted by seobro View Post

      Why people work so hard to make billionaire Jeff Bezos even richer is still a major mystery to me.
      Work even harder, people!

      (an AMZN shareholder)
      Signature * Free Classifieds Advertising & Promotion *
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  • Profile picture of the author sydneycraig
    from all I have read 2-5% is a normal conversion rate, so yep, you have issues!
    im currently running around 3-4%
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
    Could be any number of things from poor quality traffic, you could be targeting poor (non buyer) keywords, the products you are showing might not be relevant, your content might be unconvincing, people maybe don't trust you or you simply need to work on your conversion rate (different calls to action, link placements, buttons, images etc).
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  • Profile picture of the author stevenjacobs
    yeah, tell us more about the traffic so we can better help you
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    • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
      Set up on your site. It is free. Take note of what pages people are visiting and what they are doing. This will help you see what pages you need to fix up.
      Also look at your Amazon product purchase stats. There is a drop down box that shows clicks but items not purchased thru your links. You can see what people are clicking on and not buying and shore up those reviews.

      Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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