Am I being realistic?

33 replies
lHello everyone!

My name is Jen and in new to IM. I've been a guest reader for months now reading as much as I can until I could financially start. So much information here that I just barely understand some acronyms LOL!

Can someone tell me what you think of my idea. My idea is basically to star with 1-2 avenues focus on those until I feel like I understand them well enough then I'll start researching other avenues. My first avenues will be:

E-Books through Kindle

And FreeLance work

Because money is right ATM I only have about $200 to start with which is why I'm starting with those and plus they seem like the cheapest avenues to start with. My advantage is I have a business and entrepreneurship background both educationally and career wise ( I work for a company that does business consulting so I have free access to web developers, marketing specialists, business attorneys and financial analysts which I could get a lot of free advice from.

I have a 50-60 hr a week job so I will have to do this on week nights and evenings.

How will I start? Everyone talks about mentors and courses so I plan on purchasing a course from a well known member from this forum

Does all of this sound good so far? Or am I kidding myself thinking 200 is enough to start with or the avenue I'm trying to pursue?

My goal overall is to supplement my income at first as I don't get paid enough in my job for the amount of work I put in so it has sucked being at a salary cap at my job plus I am also doing it cause I love learning and challenging.

My immediate goal is to work up to earning consistently $100/day
  • Profile picture of the author JaysonH
    Originally Posted by OCWriter View Post

    lHello everyone!

    My name is Jen and in new to IM. I've been a guest reader for months now reading as much as I can until I could financially start. So much information here that I just barely understand some acronyms LOL!

    Can someone tell me what you think of my idea. My idea is basically to star with 1-2 avenues focus on those until I feel like I understand them well enough then I'll start researching other avenues. My first avenues will be:

    E-Books through Kindle

    And FreeLance work

    Because money is right ATM I only have about $200 to start with which is why I'm starting with those and plus they seem like the cheapest avenues to start with. My advantage is I have a business and entrepreneurship background both educationally and career wise ( I work for a company that does business consulting so I have free access to web developers, marketing specialists, business attorneys and financial analysts which I could get a lot of free advice from.

    I have a 50-60 hr a week job so I will have to do this on week nights and evenings.

    How will I start? Everyone talks about mentors and courses so I plan on purchasing a course from a well known member from this forum

    Does all of this sound good so far? Or am I kidding myself thinking 200 is enough to start with or the avenue I'm trying to pursue?

    My goal overall is to supplement my income at first as I don't get paid enough in my job for the amount of work I put in so it has sucked being at a salary cap at my job plus I am also doing it cause I love learning and challenging.

    My immediate goal is to work up to earning consistently $100/day
    Are you planning on creating your own Ebooks and selling them on kindle or being an affiliate and selling others? I'm assuming your own, just want to be sure.

    To answer your question, your plan is very realistic, although I wouldn't personally spend the $200 on a course when all the information you need can be found for free on the forums using the search. I would use it for advertising.
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  • Profile picture of the author alvinhy
    I would suggest you choose one "avenue" that you wish to go for.

    When I first started out, I was like you and chose quite a few to focus on but eventually as I am not seeing any "results" I have stopped.

    Right now, I am only focusing on one business which is my blog: Alvinhy as an affiliate website. You will see a much quicker success if you focus on one thing.

    As for your goals, after focusing on one "avenue" set out small goals like:
    - Get more traffic
    - get more leads


    Once you reach that goal head for a higher goal.

    Eventually you will succeed and keeps you on track. A lot of people fail at this point because they see shiny new things and ventures out of course.

    As for purchasing courses, depending on what you want to do, you can either find a good mentor or just stick to this forum and ask questions. If you want to do freelance, I may have some tips for you as I was once a freelancer, now venturing off to businesses online.
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  • Profile picture of the author oWEN tEBB
    Hey Jen,

    My name is Owen and I would like to welcome you to the warrior forum. I thought I had it bad when I was working retail a few months back. Im glad to hear you got a plan in place and your setting yourself realistic goals. Your idea is great but my concern would be how your realistically going to fit everything in and to start off itsvgoing to require a lot of time and effort. Remember it quality over quantity. Im not trying to discourage you, im happy for you and like everyone on the warrior forumvwecwant everyone to succeed but unfortunately we know how easy things can drop off once the novelty wears off.

