Feeling a little frustrated with the war room

94 replies
i know i'm going to get a lot of hate for this but i've been on this forum for about a week and even signed up to the war room after seeing so many glowing recommendations on this forum so i just wanted to give a balanced opinion.

Although there are some small nuggets of information here and there its mostly swamped in a morass of pdf's hosted on some poorly designed free wordpress templated myinternetmarketingblog.com website.

most of the posts are people giving away their "secrets" to making money but then there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that i have found to back up these peoples claims.

i mean if you've got a business earning $1000 a day why the hell are you going to waste your time as an IM guru or motivation speaker. it just doesn't make any sense.

seriously, i know there are some really smart people out there making big bucks online but they aren't sharing their secrets on this forum.

i hope i didnt upset or offend anyone, especially the admins of this site as i know their intention is to provide a valuable service but unfortunately i've come away disappointed.

this forum feels like a self cannibalizing community of predatory IM specialists preying on newbies like me.
#time #waste
  • Profile picture of the author Jcedric
    I would have to slightly agree with you on this one. I use this forum mostly for smaller pieces of information and tips as well as share my own experiences and knowledge. The Warrior Room forum just looks like a huge trashcan of spam posts so I really don't spend any time over there. Good catch though.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrmugabe
    by the way this post is regarding the war room.
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  • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
    Another one bites the dust...
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    • Profile picture of the author mrmugabe
      Originally Posted by Luke Dennison View Post

      Another one bites the dust...
      I'm not sure what you're implying but I havent quit this forum. I would just say to others that use warrior forum more as a place to identify the types of things you should'nt do rather than look for some kind of big idea or secret because you wont find it.

      As they say, "a smart person learns from other people's mistakes" - so learn from my mine and learn from others.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dash Evra
    I couldn't agree with you more.

    My friend has a War Room Membership and he let me uses it to take a sneak peak at the place. I read 10 ebooks that has PAGES of great review and they were all utter disappointment.

    I remember this one ebook I read from there. The author mentioned that he has a "secret" advertising technique to get traffic from the fitness niche.

    Here is a quick summary of the big secret that received plenty of positive reviews:
    1. Sign up to the top 50 fitness forums
    2. Post a link of your website in your signature.
    3. Make 1 or 2 posts in each forum per day so your signature link can get click.
    4. Traffic will grow over time.

    The author CLAIMED he has been making money doing this.... But, guess what?? 90% of fitness forums (especially the big ones) don't allow you to have an external link to your signature in order to avoid spammers.

    This "expert" didn't bother to do research before publishing his ebook.

    Seeing that crap like that were allowed to be posted in the War Room made lose faith in it. Thank Lord I didn't buy a membership.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
      Originally Posted by Dash Evra View Post

      I couldn't agree with you more.

      My friend has a War Room Membership and he let me uses it to take a sneak peak at the place. I read 10 ebooks that has PAGES of great review and they were all utter disappointment.

      I remember this one ebook I read from there. The author mentioned that he has a "secret" advertising technique to get traffic from the fitness niche.

      Here is a quick summary of the big secret that received plenty of positive reviews:
      1. Sign up to the top 50 fitness forums
      2. Post a link of your website in your signature.
      3. Make 1 or 2 posts in each forum per day so your signature link can get click.
      4. Traffic will grow over time.

      The author CLAIMED he has been making money doing this.... But, guess what?? 90% of fitness forums (especially the big ones) don't allow you to have an external link to your signature in order to avoid spammers.

      This "expert" didn't bother to do research before publishing his ebook.

      Seeing that crap like that were allowed to be posted in the War Room made lose faith in it. Thank Lord I didn't buy a membership.

      You can't share the War Room Membership unless of course you login under his username. I'm surprised that isn't against forum rules...

      However, I believe the War Room is one of the best deals going. It's obvious you never spent any real time there because there is a lot more than just PDF files about "secrets" and I'm thinking you missed all the free sales page templates, squeeze page templates, graphics, software, people giving away free membership access to their products they are still selling successfully.

      What all this tells me is that you are nothing but a "lurker" really, which is someone who wants to learn, learn, learn but never put anything into action because you scoff at the idea of "it won't work because ________..."
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      • Profile picture of the author mrmugabe
        "I'm thinking you missed all the free sales page templates, squeeze page templates, graphics, software, people giving away free membership access to their products they are still selling successfully."

        Although appreciated - the quality of these things are very low and i don't need access to other people's IM/selfhelp/weightloss products.

        What I want is a community of people discussing the current do's and dont's of IM and providing insight.

        I guess it's exactly what it says it is, a community of IM experts so I cant really be disappointed.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dash Evra
        Originally Posted by Mike Hill View Post

        What all this tells me is that you are nothing but a "lurker" really, which is someone who wants to learn, learn, learn but never put anything into action because you scoff at the idea of "it won't work because ________..."

        You think I am a lurker.. Really? FYI, I am making a full time income online working roughly 2 hours a day.

        I posted a thread MONTHS ago about my first $100 day and my earnings been going up since. How about you do some due diligence before making assumptions?

        Your researching skills are as bad as those war room ebook writers.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9257306].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
          Originally Posted by Dash Evra View Post

          You think I am a lurker.. Really? FYI, I am making a full time income online doing roughly 2 hours a day.

          I posted a thread MONTHS ago about my first $100 day and my earnings been going up since. How about you do some due diligence before making assumption?

          Your researching skills are as bad as those war room ebook writers.

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        • Profile picture of the author buffnstuff
          I think the War Room is one of the best marketing places on the web and one hell of a deal for only $35 lifetime membership. I've learned a lot from the War Room and made a lot of great connections as well as money on this forum period. It's an excellent resource for anyone serious about making a living online.

          My question to you then is; why even bother coming here and stirring the pot if you're already doing so well? If you are as successful as you claim, which I doubt, then how about going away and enjoy your success and stop trying to piss the rest of us off.

          Originally Posted by Dash Evra View Post

          You think I am a lurker.. Really? FYI, I am making a full time income online working roughly 2 hours a day.

          I posted a thread MONTHS ago about my first $100 day and my earnings been going up since. How about you do some due diligence before making assumptions?

          Your researching skills are as bad as those war room ebook writers.
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    • Profile picture of the author Wendell
      Originally Posted by Dash Evra View Post

      Here is a quick summary of the big secret that received plenty of positive reviews:
      1. Sign up to the top 50 fitness forums
      2. Post a link of your website in your signature.
      3. Make 1 or 2 posts in each forum per day so your signature link can get click.
      4. Traffic will grow over time.

      The author CLAIMED he has been making money doing this.... But, guess what?? 90% of fitness forums (especially the big ones) don't allow you to have an external link to your signature in order to avoid spammers.

