Best economical and effective hosting

by ygelex
4 replies
Hi all,

I want to publish my word press site. I want the best hosing with economical rates. According to your experiences please guide me.

If any one have experienced with Go daddy, Host Gator or hosing? Please advise.

#economical #effective #hosting
  • Profile picture of the author stephan2307
    No Idea about but I would stay away from godaddy hosting. I use them only for my domains. I host with hostgator and they are brilliant.
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  • I recommend They are a great company and extremely easy to work with, plus great prices and great support.

    I've never used GoDaddy hosting or the Insty one. I have used HostGator and they are fine too.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    I use Hostgator to host my Worpress site and find them excellent.
    They do not charge very much, and the important thing is that their customer service is amazingly good.

    This is very important, especially when you have a new site that you are working on.
    Hostgator always reply to my questions by email within 24 hours often less and they will stick with me until any question is answered.

    You can pay less, but for the customer service alone it is worth using Hostgator.

    You will also like the fact that you can set up your Wordpress site very easily with them.

    Hope this helps.
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