    As with your goals off earning, your hudget also seems sensible but if I was you I look to soend half of that on paid trafficvto a landing page. You must make sure that this traffic is quality and not rubbish. Uust do your research on them first and see if it meets your requirements because I would hate to see you waste money, i could send you some names of people I trust if you want but I would also like to show you some good techniques for free traffic.

    Where do you plan to sell the ebook? I have so many questions I would like to ask. Maybe we can chat and get starting off on the right foot.

    would yiu like that?

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  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    Hi Jen,

    It looks like you've got drive, motivation, background knowledge and some good contacts who might be able to help you, so that's already a good start. As for your plan:

    The biggest red flag I see in your plan (and the most common red flag I see on these forums) is that it is almost completely focused on you when it should be focused on your customers (e.g, you talk about how much money you have to invest, how much time you have to devote to these activities, how much you want to earn). These are all good data points and form part of your plan, but the answers to these questions don't determine business success or failure on their own. Quite simply, businesses succeed or fail based on their ability to provide value to your customers.

    So I think the more important questions to answer are:
    1. What is the need that you are trying to fill?
    2. How are you going to meet that need?
    3. Why are you the best person to do it?
    4. Can you monetize your work?
    5. Can you market your work?

    The answers to these questions might be somewhat determined by your time availability, budget, etc. Obviously, on your budget you're not going to buy a Super Bowl ad. Then again, you might decide that a Super Bowl ad is the only way to reach your customers. In that case you either need to figure out how to come up with a lot of money or find another need to fill.

    I should also note that in my list of questions, marketing is only one of the pieces to the puzzle -- an important piece, but not the only one by a long shot. I get that this is an internet marketing forum, but I think that a lot of people here forget that, which leads them to overly focus on marketing techniques rather than trying to create a viable value proposition for their customers. And internet business is a business like any other. There may be somewhat different techniques used to attract and retain customers, but the general principles are the same.

    On that note, I'd suggest NOT hiring a mentor/coach. It sounds like you already have a lot of business-minded friends who you can bounce ideas off of. Maybe they aren't experienced in internet business, but like I said, the principles are the same. Save your money for specific pieces that your business will need to run and grow, whether it's web hosting or a book on how to use Wordpress.

    And lastly, take all advice you get with a healthy dose of skepticism -- including mine.

    Welcome and good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    Before investing money in IM / MMO I would suggest learning as many free methods to earn money online as possible.

    Use the search function here on the WF and learn about getting traffic with YouTube, Facebook, forum posting, etc. Learn the basics of copywriting as well.

    After you are able to make some money using free methods, then learn how to make money by investing your money. Pick 1 paid method and really try to master it, whether it is placing paid ads on related blogs, PPC, media buys, etc. until you learn to make a ROI.

    Good luck !
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    What kind of books do you plan on selling on Kindle? I think you should skip that step and just sell the ebook on your site. More profits, and you get the customer - so you can earn more sales from them.

    Freelance writing..... kinda still trading time for money.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon
    This is not magic. It's a craft. You can't just go "I want to make $100 per day." Do you even know where to begin? No mentor or coach will take you for under $1-$3k and you'll spend that much learning how to buy media and manage click campaigns.

    I'd stick with Facebook Ads and Custom T-shirts » Design & Sell T-Shirts for Your Group | Teespring and use something like this Get to know your customers to find trending topics. Use that $200 to learn about how to use Facebook Ads. Don't buy a website or any of the crazy things these people do. Learn pay per click. If you lose the $200 you lose it. It's a gamble with media buying and pay per click marketing.

    Ditch the eBook idea. The payouts are too low. If you want fast cash make a t-shirt and market it to a no fail audience.

    For example, find something everyone makes fun of at the world cup. Make a snarky t-shirt. Serve your ads to people that talk about the person/thing the snarky shirts about. Easy, simple.

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    See the life of a real affiliate on Instagram

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    • Profile picture of the author BackLinkiT
      The short answer to your question is yes, you are being realistic. $200 is enough to start writing for the kindle.