      This "expert" didn't bother to do research before publishing his ebook.
      In all fairness to the author, there was a time when forums typically did allow you to put a link to your website in your sig. So he (or she) wasn't necessarily making a false claim or offering misleading info. It all depends when he wrote that advice. And if he began doing it when forums allowed it, his sig would probably have been grandfathered in and so he wouldn't necessarily have known about the change in forum practice. .
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    • Profile picture of the author nydahl
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      • Profile picture of the author mrmugabe
        thanks for your helpful comments. i was probably a little frustrated after spending the whole of saturday wading through what felt like 50 pages of adverts, although as i mentioned there was some valuable info in there too. so, i apologise if i came across as an impatient newbie looking for a fast buck or shiny metal object.

        i just have to say that it was quite frustrating trying to gain an insight into how to start a profitable online business when many of the posts are from "how to make money online" specialists - people who make money showing others how to make money - if you follow what i mean. it's very discouraging...

        anyway, as many comments on this thread have highlighted you just need to persevere and take what's good and leave what isn't.

        but i think everyone would agree that in business its important to be cautious and to question everything. don't jump into things with blind optimism and submit a glowing thank you and praise and you've read something.

        i may be wrong but i believe a lot of these "how to get rich" guys use these "free" guides as a means of raising their status on the forum and thus gaining credibility. however, credibility should be backed by facts and evidence.

        i think seth godin was spot on with his first 3 points on his invaluable guide:

        1. The first step is to stop Googling things like, "how to make money online." Not because you shouldn't want to make money online, but because the stuff you're going to find by doing that is going to help you lose money online. Sort of like asking a casino owner how to make money in Vegas...
        2. Don't pay anyone for simple and proven instructions on how to achieve this goal. In particular, don't pay anyone to teach you how to write or sell manuals or ebooks about how to make money online.
        3. Get rich slow.

        going forward i hope to continue to contribute and learn from this forum and i hope to build a sustainable and valuable business that provides value and benefit to others.
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        • Profile picture of the author mrmugabe
          just to add, the title of this thread makes me cringe a little now. i was just very frustrated.
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          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

            just to add, the title of this thread makes me cringe a little now. i was just very frustrated.
            It's okay. We've all been frustrated at one time or another. I watched a successful business for many years crumble to dust after the Google slaps on article directories. I'm now starting all over again from scratch.

            It's a tough world out there. Nobody will hand you anything and sometimes it's hard to know who and what to listen to. Lots of information and misinformation. Toss in the learning curve and I sometimes wonder how any significant number of people make a full time living online.

            These last 2 years have taught me a lot and humbled me a lot. I used to be a hot shot know-it-all. Well, I'm not such a hot shot know-it-all anymore. Now I'm just another guy trying to make a few bucks online. I would say my only advantage over somebody new is that I do have experience to have a general idea of what needs to be done to have a successful business and, having been successful at one time, know it's possible.

            I remember as newbie doubting everything. I didn't believe it was possible. At the same time, I was so desperate, I knew I had to make it work. Somehow I did so I know I can do it again. I just need to be patent and work through everything a step at a time.

            And the truth is, the basic overall outline for having a successful business is actually very simple. It's implementing it that's hard for some people.

            1) Find a product or service (or create one) that has a demand. Meaning there are a significant number of people out there who will pay for that product or service.

            2) Set up a web presence of some kind to sell that product or service.

            3) Drive "targeted" traffic to that web presence in order to either sell that product or service or build a list of prospective buyers so that you can sell to them down the line and/or sell them additional products.

            4) If desired, repeat this process with another product or service.

            Now, there are numerous ways to go about doing this. Some take time, some money, and some both. Some ways are efficient and some not so efficient. Some will work for a time and then stop. Some will work always and some will never work or at best only work marginally.

            I would say the most important skill to master through all this is communication.

            Think about it. Type in just about any product or service that you can think of into Google and look at the search results. Almost every page has some form of communication on it, whether it be an article, video or ad. I mean communication is the foundation of our entire world. It is the failure to communicate properly that causes most of the world's problems.

            The problem with communication, in any form, is that it's a skill and not one that everybody is good at. I've always considered myself an adequate communicator. Not great. I'm certainly no Vin Montello or Paul Myers. Some copywriters can weave a tapestry of words that have you hanging on every one of them. I'm more of a straight talker and sometimes straight talk can be boring. But if somebody wants to clearly understand something, I think I can pull that off. It's why, when I was successful, I was successful. My problem was generating traffic after the slaps.

            Point is, if you can't effectively communicate with somebody and show them why they need your product or service, you won't sell to them, no matter how much traffic you get.


            Offer -> Traffic -> Communicate Offer -> Sell

            Each piece has to be done right. If there is a break in the chain anywhere, the sell part doesn't happen.


            If you have a crappy offer...

            If you don't know how to generate traffic...

            If you don't effectively communicate the offer...

            You won't succeed.

            You have no idea how many new people totally crap out on all 3 of those. The learning curve in this industry is immense. I personally think it's as difficult as going to med school to become a doctor.

            For me personally, the hardest part has always been generating traffic, after the slaps, but I think for most people the hardest part is the communication. Ironically, the offer part shouldn't be hard at all. There is tons of stuff already out there that people buy. Tap into one of those niches and either sell something as an affiliate or create a product to compete with what's already out there.

            But don't try to reinvent the wheel by coming out with some oddball off the wall product or service that nobody has ever heard of. The failure rate on new ideas is just too high. Sure, if you hit on something that takes off (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) you can make a fortune, but the odds, IMO, are against you.

            There is stuff that already sells and sells well. Sell it.

            Anyway, I hope my 2 cents on this subject has been helpful in some way.
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            • Profile picture of the author mrmugabe
              Thanks Steven, that's a fantastic post - very helpful. These are the kind of gems that make being a part of this forum worthwhile.
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              • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
                What you are experiencing is pretty common. Not just in the War Room, either.

                I download a lot of free ebooks for my Kindle, and many of them are not worth the price. I come away from many of them thinking "there's a chunk of my life I'll never get back."

                There's a very simple way to cope with these, and I recommend the same strategy for dealing with the War Room. If it ain't worth the free download, delete it and forget it.

                Both the War Room and the Kindle Marketplace offer some stunning values if you have the patience and perspective to root them out.

                Maybe I'm dating myself here, but I remember a mantra that used to say "ya gotta kiss a lot of frogs if you want to land a prince..."
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                • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                  Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

                  What you are experiencing is pretty common. Not just in the War Room, either.

                  I download a lot of free ebooks for my Kindle, and many of them are not worth the price. I come away from many of them thinking "there's a chunk of my life I'll never get back."

                  There's a very simple way to cope with these, and I recommend the same strategy for dealing with the War Room. If it ain't worth the free download, delete it and forget it.

                  Both the War Room and the Kindle Marketplace offer some stunning values if you have the patience and perspective to root them out.

                  Maybe I'm dating myself here, but I remember a mantra that used to say "ya gotta kiss a lot of frogs if you want to land a prince..."
                  John is so right. Know how many girls I asked out BEFORE I met my wife?


                  If I had quit after the first 50 even, I would have never met her.

                  You have to be a determined mule sometimes to make it in this world. Yes, you also need to know when to cut bait because you're just not going to land that particular fish. Sometimes what you're trying to do is a lost cause. I tried to invent a whole new form of divination not too long ago. You should have seen what I did to try to promote it. I did everything from articles to press releases to contacting every site on the Internet into that sort of thing to become an affiliate.

                  I think I made like 3 sales.

                  Nobody wanted to learn a new form of divination. They wanted the old standbys and I was banging my head against a brick wall trying to get something "new" to sell.

                  As you work more and more at this thing, you will begin to recognize when you're just spinning your wheels and wasting time. I realized that when suddenly each article I was writing was getting maybe 20 views at the directory and getting no publishers. I didn't need to keep writing for long to realize that if the last 50 articles were no longer generating the kind of traffic they used to, the next 50 probably wouldn't do any better, and I stopped writing. That was the beginning of the end of my old business.

