2 part question about info/digital products

by byalik
5 replies
1. Where do you guys get all your ideas from to create the info products. Do you surf blogs, forums, use PLR, etc..?

2. Most info products have presentations, either a video powerpoint or just video explanations, etc.. Are there any services (that aren't too expensive) that will take care of this part for you?
#info or digital #part #products #question
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B

    Ideas can come from anywhere. Certainly blogs, forums, hub sites, service sites and commercial sites are all possibilities. I think it's important to take your ideas from targeted audiences as opposed to seeing what you can find from general audiences.

    Just as an example, I often go to Amazon books to see which titles are the most popular. I don't care to know which are the most popular site-wide; but rather, I want to know which books in a chosen category (topic) are the most popular. So, if I were looking for ideas for an info product about divorce, for example, I might go to: Amazon ----> books ----> best sellers ----> Self-Help ----> Relationships ----> Divorce . . . to see which titles are popular at that point in time. In the top ten are books about
    - How to determine whether to stay together or divorce
    - How to move on after the divorce
    - How to rebuild your life after separating
    - How to protect your family from rumors and bad-mouthing
    - How to build trust and avoid betrayal before divorce happens
    - How to protect yourself from manipulation and abuse
    - How to protect children during and after the divorce

    The idea is to see what is already selling well and get some inspiration to do likewise - not copy - but ride the current wave of demand.

    Regarding your question about video and Powerpoint presentations for products . . . if you don't want to tackle such a project on your own, there are many solutions and service providers that will create the whole presentation for you (or some portion of it) for a fee.

    You can find such vendors on Fiverr is you have to go cheap (not really recommended) or preferably, I would suggest going to the Warriors for Hire section of the forum where some very talented people will create whatever you'd like. I won't name names, but there are some excellent video developers that are waiting for your call.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author loaf1011
    Originally Posted by byalik View Post

    1. Where do you guys get all your ideas from to create the info products. Do you surf blogs, forums, use PLR, etc..?

    2. Most info products have presentations, either a video powerpoint or just video explanations, etc.. Are there any services (that aren't too expensive) that will take care of this part for you?
    Hi Byalik,

    1. I think of ideas as solutions to existing problems. Anywhere people are discussing their problems there is a minefield of potential product ideas. This includes forums, Facebook groups, Yahoo Answers, blogs, Twitter, surveys, etc.

    2. You can always create the video yourself, but if you're looking to pay someone then Fiverr isn't a bad option! For $5 you can have an animated video made for you, or even a spokesperson video promoting your product! Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    1. The forst thing you should think about is a specific problem you want to solve in your ebook. You can see it as a marketing angle to eventually promote your product. Just write down a list of problems and you can write your ebook around that by doing the necessary research.

    2. If you can't create the videos yourself you can always hire somebody on fiverr to do it for you, perhaps even mutliple gigs, one to create teh video, one to do the voice over etc.

    Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Anywhere people are discussing their problems there is a minefield of potential product ideas
    Very true. Pay attention to the questions that don't get satisfactory answers.
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  • Profile picture of the author SandraLarkin
    Identify a niche.

    Identify a problem in that niche.

    Solve that problem.

    That is how most info products are built.
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