I want to spend some money....
The biggest barrier to the sale is always the price. There are tens of thousands of parents who would like a service dog for a child but can't afford the $15,000-$25,000 price tag that goes with it.
I think we've solved that biggest barrier. We've partnered with a woman who specializes in finding funding for kids with disabilities.
So now we've got to tap into this market on a national level. The challenges are:
1- We've got to find the right kind of family. The kind who is going to do the work of the fundraising that our partner will put them through.
2- A family who is going to take care of a dog how a dog needs to be taken care of and treat the dog as both a member of the family but also a working animal that needs maintenance training.
3- A family who is willing to put up a small amount down, usually $2,000-$3,000.
4- A family who is committed to the process
Easier said than done. I went ahead and promoted this offer to my list. I got about 15 applicants and we've accepted only 2 of those. Not bad numbers, We'll help two families a lot and we're looking at some nice revenue. But I found that just wanting a service dog wasn't enough. NOt everyone is committed.
The thing is, though, with current staff I could handle 2-3 of these a month. At that level we could scale easily and be handling 10 a month within a year or two.
So now the challenge is getting this opportunity in front of the right people.
I've exhausted my own list. I've played around with Facebook ads (I suck at Facebook advertising). I've spoken with a few PR people. I'm not sure where to go.
So I'm ready to spend some money to create good leads. Right now I could be spending $1,000-$2,000 a month to test the market. With positive results I could scale that to $5k per month or more in spend. But I don't know where to put the resources?!?!
I need help either brainstorming or pointing me towards warriors that can help. If you were in my boat and needed to speak to this demographic would you:
- Use Facebook ads?
- Adwords?
- Hire someone to do PR work?
- Partner with associations?
What would you do and what resources would you point me towards?
All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
Salt Lake City, Utah Dog Training
Salt Lake City, Utah Dog Training