                  Today, I am going to go about things in a totally different way. One thing I'm going to do is listen to people who I know and trust when I ask them what I should do in order to generate traffic and interest in my new niche. I'm not at that stage yet because I'm still creating product, but when I'm ready to really start on the traffic generation aspect, you better be damn sure that I'm going to ask as many people who I've known for a long time what I should do.

                  Watch those who are walking the walk and not just talking a good game. I know, it's hard to tell one from another. But eventually you'll figure it out.

                  I'd like to tell you this is easy. It's not. It may be one of the hardest things you ever do if you're clueless to begin with and don't even know the right questions to ask to get the answers you need.

                  Welcome to the new real world.
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                • Profile picture of the author bwh1
                  Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

                  I download a lot of free ebooks for my Kindle, and many of them are not worth the price.
                  LOL John, maybe that's why there where free?

                  Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.

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            • Profile picture of the author RonGold
              Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

              It's okay. We've all been frustrated at one time or another. I watched a successful business for many years crumble to dust after the Google slaps on article directories. I'm now starting all over again from scratch.

              It's a tough world out there. Nobody will hand you anything and sometimes it's hard to know who and what to listen to. Lots of information and misinformation. Toss in the learning curve and I sometimes wonder how any significant number of people make a full time living online.

              These last 2 years have taught me a lot and humbled me a lot. I used to be a hot shot know-it-all. Well, I'm not such a hot shot know-it-all anymore. Now I'm just another guy trying to make a few bucks online. I would say my only advantage over somebody new is that I do have experience to have a general idea of what needs to be done to have a successful business and, having been successful at one time, know it's possible.

              I remember as newbie doubting everything. I didn't believe it was possible. At the same time, I was so desperate, I knew I had to make it work. Somehow I did so I know I can do it again. I just need to be patent and work through everything a step at a time.

              And the truth is, the basic overall outline for having a successful business is actually very simple. It's implementing it that's hard for some people.

              1) Find a product or service (or create one) that has a demand. Meaning there are a significant number of people out there who will pay for that product or service.

              2) Set up a web presence of some kind to sell that product or service.

              3) Drive "targeted" traffic to that web presence in order to either sell that product or service or build a list of prospective buyers so that you can sell to them down the line and/or sell them additional products.

              4) If desired, repeat this process with another product or service.

              Now, there are numerous ways to go about doing this. Some take time, some money, and some both. Some ways are efficient and some not so efficient. Some will work for a time and then stop. Some will work always and some will never work or at best only work marginally.

              I would say the most important skill to master through all this is communication.

              Think about it. Type in just about any product or service that you can think of into Google and look at the search results. Almost every page has some form of communication on it, whether it be an article, video or ad. I mean communication is the foundation of our entire world. It is the failure to communicate properly that causes most of the world's problems.

              The problem with communication, in any form, is that it's a skill and not one that everybody is good at. I've always considered myself an adequate communicator. Not great. I'm certainly no Vin Montello or Paul Myers. Some copywriters can weave a tapestry of words that have you hanging on every one of them. I'm more of a straight talker and sometimes straight talk can be boring. But if somebody wants to clearly understand something, I think I can pull that off. It's why, when I was successful, I was successful. My problem was generating traffic after the slaps.

              Point is, if you can't effectively communicate with somebody and show them why they need your product or service, you won't sell to them, no matter how much traffic you get.


              Offer -> Traffic -> Communicate Offer -> Sell

              Each piece has to be done right. If there is a break in the chain anywhere, the sell part doesn't happen.


              If you have a crappy offer...

              If you don't know how to generate traffic...

              If you don't effectively communicate the offer...

              You won't succeed.

              You have no idea how many new people totally crap out on all 3 of those. The learning curve in this industry is immense. I personally think it's as difficult as going to med school to become a doctor.

              For me personally, the hardest part has always been generating traffic, after the slaps, but I think for most people the hardest part is the communication. Ironically, the offer part shouldn't be hard at all. There is tons of stuff already out there that people buy. Tap into one of those niches and either sell something as an affiliate or create a product to compete with what's already out there.

              But don't try to reinvent the wheel by coming out with some oddball off the wall product or service that nobody has ever heard of. The failure rate on new ideas is just too high. Sure, if you hit on something that takes off (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) you can make a fortune, but the odds, IMO, are against you.

              There is stuff that already sells and sells well. Sell it.

              Anyway, I hope my 2 cents on this subject has been helpful in some way.
              And the most useful post on WF this year goes to....

              STEVEN WAGENHEIM!

              Seriously though.

              $2/100 words for REGULAR CONTENT
              $4/100 words for TOP NOTCH MONEY CONTENT
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          • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
            Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

            just to add, the title of this thread makes me cringe a little now. i was just very frustrated.
            Nothing wrong with being frustrated, we've all been there.

            Just wanted to let you know you can edit your subject heading by going to your edit feature and click on the red button "go advanced".

            "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
            - Jim Rohn
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            • Profile picture of the author Kay King
              Be selective in what you download -but remember just because you downloaded it doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of time on it.

              With Kindle books and free WSO's - you've got a couple pages to get my attention or you are deleted without further ado.
              Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
              One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
              what it is instead of what you think it should be.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9259307].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author moneyhd
    Thankyou Guys for this eye opening posts. I was thinking to buy membership but now i will never
    How to cross #1 Hurdle and that is TRAFFIC !...
    "Copy Paste the Proven System that helps you to earn passive income"
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Brooks
    Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

    i know i'm going to get a lot of hate for this but i've been on this forum for about a week and even signed up to the war room after seeing so many glowing recommendations on this forum so i just wanted to give a balanced opinion.

    Although there are some small nuggets of information here and there its mostly swamped in a morass of pdf's hosted on some poorly designed free wordpress templated myinternetmarketingblog.com website.

    most of the posts are people giving away their "secrets" to making money but then there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that i have found to back up these peoples claims.

    i mean if you've got a business earning $1000 a day why the hell are you going to waste your time as an IM guru or motivation speaker. it just doesn't make any sense.

    seriously, i know there are some really smart people out there making big bucks online but they aren't sharing their secrets on this forum.

    i hope i didnt upset or offend anyone, especially the admins of this site as i know their intention is to provide a valuable service but unfortunately i've come away disappointed.

    this forum feels like a self cannibalizing community of predatory IM specialists preying on newbies like me.
    Well done, you've worked out the truth behind the whole IM scene! Why would someone sell their $100 a day / $3000 a month / $36000 a year money-making money for $9/$18/$28 bucks to some random person on the internet which they've never met, probably never will meet and definitely don't care about. Surely if they were to share that kind of information, with anyone, they would choose their friends/family over random people on the interwebs.

    Just my two cents, I've never read anything in "war room" so I can't comment on that, however i always thought becoming a member of the war room was something you did to donate money towards the running costs of WF, not to get SEO secrets and become rich overnight
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    • Profile picture of the author mrmugabe
      95% of war room is basically just "$100 a day / $3000 a month / $36000 a year money-making money for $9/$18/$28 bucks" but for free.
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by Alex Brooks View Post

      Well done, you've worked out the truth behind the whole IM scene! Why would someone sell their $100 a day / $3000 a month / $36000 a year money-making money for $9/$18/$28 bucks to some random person on the internet which they've never met, probably never will meet and definitely don't care about. Surely if they were to share that kind of information, with anyone, they would choose their friends/family over random people on the interwebs.
      Except that, after you pay a measly $20 annual fee for access to the War Room, all the info is free.

