If you were starting from scratch today...

by mw13
35 replies
..what type of internet business would you start? I am not talking specific product or service but actual type of business, drop ship, blog, copy writing, affiliate, etc...?

I had my heart focused on a niche, cooking product, drop ship website but after hours of perusing these pages, I'm wondering if that's the best way for a noob to start as my head is spinning. So the question is, knowing what you know now, what type of online business would you start? I am passionate about 3-4 areas and that's where I'd like to focus - but the how of focusing is a challenge. One thing I do know is I love to write so I was hoping I could leverage that. Also, any thoughts to buying something up and running? I am constantly perusing those sites as well.

I know there are no wrong answers but I was hoping to see if there was any kind of consensus. Also if this is in the wrong forum please move. In the meantime I'm reading everything I can and taking some of the online courses out there.
#scratch #starting #today
  • Profile picture of the author dayus444
    I would start by making use of the search button and study the 'zillions' of threads that are similar to this one.
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  • Profile picture of the author JWImarketing
    I don't know...there is HUGE money to be made in cook books and recipes. AND I mean HUGE. I know of a CPA network that makes about $10,000 a day from recipe downloads. An awesome niche if you can break into it.

    The first thing I would do is find some way to set up a list building project. I kick myself daily for not having gotten started sooner. Then I would unsubscribe from non essentials and get to it with no distraction. If had to start over again I would probably learn app coding and sell mobile apps.
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  • Profile picture of the author mw13
    dayus444 - thanks for the response.... and yes I am currently exhaustively using the search function as well.

    To that point, thanks JWImarketing as that's been a common line of thinking for me. Problem I am running into with my research is that you can google my exact keywords and typically the top 5-6 results are recipe sites versus product specific sites. For example if you type in glazes, you get glaze recipes versus a website selling a good selection of glazes. I don't know if I can compete with that in terms of pure search results but then again do I need to??? Appreciate the feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author PLR Basket
    I would've started building my list WAY earlier. Don't make the same mistakes I did and get intimidated by the whole product creation / list building process.
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  • Profile picture of the author mw13
    Thx Chris. That seems to be a common theme. Should I go ahead and just grab a couple domains for interest ares so I can start that process.
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    • Profile picture of the author PLR Basket
      Originally Posted by mw13 View Post

      Thx Chris. That seems to be a common theme. Should I go ahead and just grab a couple domains for interest ares so I can start that process.
      Find something you have expertise with and start with one project at a time, please. Buying domains might make you feel important, but it's better to get success trough one method first so you don't get a case of shiny ball syndrome.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    1. USE THE SEARCH FEATURE - this VERY same type of post (or variations) are posted EVERY single day - the mods are starting to delete them bc they're getting SOOOO repetitive.

    2. Build A list

    3. See #2

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com

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  • Profile picture of the author mw13
    Yes I have been using the search function and reading. Mods pls delete my thread if inappropriate. My apologies.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      I actually am starting all over today after having a successful business for a number of years that crashed and burned with Google's hammer to article directories.

      I'm not really sure how I would categorize my business. I have a royalty free music site that essentially has two functions, instant downloads for people who want something stock and cheap (product) and custom scores for those who want something that nobody else has (service). Plus I'll be coming out with another music product not related to royalty free that will have an affiliate program.

      So I don't know what to call all that nor do I know what it's going to morph into as time goes by. My old business was all info product based. This one I think is going to be more flexible and subject to change over time.

      Hopefully, if I do it correctly, I won't have the same problems as I had with my old business, especially since I'm not relying on article directories (worthless today) to bring me traffic. That was a mistake that I'll never make again.
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      • Profile picture of the author Robert Oliver

        Glad to see you back!

        Robert Oliver

        It's Not Over Till I Win!
        Do you see the glass half empty or half
        full? The difference can mean success or
        The simple things seem to be the most
        effective and most overlooked.

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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Originally Posted by Robert Oliver View Post


          Glad to see you back!

