Building the site was the easy part getting traffic is another story

by Chadss
7 replies

So let me tell you a little story....

One day a few months ago I decided to start a niche classified ads website. I am a licenced professional related to the niche and saw an opportunity. My problem I don't know jack @#$# about web programming, IT, or internet marketing aside from what I have learned since beginning this endeavor. Not letting that get in my way I have managed to get my website built .

Building the site was the easy part, getting traffic is another story. Some stats from my modest marketing campaign:

-online 2 months
-300 registered users so far
-50 to 100 daily unique visitors slowly growing
-10 to 20% of traffic is organic search engine
-no page rank yet
-the site's Facebook page has 2000 real likes
-not yet monetized the site

So to the experts is this a good start? My main and basically only source of attracting new users has been to contact them directly via other classified ads (20 to 30% success rate converting new users) I can't do this forever though. I need a new method of attracting users. I need some scalability and critical mass. Oh yea and I am basically doing this with a zero $$ budget.

I have been encouraged by the positive feedback from new users who initially discover the site. Its only the technical and marketing side holding me back now.

Any advice, comments positive or negative please.
#classified ad marketing #classified advertising #classified website #classifieds #new website
  • Profile picture of the author Pak Voter
    Well i think its a great start. Keep going , you will get it graduall.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveFinch
    I would be very happy with that progress.
    It seems to me that word by mouth is going to work for you, alongside social sharing.
    Pat yourself on the back.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chadss
    Alright, guess I'll just keep plugging away and lurk around here and try and learn a thing or two.
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  • Profile picture of the author donnalair
    I would love to have those kinds of results! I just started 2 weeks ago and am trying to build an email list. Not an easy thing to do. Any suggestions?
    I really need to spread this website around and not pay a fortune and keep it legal.
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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    300 registered users is nothing to sneeze at, especially in that short amount of time.

    Keep up the good work and be persistent... you are off to a good, solid start.
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    As everybody else mentions, you clearly are doing something right because that's very good progress

    Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll do fine!

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
    Keep doing what you are doing, it sounds like good progress. How are you or how do you plan on monetizing the site?


    ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
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