      $127 for Kindling and then save the rest for your covers.
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  • Profile picture of the author OCWriter
    Thanks all for the feedback. To answer some of you:

    I am no newbie when it comes to entrepreneurship as a whole and the various of starting regardless of the type of business model whether it be IM or restaurants or retail. We teach the aspiring entrepreneurs (clients) at my job thingsije defining a business concept which includes: product/service fefinitistion, target market, competition, value proposition, pricing strategy, distribution channels and cost projections.

    So those areas aren't new to me. The reason y I posted was I'm u familiar with IM. I just wanted to start something small like e-book kindling at first because I wanted to start small and build up slowly. I don't think jumping the gun into a landing page or affiliate marketing just yet.

    I'm definitely going to review e-book kindle and the whole KDP process etc. And like I said start small and slowly build. Although motivated I'm not in a rush to make hundreds per day

    One thing we teach the clients at my job is defining a concept, research and business planning are one of the most important steps. I believe in preparing but In no way am I a perfectionist
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  • Profile picture of the author OCWriter
    By the way, like I said I work for a business consulting firm so we have experts I can get advice from including WP and web developers, business attorneys, financial analysts so I'm not worried about the management side as my business grows.

    IM is just new to me and sure kindling payout is low but it's small enough for me to handle right now and add onto when I grow time wise and eXperience wise.
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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKC
    I don't think anyone can go from ground zero to 'in business' with $200. When I consider building a company I would spend $200 on dinner and drinks just 'discussing' one of a dozens concepts I would even consider building a business on. Series budget for a business if its a dotcom is $5,000-$10,000.. for real estate is $1M-3M and for physical companies around $400k. If you could take $200, with no experience, and make $100/day.. well then I would get a job at McDonalds and work for 72 hours, drop my money into IM, and take my $3k I made that month and if I could turn $200 into $3000 in 30 days.. I coudl turn $3000 into $4500 in the next 30, and almost $700,000 in the next 30.. so what your asking is "Can I build a formula with $200 that has a ROI that has the potential to earn $700,000 in 90 days.. and the answer is no, which is why people work for $15/hour their entire lives.

    Instead.. why not say.. "If I put in $200 in educational books like how to program, use photoshop, and write awesome sales letters.. and I work 60 hours a week at this then do you think in a year I could make some extra money online or get a job in the industry and change my life." I would say the answer to that is 'yes'.

    If you like my posts please leave a thanks and message me if you wish for me to follow up with your thread. I enjoy engaging with entrepreneurs and ALWAYS willing to take the time to offer solid answers that you can take to the bank. Internet marketing has made me rich over the last +20 years and this is how I give back to the community for all of those evil popunders I used to sling in the 90s.

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  • Profile picture of the author OCWriter
    Lol superkc that's not what I asked. I said I was going to start small do basic kindling. Then slot work my way up.

    I said my basic goal was 100/day but like I said I don't expect to make that much immediately either. I'm not naive.
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Join the Kindle forum in this section You will get better information there. When your book is ready there is a thread you can post your kindle book to for reviews.
      Look in there and ignore the people telling you not to make one; Also you may consider the War room for IM ideas. Good luck !!
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    • Jen,

      Originally Posted by OCWriter View Post

      Can someone tell me what you think of my idea... My first avenues will be: E-Books through Kindle... And FreeLance work... I only have about $200 to start with which is why I'm starting with those and plus they seem like the cheapest avenues to start with... My advantage is I have a business and entrepreneurship background both educationally and career wise ( I work for a company that does business consulting so I have free access to web developers, marketing specialists, business attorneys and financial analysts which I could get a lot of free advice from... I have a 50-60 hr a week job so I will have to do this on week nights and evenings... I plan on purchasing a course from a well known member from this forum... My goal overall is to supplement my income at first as I don't get paid enough in my job for the amount of work I put in so it has sucked being at a salary cap at my job plus I am also doing it cause I love learning and challenging... My immediate goal is to work up to earning consistently $100/day
      Originally Posted by OCWriter View Post

