How to Find Out Top Selling Product in my Niche?

4 replies
Hi Guys

I'm in the health & beauty industry and am getting ready to sell a beauty product (anti-wrinkle cream). I have not started an online marketing campaign and would like to know how to carry out research to find the best selling products in my niche.

I'm struggling to write a compelling copy for my landing page (as I've never done this before) so I want to get some ideas from my competitors (of course I'm not going to copy).

I would appreciate your expert advice.
#find #niche #product #selling #top
  • Profile picture of the author dana67
    If it were me, I would do a Google search for anti-wrinkle cream and scope out the competition, especially those on page 1 of the results. You don't want to copy their content. Doing this type of research though may give you some good ideas and help with the writing of the copy for your landing page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mairin44
    Thank you for that Dana. I will definitely do that.
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    • Profile picture of the author dana67
      You're welcome and I hope it helps.

      It's always good to see what your competition is doing. Best of luck and I hope your site takes off!
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  • Profile picture of the author diana3564
    Hi Marin

    I can across your as I was researching health and beauty as a niche. Have you considered using a site like Upwork or Fiverr. Upwork in particular have very good writers who are able to write about any topic. I hope your business has gone well. Hope to keep in touch.

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