Solos for the Weight Loss Niche?

10 replies
I'm trying to build my Health & Fitness/ Weight loss list fast but, I'm struggling to find any reliable solo ad sellers with responsive lists in that niche. I checked WF, and safe-swaps, but so far nothing. Anyone know of any place I can find a seller??
#loss #niche #solos #weight
  • Profile picture of the author SuperKC
    Its hard to find -- I'm also in the market. My lists are top notch but I can't seem to find anyone with a good sized blasting opportunity. If you find good sized lists then I will swap you out for my blasts. I have a SOLID personal relationship with EVERY single person on my list.. they have all spent +$5k with my company (I do weight loss surgeries).. so I can tell them to buy something and the entire list will buy it.

    If you like my posts please leave a thanks and message me if you wish for me to follow up with your thread. I enjoy engaging with entrepreneurs and ALWAYS willing to take the time to offer solid answers that you can take to the bank. Internet marketing has made me rich over the last +20 years and this is how I give back to the community for all of those evil popunders I used to sling in the 90s.

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    • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
      Originally Posted by SuperKC View Post

      Its hard to find -- I'm also in the market. My lists are top notch but I can't seem to find anyone with a good sized blasting opportunity. If you find good sized lists then I will swap you out for my blasts. I have a SOLID personal relationship with EVERY single person on my list.. they have all spent +$5k with my company (I do weight loss surgeries).. so I can tell them to buy something and the entire list will buy it.
      That is exactly where I want to be with my list. It's easy to build a list with solos in the IM niche, but I feel like it lacks the relationship needed to make continuous sales and residual income, plus I think the health/fitness niche is more evergreen.....
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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKC
    It really is -- and the profit margins are sooo much better. Have you started building your list yet?

    If you like my posts please leave a thanks and message me if you wish for me to follow up with your thread. I enjoy engaging with entrepreneurs and ALWAYS willing to take the time to offer solid answers that you can take to the bank. Internet marketing has made me rich over the last +20 years and this is how I give back to the community for all of those evil popunders I used to sling in the 90s.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    You have to hit more than one source to build your list fast.

    • Solo Ads
    • FaceBook Newsfeed and Side Bar ads
    • Google Ad network on specific blogs
    • Ad Swaps
    • YouTube Ads

    Those are the kinds of advertising sources you should be testing IMO. You may have to forgo the SoloAds for now and concentrate on those other sources.
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  • STEP1: Make a list of every best ranking place you can optin to a weight loss ezine, site, etc...

    STEP2: Send a card offering ....

    STEP3: Call (yes call not email) and ask if you can pay them some money

    STEP4: Don't say solo ad or the deal is off, say I'll give you money if you send an email for me.

    NOTE: It's a numbers game.

    Good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    Thanks for all of the helpful responses.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel

    If you are not having success with finding solo ad vendors in your specific niche, I would just go with pay per click ads.

    The quality is far better in my view.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Tal (just above) is right, of course.

      This is not a niche in which the subscribers on "other people's lists" are likely to be of much value to you, Nicolas. Even if you can find them.

      You need to look at it in terms of who those people are, how they got there, and what they've already received in the past, and then ask yourself why whatever the list-owner sends them "for you" is going to be significantly different from, or better than, that.

      The value of email marketing comes in the form of the relationship that you build with your subscribers, the trust and respect they have for you, and the strength that your recommendation carries for them. It's all personal. That's what most email marketing is about. The theory of "solo ads" is that you can achieve a small part of that vicariously, with someone else's subscribers, when the someone else does the mailing for you. But the question you have to ask yourself is how likely that is to work productively for a third party (you), if that's the kind of thing those subscribers are used to receiving. Is the trust-based relationship with a list like that really going to be strong enough?

      You've done well, in principle, by finally branching out from "MMO" to a different niche, I think. But be aware that in a niche as competitive as this, the thing that's guaranteed is that you're inevitably going to be competing for the same traffic with some of the most experienced, profitable and successful marketers there are.

      The reality is that even if you get some people from the solo ad provider's list on to your own list (which ought to be the purpose, of course), they're still not likely to be very good quality leads, if you've found them this way.

      You're right to be looking at email marketing, of course: there's no question about that. But the reality is that it's going to become profitable for you when you build your own list from your own traffic. And here are a few threads which explain why that is ...

      Is it a good idea to spend some time on building a mailing list ?

      Without Building a List, How Consistent is Your Income from Affiliate Marketing

      Does anyone even make money online without an email list?

      (I appreciate that you're already trying to build a list, and that that's why you've posted, but reading through many of the points explained in those three threads will help you to appreciate why solo ads may not really be an appropriate way to try to do that, in this case.)
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      • Profile picture of the author Wealthyclark
        I agree with talfighel, solo ads can be a fast way to build a list but remember many others will probably be mailing to those same people all day long with the same type of offers.

        Many people are making solo ads work for them but what you need to ask yourself is if the fight to find one within your niche really worth the effort.

        Wishing you much success,
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  • Profile picture of the author Pritom
    In my opinion for health related list building OPL (other people's list method) works great. Just contact bother health related blogs/magazin who are collecting leads. They will allow you to negotiate with them for solo ads, Hope it helps..

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