Guaranteed Income If You're Broke With No Plan...Hope This Helps
This is probably my longest post since the spot has been bought out by the new owners.
The reason I'm writing in here today is because I still see so many folks struggling with the notion of earning enough to pay the bills from this "online marketing thing."
People are jumping from shiney object to shiney object hoping to hit the magic way to get this stuff done.
Well...the truth is....there is no magic button.
You have to hustle day in and day out and you better be selling something worth your time to sell and their time to buy.
Though this might be an over simplification and though I've had my share of selling products, building paid buyers lists and working for folks that should not be able to hire me (how the hell did they end up with more than me?)...
The secret to making the whole IM lifestyle thing become a reality for you is summed up below (I swear).
To (at the very least...bare minimum) get your bills paid you need to do just 3 things:
1. Solve a "market" problem - market being more than 1 person and less than a country (lol)...the more defined the better
-Example: if you can solve problems for dog owners...that might be cool, however, you can get more die hard higher fee fans if you solve "pitbull" (specific breed) problems.
2. Reach your target market wherever they might be. Here, the axiom, its better to find all the hundred places you can land one customer than to find the 1 place to find 100 customers, apply.
3. Deploy your salesman that arrives like absolutely NO ONE else.
In today's day and age, the way to do this effectively without making your brain hurt is to use....VIDEO.
Video is a medium that is easy to digest, most people prefer and no one spends the time to deploy.
I've successfully used video to get in touch with tons of prospects, who a great percentage have turned into clients and or gigs that I've readily earned multi thousand dollar pay days for.
I've used it to land jobs that were worth at least $10,000 a month.
I've used it to get instant paydays while struggling to figure out how I was going to pay next months rent.
I've used it to position me as an authority, an expert and someone not to be taken lightly.
The key is that all of those things have to be in place and you have to know what it is that you are going to deliver.
Selling via video or print is not that hard if you understand what you're selling.
Some are selling a product or service.
Some are selling an appointment.
If you make the sale but can't deliver...that's going to screw you up in the end.
Its better to know of a solution and arbitrage that b#$ch than it is to try and sell then solve yourself.
Anyways, the thrust of this message is to point out that if you spend your time solving problems, reaching the majority of folks with those problems and offering them solutions with suggestive proof you can help...you'll be on your way to big money in no time.
I've even figured out a way to make instant multi thousand dollar paydays from classified sites by simply searching a specific search term in my region's job category...no experience necessary.
There are a few sneaky up the sleeve things that I'm testing right now regarding this very premise so we'll save that for a dry run, a wso or some sorta training.
For those needing help... ASK AWAY.
For all others...I hope you found this advice practical and helpful.

DISCLAIMER - underpants not provided - must supply your own
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