Rules regarding avatars

31 replies
OK, I realise this will probably be deleted but I don't know where else to ask. I've been here a couple of days with a pic in my avatar, and for some reason it has now been deleted :confused: The pic was nothing offensive or anything so I don't understand why. I'd appreciate it if someone could explain it to me before this is deleted. I've already had a genuine request for feedback on my blog deleted today, is this all because I'm new?
#avatars #rules
  • Profile picture of the author Kim Davis
    I don't know what your avatar was. It is a good idea to put up a decent picture of yourself. It is not because you are new. If you look around many new people have avatars up.
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    • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
      Originally Posted by Kim Davis View Post

      I don't know what your avatar was. It is a good idea to put up a decent picture of yourself. It is not because you are new. If you look around many new people have avatars up.
      It was a pic of Leona Lewis(female singer). She's better looking than me so I used a pic of her instead of myself :p I guess I'll use one of myself then.
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        It was a pic of Leona Lewis(female singer). She's better looking than me so I used a pic of her instead of myself.
        There's your answer. That just bought you a LOT of the kind of attention you don't want. Anything deceptive when you're new is remembered by the members who know of it for a long time.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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        • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
          Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

          There's your answer. That just bought you a LOT of the kind of attention you don't want. Anything deceptive when you're new is remembered by the members who know of it for a long time.

          I didn't use it to be deceptive though, that was not my intention in the slightest. If I'm going to be judged on that rather than the content of my posts, then that's ridiculous, but OK.
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          • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
            BTW, I do intend on sticking around here - I think it's a great resource with lots of helpful and knowledgeable people Perhaps I was nieve, but I know the deal now.
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          • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
            I didn't use it to be deceptive though, that was not my intention in the slightest. If I'm going to be judged on that rather than the content of my posts, then that's ridiculous, but OK.
            Here's your first hard lesson here: We don't care, because we have no clue if that's true or not.

            As I've said far too often lately, the sneaks work very hard at sounding like the straight folks.

            You've pretty much admitted that you used the pic because it added some advantage. Unless you want us to believe that "looking better" in your avatar is a meaningless thing, in which case you'll be asked why you bothered. You don't have to use one, after all.

            Arguing with the established members about the general conventions here, when they're being polite in explaining them, is not the best way to endear yourself to the membership either. But go ahead. You haven't dug all the way through yet...

            Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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            • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
              There we go Paul - I don't want to argue with you or anyone else here, that is not what I'm here for - I'm here to learn, develop and help others out where I can with my own knowledge and experience.
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              • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
                Okay. I'm convinced. You're a guy, and used an avatar pic of a female musician. That's enough to convince me that you're another scammer in the making, even without the rest.


                PS: Where's Harvey? I'm sure he'd have some clever cross-dresser line for this.
                Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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                • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
                  The ironic part is, I hate scammers and don't use any black hat methods like e-whoring. In fact, I had a small argument recently on another forum where a guy was encouraging members to do that kind of stuff.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
                    The ironic part is, I hate scammers and don't use any black hat methods like e-whoring. In fact, I had a small argument recently on another forum where a guy was encouraging members to do that kind of stuff.
                    Which may be completely true, or just saying what you think will help your reputation. We have no way of knowing which it is.

                    We do have your actions here. We also have the fact that you admit knowing what ewhoring is, and yet claim you didn't have that in mind when you chose that picture. That's kind of difficult to believe.

                    Starting off with deception, no matter the intended outcome, will bite you in the ass around here if you get caught. If that's your style, you may want to check out some of the other forums in the industry. There are places where that's welcomed.

                    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[885307].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
                      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

                      Which may be completely true, or just saying what you think will help your reputation. We have no way of knowing which it is.

                      We do have your actions here. We also have the fact that you admit knowing what ewhoring is, and yet claim you didn't have that in mind when you chose that picture. That's kind of difficult to believe.

                      Starting off with deception, no matter the intended outcome, will bite you in the ass around here if you get caught. If that's your style, you may want to check out some of the other forums in the industry. There are places where that's welcomed.

                      You don't have to believe me, and I'm not saying I blame you for coming to the conclusions you did. Like I said, I'm going to stick around here and maybe in time you'll see I actually am genuine.
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                      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
                        maybe in time you'll see I actually am genuine.
                        That would be a pleasant surprise. I'd like that. But it will take a lot longer now than it would have otherwise.