      Originally Posted by Alex Brooks View Post

      Just my two cents, I've never read anything in "war room" so I can't comment on that, however i always thought becoming a member of the war room was something you did to donate money towards the running costs of WF, not to get SEO secrets and become rich overnight
      Always great to hear advice from someone who has never read anything in the War Room on the content and benefits of the War Room.

      In addition to the free information in there, when you are a member, you can run WSOs (sell products in the WSO forum). Some people have become wealthy doing so.

      You also get hundreds of pms, which is useful if you want or need to contact others.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
      Originally Posted by Alex Brooks View Post

      Just my two cents, I've never read anything in "war room" so I can't comment on that, however i always thought becoming a member of the war room was something you did to donate money towards the running costs of WF, not to get SEO secrets and become rich overnight
      I enjoy the very lengthy posts on the regular Warrior forum, as many members put their heart into responses and go all out to help whenever possible. And, if I chose to upgrade it would be just for the opportunity to support the site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Geer
    To be honest, marketing forums used to be a lot better. I'm not talking about the Warrior Forum specifically, but marketing forums in general.

    They used to be great for picking up Freelancing opportunities. This is of course until penny chasers invaded the majority of them and everyone's looking for "high quality contents" for .50c per 100 words now days.

    People used to share golden information as well. Sure, it wouldn't make you rich, but now days everyone packages it into a $7 eBook and sells it to a few people.

    Skype: Coreygeer319

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9257240].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMProductReviews
    This forum is not that bad. If your a beginner you can learn a lot, I would recommend to anyone if there a beginner

    [B]~Louis Betts~

    Discover: “Here’s How YOU Can Start Making Money Online Today Using a Fool-Proof “Done For You” Digital Franchise System“

    Click Here To Find Out More
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9257274].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Trivum
    Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

    this forum feels like a self cannibalizing community of predatory IM specialists preying on newbies like me.
    Yes. And?

    Look, they have to make their money somehow.

    That's a pretty fair representation overall, but you can learn a lot here. You just have to learn how to wade through the BS. Sometimes you get tired wading through the BS, and so you go away for a while. But then you come back and wade through some more until you find what you're looking for.

    It sounds as if you might not have a direction you want to go in yet. If that's true, wade through the BS here and try to find a basic direction (affiliate sales? - if so what kind?, blogging? web development? information product development? etc.)

    Look around and try to decide what you could see yourself doing basically every working day for the next five years. Once you find it, start searching around for a good course. The best ones might not be found on this forum, but they will probably be talked about here.

    Once you find a good course, go invest in it. And then leave this place. Do the course and nothing else. Then make a promise not to come back here again until you're clearing at least $1,000/mo.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gsearch
    To much information and contradiction of information for beginners to make sense of, in my opinion.
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    • Profile picture of the author Trivum
      Originally Posted by Gsearch View Post

      To much information and contradiction of information for beginners to make sense of, in my opinion.
      It's like following a diet. Find a system and follow it. You can't do a low carb/high fat diet and then combine it with a low fat/high carb diet.

      Find what appeals to you and stick with it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9257300].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        this forum feels like a self cannibalizing community of predatory IM specialists preying on newbies like me.

        So, you are a self-confessed newbie, and you acknowledge you haven't the experience to judge what's good and what isn't, but you're prepared to come in here and play the Righteous Advocate?

        Are you just the basic garden variety troll, or do you have delusions of becoming a "guru" by gratuitously slamming the ideas of other people?


        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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        • Profile picture of the author Vid Yo
          Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

          this forum feels like a self cannibalizing community of predatory IM specialists preying on newbies like me.
          I have felt this same way in the past mrmugabe (Moderated)

          Originally Posted by Trivum View Post

          But then you come back and wade through some more until you find what you're looking for.

          Look around and try to decide what you could see yourself doing basically every working day for the next five years. Once you find it, start searching around for a good course. The best ones might not be found on this forum, but they will probably be talked about here.
          And then I realized exactly what I needed to do just like here ^ ^ ^

          I hope you can tolerate and look pass the BS and see the value in this forum like I have! I look at it like church/religion...There will always be selfish motives but when it's all said and done, there's more good than bad.
          Need Web Design Leads?
          These Aren't Your Average Kind. Click Here Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

    i mean if you've got a business earning $1000 a day why the hell are you going to waste your time as an IM guru or motivation speaker. it just doesn't make any sense.
    In case you're interested...

    A good motivational speaker can earn more than that for a one hour talk. A GREAT motivational speaker can earn 5 figures - or more - for the same hour of time.

    "Sense" is a matter of perception. If you're willing to jump to conclusions based on your own assumptions, you might want to consider that your perception might not be as accurate as you would like to believe.

    The "gold" in the War Room is much like the "gold" in the main forum, sometimes you have to dig a little bit to uncover it.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tim3
    So you looked through all 2317 threads and only found a 'a few small nuggets'?
    by the sounds of it you are looking for mystical magic bullets.

    Well here's one... go look up that popular thread by member - Jarret

    Then look at the 2008 threads from ex-owner of the WF, Allen Says, username admin - they are on the last pages.

    Those posts alone are worth your membership cost.

    No hate here :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    You can't join in any marketing forum and expect to earn $$$$ right away. Not meeting your expectation because of lack of knowledge is not everyone's or this forum's fault. You have to learn to earn.

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author TjarkHartmann
    I'm not a war room member (though I'm debating it) and I'm not an expert in anything internet marketing, yet.

    That being said, I have found this forum invaluable.

    There's great information if you take some time to figure out what members know what they're talking about, and what members don't.

    And that's the FREE stuff.

    So I can't imagine the war room being a waste -- especially for a measly 20 dollars a year. Hell, I'd pay more than 20 a year just for the free parts of the forums.

    So, maybe the problem isn't the forums.

    Maybe the problem is that you won't devote the time necessary to FIND the information that will help you.

    And maybe the problem is that once you FIND the information, you don't IMPLEMENT what you've learned because there's no "proof".

    Let me tell you something: The people on these forums -- even the ones in the war room -- don't get paid a DIME for their posts.

    The people on the forums aren't selling anything. They are giving you the information for FREE on their own time.

    Why would they show you proof? That isn't worth their time, and it shouldn't be necessary.

    Before you say something is a waste of time, money, or whatever; look at yourself first. See if there's something wrong with the way YOU are doing things -- before you go blaming the world for your incompetence.

    Tjark: Pronounced like "Jacques" in Jacques Cousteau.


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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by TjarkHartmann View Post

      So I can't imagine the war room being a waste -- especially for a measly 20 dollars a year. Hell, I'd pay more than 20 a year just for the free parts of the forums.
      You're right. If nothing else, there are a lot of WSO's given away in there. At the very least you can match products to sales copy and get a good handle on how others do things and see which folks really deliver on their promises. Not all education is within a product, but you have to look for the bigger picture to pick up on everything.

      There are some real goodies to be had too, but like I said earlier, you have to be willing to dig for the gold, because just as in the main forum, not everything that glitters is gold.

      Besides, we tend to find what we're looking for. If we look for reasons to justify the price, we'll find them. If we look for reasons to be disappointed, we'll find them, too.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        I'm going to put all this into perspective. At least I am going to try to as I've been a member of this forum for a long time now and have seen a lot.

        Like anything else in life, the War Room, because it is open to anybody who pays their fee, is going to have its good and bad. Nobody is saying everything in the War Room is gold. Just like not everything in the WSO forum is gold. But to categorically state that everything in the War Room is crap is just wrong, period.