      I am no newbie when it comes to entrepreneurship as a whole and the various of starting regardless of the type of business model whether it be IM or restaurants or retail. We teach the aspiring entrepreneurs (clients) at my job thingsije defining a business concept which includes: product/service fefinitistion, target market, competition, value proposition, pricing strategy, distribution channels and cost projections. So those areas aren't new to me. The reason y I posted was I'm u familiar with IM. I just wanted to start something small like e-book kindling at first because I wanted to start small and build up slowly. I don't think jumping the gun into a landing page or affiliate marketing just yet. I'm definitely going to review e-book kindle and the whole KDP process etc. And like I said start small and slowly build. Although motivated I'm not in a rush to make hundreds per day... One thing we teach the clients at my job is defining a concept, research and business planning are one of the most important steps. I believe in preparing but In no way am I a perfectionist
      Originally Posted by OCWriter View Post

      By the way, like I said I work for a business consulting firm so we have experts I can get advice from including WP and web developers, business attorneys, financial analysts so I'm not worried about the management side as my business grows... IM is just new to me and sure kindling payout is low but it's small enough for me to handle right now and add onto when I grow time wise and eXperience wise.
      Originally Posted by OCWriter View Post

      I said I was going to start small do basic kindling. Then slot work my way up... I said my basic goal was 100/day but like I said I don't expect to make that much immediately either. I'm not naive.

      In my opinion, the beauty of everything is -- You can do what you want, and stop when you want, and change your plans whenever you want and in any way you want, especially since you already know you'll be the only one who'll be fully responsible for your decisions...

      If what you want to do leads you to some success, then no problem...

      If you fail, then you'd just lose what you want to invest, which won't probably be a problem -- Most lessons with real world value are way more expensive than $200 and say 50 to 200 hours of one's time...

      Trust me -- It becomes a bit harder when the well-being, the future and the lives of other people you care for are on the line, depending on the outcome of your decisions...

      Since this isn't the case here, then I don't think there'd be any problem with you doing what you want to do...
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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKC
    You still have a +50 hour a week job which leaves little to no energy and mental juice to take on another project. To compensate this I would rely on skill, fiscal capital, or social capital - all of which it seems your not in abundance of. So you don't have time, nor the funding, nor the connections and finally nor the skill to 'wow' an industry. I am not saying you can't do it but you asked 'are you being realistic' and my opinion is still no If you could change your life and 'free' yourself from the world with no time, no real funding and no prodigy skill.. and you were not born the son of a president.. then realistically your in the same boat as every other joe out there.

    If you like my posts please leave a thanks and message me if you wish for me to follow up with your thread. I enjoy engaging with entrepreneurs and ALWAYS willing to take the time to offer solid answers that you can take to the bank. Internet marketing has made me rich over the last +20 years and this is how I give back to the community for all of those evil popunders I used to sling in the 90s.

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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKC
    Fyi.. I do think you have the right approach.. the Kindle idea.. its low cost and you can work on it around your schedule.. so leave your checkbook at home and build something unique and full of awesomeness.. and you might have a chance.

    If you like my posts please leave a thanks and message me if you wish for me to follow up with your thread. I enjoy engaging with entrepreneurs and ALWAYS willing to take the time to offer solid answers that you can take to the bank. Internet marketing has made me rich over the last +20 years and this is how I give back to the community for all of those evil popunders I used to sling in the 90s.

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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      OC, SuperKC is giving you really good advice and giving it to you straight.

      Let me put this into perspective for you so you understand what you're REALLY up against.

      I was making a really good living online for about 8 years. Then the Google slap killed my traffic source and my income literally died. Today, I am rebuilding from scratch.

      I decided to go into music, which has been my first love since I can remember and I am 56 years old.

      I have a plan for 4 different music related products. I am currently working exclusively on one right now.

      To that end, I first invested $10,000 into software and hardware to produce the music. I then am working day and night creating the music. I have been at this since July of last year. We are going on a year soon and so far all I have to show for it is a web site making no money at all outside of a few Adsense clicks.

      Oh, but it gets better.

      My project should be completed by August 31 as far as the product creation part. But then I need to have a sales page made so that I can test conversions in order to get affiliates to promote the product. That sales page will probably run me about 2 grand that I don't have. Yeah, I'm broke now. I could write the sales letter myself but that increases the chance of failure.

      Assuming I actually get the sales page done, I have to then hope that my product idea (somewhat unique that fills a void in a musical sub niche) actually sells. I'm in uncharted territory here.

      And with all that, I still haven't even touched my other 3 ideas.

