Help With Elance....
I THOUGHT I was accepting a job for 6 articles, @ 800 words a piece, for $22 an article...
BUT what really happened was she wants me to do ALL the articles for $22...
I told her it was my first job (before she picked me). I also told her I was confused, and she asked me to accept the terms.
I did.
Now she wants to cancel it saying I didn't read them first...
Does this look bad on me if I accept?
Should I just do them now since I have agreed...and just explain in better detail next time? I don't want to break the contract...
BUT I seriously feel ripped off...
[Not to mention, all this in between having the busiest week of my life lol (end of the school year field trips for a soccer mom who got caught up in playing "house" at recess and HORSE basketball after being mulled in the face by butterflies (another field trip), 1st graders, and animals at the zoo) haha... you get the picture!

Any thoughts? Please?!
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