                        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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                  • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
                    Originally Posted by Crubalo View Post

                    The ironic part is, I hate scammers and don't use any black hat methods like e-whoring.
                    Does that include starting irrelevant threads to name drop
                    an affiliate program?
                    Like everyone else here, I'm an internet marketer and I'm getting sick and tired of Twitter being overrun with spammers and scammers. I have a personal Twitter and a business one, and they kind of overlap. Even on my business one, where admittedly I do automate some of the content with Tweetlater, I make sure I don't treat my followers like idiots. I see people automating the same crap on multiple accounts and a lot of the time the spelling and grammar is lacking. These people are spoiling it for us genuine marketers because regular people are labelling anybody that mentions making money online as a spammer/scammer. Type the following phrase into Twitter search for a classic example of what I'm talking about:-

                    "I've tryed to make money online and been scamed time and time again but not by GDI"
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                    • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
                      Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

                      Does that include starting irrelevant threads to name drop
                      an affiliate program?
                      I didn't do it to 'namedrop' :confused: I just used that as an example. And how exactly is that thread 'irrelevant'? And exactly how would I gain anything for myself for starting such a thread?
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                      • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
                        Originally Posted by Crubalo View Post

                        I didn't do it to 'namedrop' :confused: I just used that as an example. And how exactly is that thread 'irrelevant'? And exactly how would I gain anything for myself for starting such a thread?
                        I notice you're heavily promoting the aforesaid affiliate program on the site in your sig.
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                        • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
                          Thanks Terry for having a balanced view of this, I appreciate it

                          Originally Posted by KenStrong View Post

                          I notice you're heavily promoting the aforesaid affiliate program on the site in your sig.
                          Yes, which is why I don't like to see people using underhand methods to promote it(and anything else). Not that I should need to, but I'll take my signature down if that'll help convince people I'm not a scammer. If I was a scammer, I'd have ran off with my tail between my legs long before now
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                        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                          Have you considered using a well known person's photo might be in violation of copyright of the image?

                          Because this forum is such a busy one, we see new people every day who join and try to take advantage or try to gain advantage - and they all think they are smart enough to get by with it. They aren't. But it does make us skeptical when something doesn't match up right. Hang around, be cool and you'll be fine.

                          Your avatar doesn't have to be your picture - mine isn't. But using someone else's picture is not the best thing to do.

                          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                          My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
                          ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[885412].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author ThomM
                            So Kay you mean you don't really have a red bow in your hair and ride a yellow surfboard? I'm sad

                            Crub, like you've already read, people sign up here everyday thinking we're a gullible bunch of idiots that they can scam, flam, and whatever else they think of with their 1 brain cell. What they don't realize is there are people here like Paul who have been around since the internet was the crotch area of fishnet stockings. Then when they get called out they act all innocent and naive. In other words they think we are as stupid as they are. Some are pretty good at it (that fake lawyer lady from a couple of years ago comes to mind) most aren't.
                            After you have been here awhile you will see it and understand why Paul has said what he did and be thankful there are people like Paul here keeping watch on the place.
                            By the way welcome to the Warriors.

                            Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
                            Getting old ain't for sissy's
                            As you are I was, as I am you will be
                            You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[885641].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
                              Originally Posted by ThomM View Post

                              there are people here like Paul who have been around since the internet was the crotch area of fishnet stockings.
                              Now there's a tagline. Paul, are you listening?
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[885656].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
                                I think your a tad on the paranoid fringe at the moment Paul.
                                Paranoia requires certainty. I am skeptical, which assumes a lack of relevant knowledge.

                                There are signs that are very strong indicators, Terry. You've been here long enough to know that. This gentleman (assuming the second picture is any more accurate than the first) has thrown a number of them in this one thread, including one of the biggest: Using a woman's picture as an avatar for a male. That is a deliberate attempt at deception.

                                Given those things, I think applying some caution about future comments from him is entirely within the realm of good sense.