          Robert Oliver
          Robert, it's good to be back. It sucks to be starting all over again, but it's good to know I have people here who have my back. I've gotten some great ideas that hopefully will pan out.

          Time will tell.
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        • Profile picture of the author Robert Oliver
          I would have built a list in my niche,
          became an authority in it , and marketed
          the hell out of my list. Had I done that
          I would be sitting on the beaches of the
          world conducting business.

          Robert Oliver

          It's Not Over Till I Win!
          Do you see the glass half empty or half
          full? The difference can mean success or
          The simple things seem to be the most
          effective and most overlooked.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9245988].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Robert Oliver
            Got your back my friend.

            Robert Oliver

            It's Not Over Till I Win!
            Do you see the glass half empty or half
            full? The difference can mean success or
            The simple things seem to be the most
            effective and most overlooked.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9245991].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Robert Oliver
              Partners with another Warrior. We will be coming out
              soon with an awesome program.

              Robert Oliver

              It's Not Over Till I Win!
              Do you see the glass half empty or half
              full? The difference can mean success or
              The simple things seem to be the most
              effective and most overlooked.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    I would have started list building and segmenting it from day one.

    Websites can come and go, affiliate offers, social networks.. the one constant is your mailing list and it's direct line to your customers. I think John Carlton called the mailing list 'a virtual ATM machine', and he.. or whoever said it, hit the nail on the head.

    Yes it's repeated to the point that it sometimes loses its meaning, but that's why your mailing list is so important.
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  • Profile picture of the author beasty513
    Start list-building as everyone here has said.

    I have made than I ever though just because I started doing that

    and I don't know why I ignored it.

    You'll thank yourself in the future if you take action with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Blogging, because it helps you brand you better than any other platform, and self-branding can lead to astounding fortunes! I built a neat life out of starting a self-hosted WP blog 4 years ago
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author KloudStrife
    I would use the search functionality and start working on building a list, find a profitable niche and roll with it
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  • Profile picture of the author mw13
    Awesome. Thanks all. So first step is to start researching building lists. That would be setting up a landing page with some content and an auto responder from what I've read so far but I'll dig deeper.
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  • Profile picture of the author trump7
    I am also interested in cooking product niche but i do not know how to cook?
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    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by trump7 View Post

      I am also interested in cooking product niche but i do not know how to cook?
      You don't need to know how to cook to sell cooking utensils and such. But learning how is also a niche, maybe you can start a blog with "follow me to deliciousness" while I learn how to cook type thing.

      Or just sell George Foreman grills on craigslist.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    get a nice squeeze page together, send all the bloody traffic I could to that page.

    Use PAID traffic to send traffic....lots of it, and have a OTO for $7 attached to the back of it. That will help you recoup your traffic costs, and in effect if you can get it convert well, you are building your list for free. :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author mw13
      Thanks All. Celente what is OTO? gjabiz - very helpful. I'm on it. Should the website but my main domain I am researching or just a quickie something close to get something going?
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      • Profile picture of the author celente
        Originally Posted by mw13 View Post

        Thanks All. Celente what is OTO? gjabiz - very helpful. I'm on it. Should the website but my main domain I am researching or just a quickie something close to get something going?
        Basically its is an ONE TIME OFFER. (as you will see it called here and other marketing resources)

        So on this page what we do [after the optin] is say stuff like "congrats, you were just chosen to take one of our spots for our monthly membership at 80% off"

        Make it a sweet deal before they click away. Give them an offer they will say HOLY SNAPPING TURLE POO.....I need to get this. Capture them with your copy, get them clicking and joining this. Make it low cost, but a no brainer, after they join.

        HIT EM' HARD too.

        Our (non-IM niche) OTO's and other downsells make about an extra $4000 a month. :-) Yes, if they say no....you can even offer them to $1 trials for monthly memberships or one off products. I mean $1 will get them thinking, wow, that is cheap!

