Where to sell my domain names

16 replies
Hey everyone,

I have a couples of domains that do not have a website and I want to sell them. Where do you guys think are the best places to sell them?

Thanks for the help!
#domain #names #sell
  • Profile picture of the author PLR Basket
    Sedo is a great place to start. Flippa too.
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  • Profile picture of the author twranks
    Yea flippa is definitely a good place to sell your websites
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    • Profile picture of the author chickenfillet
      It depends what sort of domain names you have. For some reason, everyone expects their domain names to sell for thousands of dollars, even though they have domain names that no one would pay even $10 for. Don't be greedy.

      I approached someone with an offer for $2,000 for their domain name, and they counter offered with $175,000. I actually thought my offer of $2K was way overpriced, so when he offered 175K, I knew I was dealing with an idiot, so I just let him be. He'll get the $175K in the grave. In other words, I bet you that no one in the future of this world's existence would pay $175K for his crappy domain name. (Crappy domain name relative to the price of $175K).

      First find out a general figure of what your domain names are worth. Don't expect thousands for crappy domain names. Then try Sedo, Flippa, eBay (I made the most money on eBay from domain names, truth be told).

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  • Profile picture of the author dannyberk
    I sell mine on DNForum.com

    But these people know there domains so don't think you will sell a domain with no traffic for $xxx. If you have some great domains with history and traffic then I would go there. That's where I sell mines at.
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  • Profile picture of the author copymyideas
    Godaddy auctions and Sedo are very good
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by rsolanki View Post

    Where do you guys think are the best places to sell them?
    What matters isn't where you sell them: it's how you identify and contact pro-actively all the people whose business may give the domain-name you're selling added value, and how skilfully you negotiate with them.

    Your income from selling them will always depend on how good you are at promoting them.

    Here's the truth (which nobody likes hearing, and some try to deny): domain-names have no real value above and beyond their registration-fees. What they're "worth" depends on what you can sell them for. And I mean "what you can sell them for". The amount of money they produce, on sale, depends on the skills of the person selling them at identifying, approaching and negotiating with potentially interested parties.

    The huge mistake that people typically make, in disposing of domain-names, is approaching it as a question of "Where should I sell it?" For most domain-names, the answer to that question is "It doesn't matter": what matters is how you go about notifying the potentially interested parties (to whom it may have artificial "value") of its availability and negotiating with them.

    If they don't even know that it's for sale, then it makes no difference where the sale takes place
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  • Profile picture of the author Chosen2013
    Sedo is good
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  • Profile picture of the author Davidconstable
    You can use the "Flippa.com" as far as I know it is a good place to sell. already many of my friends sold their domain names here. I think if you use the site, you may be success.
    No signature, work makes me pleasure
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelEmily
    I agree with "Davidconstable" If you have many domains for sale, you can use the flippa. it is good place to sell domain.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Evans
    Flippa works fine, but as some other posters have mentioned, don't get your hopes up. Unless you happen to have a VERY good domain, you will likely get a couple hundred bucks for it at best.
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  • Profile picture of the author BWHadam
    there are some forums that will give you quick sale, use escrow for amount above 500 usd.
    try these forums
    warrior , dp forum, namepros , webhostingtalk (for tech domains).
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  • Profile picture of the author RealTraff
    I prefer flippa for selling domains

    Providers of Real Human Traffic to webmaster around the globe. http://www.RealTraff.com

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  • Profile picture of the author vikash_kumar
    Another vote for flippa....This is the best place to get a fair price of your domains.
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  • Profile picture of the author dgui123451
    I prefer Flippa. Just make sure your listing has every little info you can offer and don't list it for more than 7 days.
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