                                Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[885685].message }}
                                • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
                                  Thanks for the encouraging replies, much appreciated and again I'm sorry if I gave people the wrong impression about me I kinda feel like I'm walking on eggshells now though, but I guess that's just the way it goes. I don't mean to keep rehashing the same things, but I didn't come here to promote my programs or whatever. At the same time, I won't lie - like anyone else, a sign up here and there and/or extra traffic would be a nice bonus. I'm only human. But I'm here to learn, and develop as an internet marketer and to help others in any way I can. Being accused of being something I hate is not a pleasant feeling. But I know who I am, and what I'm all about so I'm not going to let it bother me any more
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                                  • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
                                    BTW Paul - check your Twitter, you have a new follower
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                                  • Profile picture of the author ThomM
                                    I kinda feel like I'm walking on eggshells now though,
                                    Better to fell like you're walking on eggshells then to feel like the eggshells, grasshoper.

                                    Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
                                    Getting old ain't for sissy's
                                    As you are I was, as I am you will be
                                    You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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                • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
                  Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

                  That's enough to convince me that you're another scammer in the making...
                  I think your a tad on the paranoid fringe at the moment Paul. Breathe... Breathe.... Breathe.... Take a break from WF for a little while, I think your getting a little too wrapped up in all the crap that has been going on around here. Allen put you back on as Mod again? LOL



                  The main thing here at the Warrior Forum... at least for the old timers like me that have been a member for eons is.. Be totally upfront about who you are and where you are coming from.

                  There are millions of forums, blogs, chat rooms out there and for the most part people try to hide their identity, pretend to be someone or something they are not and that is fine I guess for those other venues. Some I think it would be dangerous if you didn't.

                  But here, for the most part but not always we like to know who you are and what you are about. Many people that participate here also meet up in person on a regular to semi regular basis and if u show up and we find out you aren't a hot chic like we thought you said you were... your meat.

                  LOL J/K

                  This, here at Warriors, is a collaboration between a large group of people from all over the world who like to meet in a common place and talk about things that can make us mo' money.

                  If you hide yourself and mislead people the honest bunch really wont have a lot to do with you and that will hurt you in the long run at least financially.

                  - Terry

                  P.S. If you can survive getting kicked a little at first you will find it is the way of some of us testing the metal of new comers. It is a rough crowd at times and initiation can be a little rough. This is the WARRIORS and not everyone is civil, all the time. It's the atmosphere around here I guess. The benefits far out weigh... Well, you'll figure it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Strong
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    • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
      Originally Posted by James Strong View Post

      Is that your picture? I saw the picture and I think people might think you are e-whoring. It's an old concept when you place a hot chick in avatar and every guy on the forum automatically becomes more friendly, gives you more thanks and treats you better. However, I have never witnessed any avatar being removed for that reason. Maybe the person who was in the picture found that you are using it and complained.
      That's maybe explains why I got 3 friend requests today I wasn't using that pic for this reason, but that's probably the reason it was deleted. I think there's way too much fussiness in terms of what can be posted here, but I'm new so I'll have to deal with it I guess.
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        I think there's way too much fussiness in terms of what can be posted here
        There are very good reasons for what you call fussiness. If you manage to last, you'll come to understand them.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    I saw the picture, and don't have any idea why it might have been deleted. Unless it was a stock thing that someone has seen elsewhere, in which case it would make sense.

    Asking for feedback on a blog is looked at suspiciously, since it's a very common technique for people to use to get free traffic under false pretenses. I'm not saying that you did or did not intend that with your request, but that is most likely why it was removed.

    Yes, being new gets you more scrutiny. I think you can see why that might be the case.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author mikey1090
    Some webmasters are kind of pervy....getting lonely on their PC So the female beauty probably attracted some unwanted attention for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kesh247
    Originally Posted by Crubalo View Post

    OK, I realise this will probably be deleted but I don't know where else to ask. I've been here a couple of days with a pic in my avatar, and for some reason it has now been deleted :confused: The pic was nothing offensive or anything so I don't understand why. I'd appreciate it if someone could explain it to me before this is deleted. I've already had a genuine request for feedback on my blog deleted today, is this all because I'm new?
    Mate, just have a nice time here. This is a very good forum, and you will definitely learn a lot from other IMs.

    No need arguing or otherstuff... Just have fun and grow your Internet business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Crim
    Thanks for being honest Crubalo. What is your name or is it in fact Crubalo?
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