        Then put them on your monthly membership, and on your buyers list. Then keep marketing to your buyers list. I cannot believe I just gave away these secrets. In the right hands, could make someone $2k, $3k even $4k a month quickly. Just by setting up optin pages and OTO [upsell / dowsell] just driving as much traffic to the optin page as you can.

        Remember all this IM stuff is to be tested, and it a vehicle to get rich for people who work smart. They can make alot of money if done properly. Hard work? well yes, it is, otherwise, every bum on the street would doing it and making a killing!

        Hope it helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author mw13
      Hey All.... what are thoughts on purchasing something up and running vs. starting from scratch? I have also been looking at online businesses in the $10k-$30k range. Would it make more sense to invest in something with documented cash flow or putting that same money into good use buying traffic and building an audience?
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      • Profile picture of the author CanadaSEOguy
        Originally Posted by mw13 View Post

        Hey All.... what are thoughts on purchasing something up and running vs. starting from scratch? I have also been looking at online businesses in the $10k-$30k range. Would it make more sense to invest in something with documented cash flow or putting that same money into good use buying traffic and building an audience?
        Take that money and invest it on something of your own. 99% of the time you are going to get scammed trying buy an existing business. Here is a tip, most successful business don't sell themselves off. Most people selling businesses are scammers.

        Go buy 10 WSO's and try them all with that money, surely a few would work?
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    • Profile picture of the author mw13
      Thanks Celente.... very helpful. I understand the list building part of your strategy, but what are they getting a membership too???? Is that you actual (up and running) business?
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      • Profile picture of the author celente
        Originally Posted by mw13 View Post

        Thanks Celente.... very helpful. I understand the list building part of your strategy, but what are they getting a membership too???? Is that you actual (up and running) business?
        yes if you are not offering residual income online you are flat out leaving money on the table.

        This is awesome way to work online because no matter where you are in the world, you make money every month, 24/7...with just a little bit of work.

        If you are NOT doing this, you are not only wasting time, but missing out on lots of money. Residual income is the best money you can be making online.

        Just think many people paying you $9 a month, every month. Well yes, but we have about 500 or so people doing that. You do the MATH!!
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Go today...get a webs dot com FREE website.
    Sign up for Mailchimp
    Get a Dropbox account.
    Get a paypal acct.

    ALL of that will take you 15 minutes. Go to your free website, use their templates and create SOMETHING. It doesn't matter, make it a cooking site sort of along the lines you are thinking of anyhow.

    OK. Now create a one page HOTSHEET on the subject, here is an example.

    Healthy and Delicious Oatmeal Hot Pepper Cookies.

    (One of my recipes)...use whatever word processor you have, I like Open Office FREE.

    Now you have something to give away to capture names and emails, THE LIST.
    You have done something.
    You have learned something.
    It hasn't cost you anything but time, probably less than you've spent here asking questions.

    You can always upgrade to a paid for web site, once you know what you WANT to do, but the important thing is to GET STARTED with the doing part.

    Keep it simple.


    PS. There are dozens of FREE web hosts, webs is only one, wix is another both have quick and simple templates for you to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    I sincerely believe you should take the time to check this thread out here on the warrior forum.
    I'm in no way connected to the author or any kind of affiliate. It lays out a path, mostly step by
    step, you can follow especially as you are a noobie.


    Be sure and follow each of Jarret's post in the thread, as he is the author.

    Best regards,


    The Old Geezer
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  • Profile picture of the author Zack Lim
    If I am starting from scratch, I will start building my own list of subscribers right from the 1st day. As like any other proven system, it does take some time to overcome the learning curve so that you will know the things that you need to do.

    No one started off as an expert from day 1 as all go through the learning stage before they become good in it.

    You might consider getting access to the War Room as there are lots of very good information which can help you get started in your online venture.

    Good luck and don't give up

    FREE Affiliate Marketing Mini Course Reveals The Fastest And Honest Way To Make Your First $1000 Online

    Click Here To Get FREE Instant Access

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  • Profile picture of the author mw13
    Thanks Zack.... research it is!
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    I would start with list building, content marketing, and product creation.
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