keyword research tools are confusing me

10 replies
I am doing some research on different niches and im getting more confused with
every key stroke.

When I use googles search term tool, it says my keyword gets 74,000 searches
per month, but then double check that against seo book, and keyword analyzer
and the results are more like 20-30 searches per day.

How can I get more accurate keyword search information? Or what information
do I actually trust?
#confusing #keyword #research #tools
  • Profile picture of the author ktpasco
    Are you doing a broad search in Google or an exact search?
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  • Profile picture of the author AaronSnider
    then I goto google and type in widget it says it gets 74,000 searches
    then when I goto seobook or keyword analyzer and type in widget I get 200 per day.

    I am not using quotes or anything on any of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author quiksecurenet
    Have you tried this one

    Hope this helps you.
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  • Profile picture of the author rtrotter
    I would go with the people who have the original data, that being Google. Seobook and keyword analyzer have to use public data much like keyword tracker does. Google runs the search engine so they would truly know. Also they have a interest in providing good data since customers of their AdWord system will also be using it.


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  • Profile picture of the author AaronSnider
    Thank you Rtrotter, you are probably right. If not at least it makes sense.

    Thank you all for your replies, it's very appriciated. Back to the grind now =)
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  • Profile picture of the author Pisaka
    Using Keyword Tracker you have nothing with Google as this tool searches words and combinations for other engines but not Google, AND you write your articles FOR Google, so you should believe Google Keyword Research Tool as it check words and word combinations with the engine you are working with. Try not only single words cause the competitions is very high but also word combinations. Writing articles prepare one main keyword(phrase) that you should also include in the headline and 2-3 subordinate keyword(phrase)s which depend upon the main. Try to use each keyword 2-3 times in the 350-450 word article. But don't lose the readability as you write not only for search engine but for people as well. 350-450 words for article is the best number - people are too lazy to read long articles. If you can't push all your keywords into the article or it seems too oversaturated for you just get rid of few keywords - use 2 of them for 2 times, totally 4.

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  • Profile picture of the author Virtual Banker
    What are you looking at exactly?

    If you are looking at where it says

    " Results 1 - 100 of about 3,690,000 for KEYWORD"

    then this is the amount of RESULTS that Google has (in theory)

    this is NOT the amount of searches (which is the info you get with the research tools)

    Originally Posted by AaronSnider View Post

    I am doing some research on different niches and im getting more confused with
    every key stroke.

    When I use googles search term tool, it says my keyword gets 74,000 searches
    per month, but then double check that against seo book, and keyword analyzer
    and the results are more like 20-30 searches per day.

    How can I get more accurate keyword search information? Or what information
    do I actually trust?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[890320].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dadaas
    Trust google, they have correct results. I had same problem with one other program, but its good to use both, sometimes is easier to find good keywords with tools other than google tool.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndyBlackSEO
    To get a true picture of what kind of searches you get for any specific keyword, use 'exact match'... NOT broad match or even phrase match. Then detract a modest percentage as webmasters and SEO's always search for their own keywords to see where they are ranked. This accounts for some of those 'searches'.

    I also use Keyword Elite.
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I agree with Andy SEO,

    You have to use the "exact" option. Also, understand that google will skew the number because it will help them get more customers.

    I always like doing a 1% rule just to be safe. Rather be conservative with my numbers then be outrageously high.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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