      Mind you now, I do NOT have a 50 to 60 hour work week. I work at my business from 6 AM to about 10 PM almost every single day. And here it is almost a year later and still not ready for my big launch.

      How in God's name, with YOUR schedule, are you going to run anything close to a successful business on ANY level?

      Let me tell you this straight from somebody with 11 years of online experience who has created over 300 products.

      This is the HARDEST thing you will EVER do in your ENTIRE life.

      Anybody who tells you this is easy is trying to sell you a bill of goods and NOT to be trusted under ANY circumstances.

      It's one of the reasons why I so detest the "make money online" niche because if you read almost every single sales page, they practically say that you'll make money while you sleep with almost no effort at all.

      It's beyond criminal. It's morally reprehensible.

      If you want to succeed online, you have to dedicate yourself to it 100%. You will need to get a hold of somebody who can supply you with a general business model that has been proven and adapt it to your chosen niche. That will give you the best chance of success. If you can get this person free of charge, God bless you. Most will charge you thousands for that kind of info.

      I'm not trying to discourage you. But I am trying to supply you with a dose of reality, which is something that is in short supply on forums.

      Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        I'm frustrated at some of the answers you are getting. You don't have to be in 100% to get started....and the idea that someone knows your level of energy is ridiculous to me.

        Freelancing is a good way to start IF you need money quickly. If you do it right you can be collecting some funds in a couple weeks. But it is time intensive which is hard with a full time job.

        When I started in IM I had a full time job and I did OK. Years later I started freelancing while working 4 days a week and did fine with that, too. You have to manage your time and your expectations.

        I think joining the Kindle section here would be a wise move on your part - otherwise I wouldn't buy much stuff in the beginning. Save your money for outsourcing, graphics and tools/software you might need once you get started. If money isn't a priority at the moment, Kindle is more time flexible and if you get it right it can be quite profitable, too.

        Whatever choice you make - dedicate yourself to it and go all out to do it right. Don't tiptoe in to "try it" - go for it and use the time you have to build at your own pace.

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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        • Profile picture of the author megamind22
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          I'm frustrated at some of the answers you are getting. You don't have to be in 100% to get started....and the idea that someone knows your level of energy is ridiculous to me.

          Freelancing is a good way to start IF you need money quickly. If you do it right you can be collecting some funds in a couple weeks. But it is time intensive which is hard with a full time job.

          When I started in IM I had a full time job and I did OK. Years later I started freelancing while working 4 days a week and did fine with that, too. You have to manage your time and your expectations.

          I think joining the Kindle section here would be a wise move on your part - otherwise I wouldn't buy much stuff in the beginning. Save your money for outsourcing, graphics and tools/software you might need once you get started. If money isn't a priority at the moment, Kindle is more time flexible and if you get it right it can be quite profitable, too.

          Whatever choice you make - dedicate yourself to it and go all out to do it right. Don't tiptoe in to "try it" - go for it and use the time you have to build at your own pace.

          You couldn't have said it better Kay King
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        • Profile picture of the author MNord
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          I'm frustrated at some of the answers you are getting. You don't have to be in 100% to get started....and the idea that someone knows your level of energy is ridiculous to me.

          Freelancing is a good way to start IF you need money quickly. If you do it right you can be collecting some funds in a couple weeks. But it is time intensive which is hard with a full time job.

          When I started in IM I had a full time job and I did OK. Years later I started freelancing while working 4 days a week and did fine with that, too. You have to manage your time and your expectations.

          I think joining the Kindle section here would be a wise move on your part - otherwise I wouldn't buy much stuff in the beginning. Save your money for outsourcing, graphics and tools/software you might need once you get started. If money isn't a priority at the moment, Kindle is more time flexible and if you get it right it can be quite profitable, too.

          Whatever choice you make - dedicate yourself to it and go all out to do it right. Don't tiptoe in to "try it" - go for it and use the time you have to build at your own pace.

          Kay is dead on.

          Jen, I'm in a similar situation. I work pretty long hours plus have a family. So I had to put a lot of thought into what to do on the side. Here are a few considerations:

          1. First, you mention that you have access to developers, lawyers etc. But make sure your employer would not have a problem with you moonlighting and using company resources. Some employers go nuts over this stuff. Be careful.