        Have you gone through every single thread? Unless you have and have downloaded every product in their, you can't make blanket statements like that. It's like saying "nobody makes money online" because you don't, if that's the case. There are people who make money online. I was one of them at one time. Today I'm regrouping.

        Personally, I haven't been in the War Room in a very long time because I'm too busy trying to rebuild my business. Therefore, it would be remiss on my part to categorically say anything about the War Room one way or the other. I can only say from past experience that there ARE pieces of information and other items like graphics, etc. that are very useful. If they're still there (I assume they are) then the War Room can't be all garbage and worthless.

        I'm sorry your experience wasn't what you had hoped for. But did you really go through everything? Did you give it a REAL chance? If not, it is quite possible your statements are inaccurate.

        FWIW, you will find in any walk of life (not just here) that a percentage of the info you will read, buy, whatever, is not going to help you. Probably the best IM related ebook I ever bought was back in 2003. It's how I really got my start and made some decent money. Not great, but decent. Anything that Paul Myers sells is gold. I don't know if he has anything in the War Room. If not, he should. The man is a brilliant marketing mind and writer. If I had his brains I wouldn't be in the soup I'm in today. But that's another story.

        One thing I have to ask. When you went into the War Room, did you have a definitive plan in mind? Too many people just go in their and wander aimlessly. That's a recipe for disaster. It helps to have a plan.

        Where are you in your IM life?
        What do you want to learn?
        How much time can you spend on the info you DO get?

        I could go in there now and probably find at least a handful of things that COULD help me, but there is no point in my doing that now because I am focused on a particular plan of attack and the War Room, right now, would just distract me.

        So I think you're being rather unfair with your blanket statements, but it's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

        Again, sorry you didn't find what you were looking for.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    i know i'm going to get a lot of hate for this
    More likely chuckles.

    on this forum for about a week and even signed up to the war room after seeing so many glowing recommendations on this forum so i just wanted to give a balanced opinion.
    Well as long as it's been a whole week!

    i hope i didnt upset or offend anyone
    Yea, don't flatter yourself. We've heard it all before...although I don't recall being called cannibals before.

    Thankyou Guys for this eye opening posts. I was thinking to buy membership but now i will never
    You might want to get more opinions before you make that decision.

    You can't share the War Room Membership unless of course you login under his username. I'm surprised that isn't against forum rules...
    If not, it should be, especially when they confess on the main forum.

    you should'nt do rather than look for some kind of big idea or secret because you wont find it.
    Here or anywhere else. You are a member of the much lauded Urban Myth School of IM. Here's the secret: There is no secret.

    As they say, "a smart person learns from other people's mistakes"
    Which you are demonstrating you are incapable of doing.

    Well done, you've worked out the truth behind the whole IM scene!
    Not even in the right ballpark.

    To much information and contradiction of information for beginners to make sense of, in my opinion.
    It sorts the wheat from the chaff quite well, In my opinion.

    So, you are a self-confessed newbie, and you acknowledge you haven't the experience to judge what's good and what isn't
    Those Golden nuggets you so desire...they're everywhere.

    As I usually say on these threads; Bye!
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author mrmugabe
    the war room needs a higher level of curation. at the moment the signal to noise ratio isn't right.

    it feels more like something that's of value to a marketer who's thinking hey i pay $20 dollars, post my "free" offer and get a load of great targeted publicity.

    i don't have a problem with supporting this site as it does provide valuable information.
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    • Profile picture of the author bwh1
      Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

      the war room needs a higher level of curation. at the moment the signal to noise ratio isn't right.

      it feels more like something that's of value to a marketer who's thinking hey i pay $20 dollars, post my "free" offer and get a load of great targeted publicity.

      i don't have a problem with supporting this site as it does provide valuable information.
      How can you as a Newbie tell what's valuable Info and what's not?

      You may have a point that there are several posts which contain questionable systems and strategies, but that's with ALL you will buy over the course from being a Newbie to Getting a Pro.

      And the War Room offers are Free, mostly WSO's people sold, or other products they sell on their own sites.

      I got at least 100x my money back from the War Room, and I'm not very often in there.

      Your opinion is a typical Newbie quote, talking about some you don't know anything about. I recall the cry babies which call everything a SCAM without to know what that word actually means.

      You already paid for your War Room membership (it's for Life by the way) so go figure what in your future IM carrier you like to pursue and then start to go after posts with info helping you to get things done (use the search button for this).

      Or did you expect some Magic Tools making you money on Autopilot just because you spend 20 bucks?


      Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.

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  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

    Although there are some small nuggets of information here and there its mostly swamped in a morass of pdf's hosted on some poorly designed free wordpress templated myinternetmarketingblog.com website.

    most of the posts are people giving away their "secrets" to making money but then there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that i have found to back up these peoples claims.
    This is true. The War Room is mostly inundated with people trying to sell "get rich quick" schemes to newbies like you.

    However, if you are smart, you will be able to ignore the obvious scams and find some actual value in things that they present. There are many SEO and marketing techniques shared there for free that you could utilize in your own endeavors. The real trick is separating the good from the bad, and you have to use your own discernment to do so.

    Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

    seriously, i know there are some really smart people out there making big bucks online but they aren't sharing their secrets on this forum.
    There are a few people who share valuable insights here. You have to ignore the 95% that is worthless and find the 5% that is quality advice.

    Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

    this forum feels like a self cannibalizing community of predatory IM specialists preying on newbies like me.
    It is exactly that. However, if you use your brain, you can avoid the scams easily and find some quality advice here.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by Curtis2011 View Post

      This is true. The War Room is mostly inundated with people trying to sell "get rich quick" schemes to newbies like you.
      That's a little misleading for non-members, because there are no sales threads in there.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • I pretty much agree with the OP:

    In this forum, there is too many out-of-daddys-basement newbie opinions flying around and too little actually been-there-done-that-made-cash factual data.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zodiax
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      I pretty much agree with the OP:

      In this forum, there is too many out-of-daddys-basement newbie opinions flying around and too little actually been-there-done-that-made-cash factual data.
      Actually living in my dad's basement, im offended by this post.

      'I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'
      -Muhammad Ali

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      • Profile picture of the author Chris Silvey
        If it wasn't for this forum, the people and the information found here my family and I would most likely be out in the streets.

        Most definitely it kept us afloat when I was in ICU and helped provide the income to meet the bills.

        While one method might make a person a ton of money, that does not mean it is right for you. Your IM income is dependent upon many things. Much of which are tied to the effort you put into it, money, and most of all your personality.

        The product or service you are marketing must be of value and quality. Demand, and need also play a part in this.

        When marketing one must take a look under each rock. There are tons of ways to market as service or product. If you do nothing, you fail. There is a lot of noise on the internet one has to overcome to be heard when marketing. So take this into account. While there is some good information and products out there are free. Some are worth their weight in gold to pay for.

        Have a nice day.
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    This forum is just like the real world, there are bad things and good things. The only one that can decipher the good from the bad is yourself. So become a War Room Member and read/learn as much as you can. There is a plethora of information, resources, and knowledgeable warriors available here.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    London buddy! We've all had frustrating moments Take a deep breath, come back to the moment, put on a new set of glasses, then start having fun again.

    Most here do want to help. Our intent is pure, though some may lose hold of it.

    Of course, nobody is perfect but I feel most Warriors want to help, and as for value, I've build a ridiculously special, dream life, using some of the fundamentals I've learned here. Again, look at people who are doing neat things, listen to their advice, slow down, calm down, rock it out

    As for the blogging comment, click through to mine, as it MAY change your opinion...lol.

    All the best dude!
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    As an aside guys, the worst thing to do when someone's upset, is to fight them, and the best thing to do, is to show compassion, and nudge em in the right direction Take mental discipline, and a dash of willpower, and a dose of love, but it'll lift the energy of Warrior tremendously.

    Thanks all!
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I believe the War Room is well worth the investment, I am glad I'm a member, and some of the gold nuggets in it has helped me in several major ways.

    However it's not all gold by a long shot.

    Some of the WSOs that are posted there freely are worth just that or less - free. I know the old "if I find one little tidbit then it's worth the money" bit but there are some things I've seen in there over the years that there is no tidbit, and not even a speck of gold dust. These are things that if I had purchased them I would seriously consider getting my money back.

    Then there is all the praise for these types of WSOs. Why? It seems crazy when you downloaded the product yourself and you see that the value is not there but there are pages of thanks. How can that be?

    Many of those thanks, just like in the WSO forum, aren't testimonials if you read them at all. Many of them say something similar to "Looks great! It's on my reading list. Thanks for the great share!" That doesn't mean it has been read. It doesn't mean the thanks post is based on the value found. It only means thanks for putting it here.

    There is a bunch of crap and rehashed junk in the War Room. There I said it.

    And if anyone focuses on that only and isn't willing to dig in a little to find the absolute goldmine of extreme value provided by such people as Allen Says, Kenster, Jarrett, Rod Cortez, Kim Roach, Kurt, Duston McGroarty, and many many others they will never make it in this business because they've proven by this lack of willingness to dig that they aren't in it to win but are just looking for the next shiny object.

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  • Profile picture of the author Garcysher
    Frustrated marketer!

    This forum is a big beast and tough to tame.

    I think the best way to use it is only go in when you need to find something specific, ie have a clear objective of what you're after. Otherwise it's just too easy to get sucked down rabbit holes. Internet Business Mastery call it Just In Time learning. This helps you stay focused on the NEXT thing you need to do.

    But I think you are entitled to voice your opinion and it be treated with respect regardless of whether you were frustrated or not. It does my head when I see opinions get ridiculed by someone higher up the food chain. We are all at different stages of the journey.

    hope you see success from your endeavors,

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  • I'm from East Europe and Warrior forum reminds me of it, you have to conform so you are not goignt o do well if you say something that your not supose to say

    Join Next Live Mastermind Zoominar 100% Real World Secrets to Get Up And Running. Are you Stuck? Don’t miss it www.MonthlyMastermind.org
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    • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
      Originally Posted by HelpingYouBeAnExpert View Post

      I'm from East Europe and Warrior forum reminds me of it, you have to conform so you are not goignt o do well if you say something that your not supose to say

      Holy crap, do you really believe what you have just said?
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      • Profile picture of the author Sreeni
        Thanks for this eye opening post
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  • Profile picture of the author kencalhn
    the main benefit here is seeing the struggle. the ups and downs, the well intentioned help. it's the struggle that defines one. reading between the lines here provides a great insight into mostly decent people trying to make it. the story of the IM challenge defined is a big benefit to being here. gaining insights into levels of experience, assumptions people make, where they're coming from, how they approach problem solving. great learning laboratory here.

    but yeah in terms of how to actually make a living online as some of us do, I would more tell for example my wife if she wanted to get into IM, to come here and see how not to do it, all the mistaken assumptions people make (from those who aren't genuinely successful). I'd then show her the right way (learn WP/dreamweaver, establish expertise/authority, actually become skilled at helping other people, learn speaking/writing/video production skills; expect at least a five-year learning curve before being able to make a living online) of which the struggling many don't discuss. seeing "how not to do things" can be informative as well.

    the truth of the situation is that it's a very narrow, specific, difficult path to follow to making a solid online income for a livelihood, based on authenticity, traffic, positioning, genuine expertise, skill and lots of 12-14 hours days for many years. lots of landmines and false starts, which is where most remain mired. the truth is that unless you're a workaholic very sharp person, you'll lose competitive advantage to those who are.
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  • Profile picture of the author madelyndon
    I can understand feeling that way, I think I was like that in the beginning. My niche had nothing to do with how to make money online, so I was thinking how is this really helping me? The war room gave tips throughout that I had to put together and then apply to my situation. As soon as I realized that one thread wasn't going to be the answer to everything, it all started working for me. As for the board, the information I have received from members is really what is most helpful to me on here. As for getting to the technical part of things, like building a website or a lot of "how to" info, I use YouTube for that. There are also a lot of helpful blogs on specific things you want to know, so Warrior Forum gives me the basic direction and then I do further research from there.
    "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

    A man asked Buddha "I want happiness" Buddha said " First remove "I" that's ego, then remove "want" that's desire. See now you are left with only happiness "
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by bwh1 View Post

      LOL John, maybe that's why there where free?
      In a lot of cases, you're likely right.

      On the other hand, given the number of people who use Kindle's Select program for free promotion of new books (or to boost older ones), you can pick up some real gems.

      I'll spend a few minutes each weekend on Amazon, scanning through the book categories I'm interested in. Sort by price, and the ones on free offer rise to the top. Granted that the price of Kindle books is low already, but who doesn't like a bargain?

      As I shift more and more of my energy to publishing, even the waste of good electrons books have lessons to teach, even if they are in the "don't do this" column...
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        I'll spend a few minutes each weekend on Amazon, scanning through the book categories I'm interested in. Sort by price, and the ones on free offer rise to the top. Granted that the price of Kindle books is low already, but who doesn't like a bargain?
        LOL ... I do exactly the same thing, every Sunday!
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  • Profile picture of the author Romeo90
    I have spent lots of $$$'s on products over the years.

    The $40 for my War Room membership ranks right up there with my best investments.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
      Originally Posted by Romeo90 View Post

      I have spent lots of $$$'s on products over the years.

      The $40 for my War Room membership ranks right up there with my best investments.
      I just want to reiterate to any new people here that the War Room is now $20 per year.

      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
      - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    It's not enough to just read about methods, the real value of the ebooks you download comes when you actually try out methods and gain experience.

    It's all trial and error in this business. And as with everything, the more you fail, the smarter you become
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  • Profile picture of the author JaysonH
    The easiest solution to your problem is to stay away from things that aren't relevant.

    1. Stay away from anything and everything that contains the word "secret". There are no secrets to marketing online. If you can't find the information you seek by searching on Google or the WarriorForums, it's probably not worth your time.

    2. There are only so many ways to make money online. (Affiliate Marketing, eCommerce, Product Creation, Coaching, Consulting) Pick one and stick to it. Stop jumping around looking for the big "secret".... Refer to #1... The "secret" doesn't exist.

    3. Stay focused, work hard, and don't get distracted by the "secret".
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  • Profile picture of the author JaysonH
    Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim
    For me personally, the hardest part has always been generating traffic, after the slaps, but I think for most people the hardest part is the communication.
    Generating traffic is the easy part. The real problem is that most info marketers undercut themselves by trying to sell their knowledge at $7 for a WSO or $47, $97, $197 for an entire course.

    Want to do paid advertising? Good luck with that. The margins are almost ALWAYS way to low.

    Even with the upsells and OTO's, this is not a sustainable business model.. After the initial product launch "hype" you will end up having to spam your list with affiliate offers just to continue generating revenue.

    The only other option at this point is to create an entirely new product and repeat the process.

    I've found the most successful business model for me is to coach business owners on how to scale, automate and grow their own online business.

    Trying to sell regurgitated marketing "how:to's" to other internet marketers just seems like a hopeless and pointless rat race... No thanks...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9259719].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by JaysonH View Post

      Generating traffic is the easy part. The real problem is that most info marketers undercut themselves by trying to sell their knowledge at $7 for a WSO or $47, $97, $197 for an entire course.

      Want to do paid advertising? Good luck with that. The margins are almost ALWAYS way to low.

      Even with the upsells and OTO's, this is not a sustainable business model.. After the initial product launch "hype" you will end up having to spam your list with affiliate offers just to continue generating revenue.

      The only other option at this point is to create an entirely new product and repeat the process.

      I've found the most successful business model for me is to coach business owners on how to scale, automate and grow their own online business.

      Trying to sell regurgitated marketing "how:to's" to other internet marketers just seems like a hopeless and pointless rat race... No thanks...
      I actually agree with you 100%, which is another reason I am getting out of that niche. Had I not had to just keep creating new products all the time, I would not be in the mess I'm in today. With an evergreen product that just kept selling, I'd still be earning today. Either that or a service oriented business.

      Anyway, I'm finally on the right track after 11 years.
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      • Profile picture of the author JaysonH
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        I actually agree with you 100%, which is another reason I am getting out of that niche. Had I not had to just keep creating new products all the time, I would not be in the mess I'm in today. With an evergreen product that just kept selling, I'd still be earning today. Either that or a service oriented business.

        Anyway, I'm finally on the right track after 11 years.
        Happy to hear that and I wish you the best! Just remember to stay focused and never give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author dana67
    I find there is a wealth of information on this forum though, and a lot you can learn from others who are not selling anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author Boonqueesha
    There's two things you have to realize.

    First, making money online takes a lot of time and effort. There's a trap that a lot of people fall into when they try to make money, and that's spending most of their time looking for "step by step" methods. They want to find books that show them literally everything to do, and that's just not possible. You have to slow down and learn the acronyms, read the threads and do some research. Like any skill in life, making money on the internet won't come to you overnight (usually).

    Secondly, you have to understand that this forum is dedicated entirely to making money. There are a lot of smart people here willing to share advice, but there are others looking to make money off you. A lot of times, free items are given away at the expense of giving up your email address. Coincidence? Not at all. These people are building lists and hoping to make money by telling you how to make money. It's very similar to selling a "$100 a day" guide that consists of one page saying "Sell this guide to 10 people for $10 every day." It's just a big circle and you can't fall prey to it or else you're going to be overwhelmed by information and give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author CollegeCEO
    Yes, a lot of the WSO's and eBooks on here are BS. Most of them are just people giving out rehashed methods that they have never personally tried before. Remember, they're trying to get you to buy something, not necessarily to teach you how to make money. When you see the serial WSO sellers that claim to make $xxxx a day, a majority of the time it's a lie. Basically what it all boils down to is don't believe everything you see/read. Use WSO's as a way to give you some ideas, not as an actual guide because there's a very good chance the person who sold you the WSO is not making money with that method.
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  • Profile picture of the author nmchant
    Originally Posted by mrmugabe View Post

    i know i'm going to get a lot of hate for this but i've been on this forum for about a week and even signed up to the war room after seeing so many glowing recommendations on this forum so i just wanted to give a balanced opinion.

    Although there are some small nuggets of information here and there its mostly swamped in a morass of pdf's hosted on some poorly designed free wordpress templated myinternetmarketingblog.com website.

    most of the posts are people giving away their "secrets" to making money but then there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that i have found to back up these peoples claims.

    i mean if you've got a business earning $1000 a day why the hell are you going to waste your time as an IM guru or motivation speaker. it just doesn't make any sense.

    seriously, i know there are some really smart people out there making big bucks online but they aren't sharing their secrets on this forum.

    i hope i didnt upset or offend anyone, especially the admins of this site as i know their intention is to provide a valuable service but unfortunately i've come away disappointed.

    this forum feels like a self cannibalizing community of predatory IM specialists preying on newbies like me.

    I only signed up in the war room because i thought i was supposed to sign up there to post then I figured out after I paid that that's not the case... oh well I've lost far more than that recently so I'm not going to complain. I did check it out but didn't find anything I was looking for..maybe i'll try again.......tomorrow.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    Lets not forget that this is the only section of the forum where a FREE thread can be started that's 100% moderated.

    This means that they are subject to a moderators opinions about it's content and if it's worthy to be approved or not.

    To me it's pretty inconsistent because there really is stuff in this section that should have NEVER been approved yet conversely there is stuff that without a doubt should have been approved and it was.

    I also know that there's been topics denied that most assuredly should have been approved but weren't.

    Additionally it's very CLEAR that all post's in the War Room are not supposed to have any kind of opt in for members to obtain the content.

    However, just a couple of days ago a very successful marketer got a post approved in the War room that requires people to create an account on a site. I personally reported this post for violating the War room rules yet it remains. That is what really irks me as it give the appearance that some people get special treatment and are allowed to break the rules. Go figure.
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    • Profile picture of the author technicalanarchy
      Is the War Room $20 a year? or $20 a month?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
      Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

      Lets not forget that this is the only section of the forum where a FREE thread can be started that's 100% moderated.

      This means that they are subject to a moderators opinions about it's content and if it's worthy to be approved or not.

      To me it's pretty inconsistent because there really is stuff in this section that should have NEVER been approved yet conversely there is stuff that without a doubt should have been approved and it was.

      I also know that there's been topics denied that most assuredly should have been approved but weren't.

      Additionally it's very CLEAR that all post's in the War Room are not supposed to have any kind of opt in for members to obtain the content.

      However, just a couple of days ago a very successful marketer got a post approved in the War room that requires people to create an account on a site. I personally reported this post for violating the War room rules yet it remains. That is what really irks me as it give the appearance that some people get special treatment and are allowed to break the rules. Go figure.
      Rus, can you please point that one out to me via PM? I would appreciate it.

      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
      - Jim Rohn
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
        Looks like it has just been turned it into another advertising forum that includes ads where you have to not only opt-in but also put in your CC.


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        • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
          Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

          Looks like it has just been turned it into another advertising forum that includes ads where you have to not only opt-in but also put in your CC.


          That is incorrect, the link you just shared goes to special deals that the new owners are able to obtain for War Room members.

          If any of you see anything in the War Room that requires an opt-in or requires a registration, please report it using the report post icon.

          "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
          - Jim Rohn
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          • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
            Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

            That is incorrect, the link you just shared goes to special deals that the new owners are able to obtain for War Room members.

            You don't have to opt-in and put in your CC information to get the special deal? That was the part I was talking about.

            You were just asking about information on someone requiring an opt-in when I saw the new deal. That's what prompted my post.

            Also everything in there, up to today, was free and now it's not. Yes you can get a free 60 day trial versus a 30 day trial on their site, but you've never had to opt-in much less put in your CC.

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            • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
              Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

              You don't have to opt-in and put in your CC information to get the special deal? That was the part I was talking about.

              You were just asking about information on someone requiring an opt-in when I saw the new deal. That's what prompted my post.

              Also everything in there, up to today, was free and now it's not. Yes you can get a free 60 day trial versus a 30 day trial on their site, but you've never had to opt-in much less put in your CC.

              Ah yes, for the current special deal you do. I just checked it out and you have to register for the free trial. The special deal area is it's own little area, so I can see how it can be a little confusing since it's in the War Room. IMO it should be it's own separate sub-forum.

              "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
              - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Salter
    The War Room is worth far more than the annual fee for one of many reasons.

    Read just one post that inspires you to do better and you saved the price of a therapy coach.
    Read just one post that puts you on a path to being a better person and you saved Yourself!
    Find answers to others questions and you can make more money than your typical 9-5
    Connect with just one person from the forum (what price can you place on friendships)

    Education comes in many forms. Today already I read just one post that inspired me to try harder today and to focus on my objectives. That paid for my year in the 8 minutes it took to read the thread.

    Ignore the fluff, focus on what you need to learn and then use it.

    Some final thoughts/quotes for you!

    Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
    Benjamin Franklin

    A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.
    Bruce Lee

    If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
    Albert Einstein

    Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel."

    Sharing some posts worth reading over on Facebook

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    • Profile picture of the author mrmugabe
      Here's one quote I came across today that kind of sums up the war room and IM in general:

      As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The
      man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who
      tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.

      The ways to make money are endless but it all comes down to the process. It's the process that makes all the difference, what you know and how you apply it. That's at least one thing i've been reminded of from WF. It also explains why a lot of the content on WR is rehashed, because the basic principles of business dont change.
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  • Profile picture of the author brownfl66
    I've personally learned a lot from here. I took what I wanted and put it into action. I've been making on average $200 a day for the past year...some days more...some days less, but you do have to put in the hours in the beginning.
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  • Profile picture of the author NK
    I usually check out the war room whenever I'm looking for specific information or tool before looking for other options. It's a huge trove of stuff I don't have to pay for (besides access to the forum itself) and more likely than not it's more trustworthy (talking about software/tools especially) than other options.

    Sometimes you need to dig a little deeper into the archives, but there are some great gems to be found. It's very unlikely you will find some new groundbreaking discovery, not even those thousand dollar products give you that - but you will find value, that much I am certain.

    Affiliate Link Cloaking & Tracking Software - The most powerful tool available for affiliate marketers who are sick and tired of making way too little money!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Bratcher
    Personally, my first success came from a very simple PDF on Fiverr that was offered free, no opt-in via the War Room. I found this method right away on the front page and it still generates an income of about $300 a month for me 3 years later.

    So my investment of $37 has netted me a little over $5500 in the last 3 years and that's just one example.

    The guide was pretty simple. It described how to find out what gigs are in demand and rank for them. I put in the work and the results speak for themselves.

    Even today, I find a few posts a week or month that significantly contribute to my campaigns.
    “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand
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  • Profile picture of the author buffnstuff
    Haters are always gonna hate I guess.
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  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    For what it's worth, I find the older things in the War Room are a bit better quality-wise. Obviously you won't want to go download a guide from 2009 on how to get to the top of Google, but some methods have evergreen marketing potential.
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  • Profile picture of the author SallyJo
    There's nothing here (nor anywhere on the planet) that you can just throw down a few bucks and expect to walk away with something that will take you almost no effort but promise big income.

    I have had my times of frustration, too - mostly due to laws changing that slapped my Amazon income right out from under me (sucks to live in Colorado).

    I think we just have to learn from our experiences and make something that works for us. In the last two months, I *finally* have something that I don't think can be totally taken away from me (my own product) and it's brining in over $100 a day.

    If I can do this once for an evergreen $100 a day, then here's to trying for $1,000 a day, right?

    If it weren't for my time spent here on WF, I don't think it would have happened.

    To the OP (if he's still hangin' with us here)... you just need to explore and figure out what could work for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrmugabe
      i'm still here and glad to hear about your success.

      A sustainable £100 a day (about $160) would be enough for me to quit my job i think. So, this gives me a lot of hope. Cheers!
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  • Profile picture of the author MBedford
    Like any other marketing forum there are some real gems hidden among the crap. You might have to wade through a few tonnes of muck to find something useful, but every so often you come across a method that can be tweaked and made unique.

    I'm fairly happy with my war room purchase. Not massively imrpessed with it, but it's given me a few ideas over the last few months that I have made my own and had some success with.

    Private message me on skype or this forum NOW for deals you won't find anywhere else.

    Skype name: IMViperMarketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Ratto
    Welcome to warrior forum; where Gurus sell WSOs on how to make 1231942912491291429.99 a week with an hour of work

    Of course they don't work, well; people selling that are low life scumbags; there is too much allowance of that in this forum.

    Do something easy, change forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author W130SN
    After finding the War Room, my life changed dramatically.
    Years and years of living hand to mouth and struggling to get by, I found an old WSO in the War Room.
    Although I was hesitant I decided to take a chance and download this mysterious manuscript ... ... BAM I instantly won $10000 on Lotto and I hadn't even bought a ticket.
    I then spent 3 minuets carefully reading this 5 page document, it was remarkable in many ways and my life has never been the same again.
    I then thought WOW, if one ebook could change my life then what would TWO do, so I immediately downloaded another and tentatively started to read.
    Unfortunately this ebook was just a rehashed version of the first but it still cured STD's I had been suffering from since losing my virginity at 30.
    The War Room can change your life, I am now retired and living comfortably on my private Island surrounded by Super Models.
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  • Profile picture of the author sagittarius
    Stay away from topics in the War Room that aren't helpful to you. Choose to read the topics that you need right now, stop hoarding for information "just in case".

    Sorry to break your heart about not seeing the "secrets" inside the War Room.

    However, after spending a lot of money and effort dissecting each and evern marketing program I've come across with and feeling disgusted at the end, I realized that there's no concrete recipe for online success. Whenever you download a book, you don't need all of the info there. But admit it, every book has a point worth keeping and when you gather all the points together, you might come up with a solid action plan of your own.

    Truth is, you will not succeed without taking any action. In fact, a lot of learning comes from experience. To be honest, the War Room posts a lot of stuff that I don't really need. But someone out there needs that info. I don't mind, most of the stuff there are no opt-in, anyway.

    WR gave me access to people who are willing to spend 20 bucks to share something without promoting their sites (you can find some). I didn't read reviews within WF prior to getting a membership, that won't be helpful. So I went outside and read all about the negative reviews.

    I went in anyway and used the membership. I don't always visit the forums but when I do, I always find something valuable. At least for me.


    Originally Posted by Mr Ratto View Post

    Welcome to warrior forum; where Gurus sell WSOs on how to make 1231942912491291429.99 a week with an hour of work

    Of course they don't work, well; people selling that are low life scumbags; there is too much allowance of that in this forum.

    Do something easy, change forum.
    1 post. Let me guess. You joined in for the hate?
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe J
    Like several people have mentioned, go in there when you are looking for something specific when you need it especially if you don't want to get sidetracked.

    I think you already got your value out of it already with all the stuff you saw that YOU SHOULDN'T DO.

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  • Profile picture of the author Redsylson
    First of all, the cost of the War Room is just 20 freakin' bucks. Per year. I know as a person who just lives a regular life that I have blown that many times over in other areas of my life that have nothing to do with Internet Marketing.

    Examples Include: *Eating Out*Movies*Video Games*Music*Stuff for the Ladies*

    Secondly, value is in the eye and mind of the beholder. What may not be seen as valuable to you may be very valuable to some. The war room is filled with freebies that you can use to your benefit if you have some sort of a vision of where you want to go.

    As a former newbie I know I didn't have such a vision. Can you honestly say that you do?

    And finally, even when you don't find value you have found value. At least in the sense that you learn what you don't like to see in what others are offering and could commit to creating something better when the time comes for you to start offering value.
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