          2. If you have the time and energy to take freelance assignments that's probably the quickest and surest way to get off the ground. Unless you knock one out of the park, I think Kindle publishing can take significant time to become very profitable.

          3. You don't need $200 to start freelancing. Browse around the Offline section of Warrior Forum. Lots of good advice there. All you really need are some good prospects to sell to--these can come from existing contacts, referrals from existing contacts, cold calls, or direct mail.

          4. You may have more time than you think, but s Kay said: The time requirements for freelancing vs. Kindle writing are different. With freelancing, you're putting yourself under external deadlines. This could be tough if you work long hours at a day job (big part of the reason I don't freelance). Kindle writing would give you much more flexibility.

          Good luck with whichever path you choose!

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      • Profile picture of the author jeremy49
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        To that end, I first invested $10,000 into software and hardware to produce the music. I then am working day and night creating the music. I have been at this since July of last year. We are going on a year soon and so far all I have to show for it is a web site making no money at all outside of a few Adsense clicks.

        Oh, but it gets better.

        My project should be completed by August 31 as far as the product creation part. But then I need to have a sales page made so that I can test conversions in order to get affiliates to promote the product. That sales page will probably run me about 2 grand that I don't have. Yeah, I'm broke now. I could write the sales letter myself but that increases the chance of failure.

        Assuming I actually get the sales page done, I have to then hope that my product idea (somewhat unique that fills a void in a musical sub niche) actually sells. I'm in uncharted territory here.
        Steven I am really worried for you. You have invested a lot of money and effort (over a year) on a gamble that there is demand for your product.

        My 2 penny worth would be find the demand first. Even if the product does not exist, advertise it and see who responds and why.
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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Originally Posted by jeremy49 View Post

          Steven I am really worried for you. You have invested a lot of money and effort (over a year) on a gamble that there is demand for your product.

          My 2 penny worth would be find the demand first. Even if the product does not exist, advertise it and see who responds and why.
          I don't need your worries or any negativity. I am going to make this work. There is no room or acceptance of failure. You don't know me but I am one stubborn ass cuss. This WILL work. No excuses.
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      • Profile picture of the author Stuart Walker
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        OC, SuperKC is giving you really good advice and giving it to you straight.

        Let me put this into perspective for you so you understand what you're REALLY up against.

        I was making a really good living online for about 8 years. Then the Google slap killed my traffic source and my income literally died. Today, I am rebuilding from scratch.

        I decided to go into music, which has been my first love since I can remember and I am 56 years old.

        I have a plan for 4 different music related products. I am currently working exclusively on one right now.

        To that end, I first invested $10,000 into software and hardware to produce the music. I then am working day and night creating the music. I have been at this since July of last year. We are going on a year soon and so far all I have to show for it is a web site making no money at all outside of a few Adsense clicks.

        Oh, but it gets better.

        My project should be completed by August 31 as far as the product creation part. But then I need to have a sales page made so that I can test conversions in order to get affiliates to promote the product. That sales page will probably run me about 2 grand that I don't have. Yeah, I'm broke now. I could write the sales letter myself but that increases the chance of failure.

        Assuming I actually get the sales page done, I have to then hope that my product idea (somewhat unique that fills a void in a musical sub niche) actually sells. I'm in uncharted territory here.

        And with all that, I still haven't even touched my other 3 ideas.

        Mind you now, I do NOT have a 50 to 60 hour work week. I work at my business from 6 AM to about 10 PM almost every single day. And here it is almost a year later and still not ready for my big launch.

        How in God's name, with YOUR schedule, are you going to run anything close to a successful business on ANY level?

        Let me tell you this straight from somebody with 11 years of online experience who has created over 300 products.

        This is the HARDEST thing you will EVER do in your ENTIRE life.

        Anybody who tells you this is easy is trying to sell you a bill of goods and NOT to be trusted under ANY circumstances.

        It's one of the reasons why I so detest the "make money online" niche because if you read almost every single sales page, they practically say that you'll make money while you sleep with almost no effort at all.

        It's beyond criminal. It's morally reprehensible.

        If you want to succeed online, you have to dedicate yourself to it 100%. You will need to get a hold of somebody who can supply you with a general business model that has been proven and adapt it to your chosen niche. That will give you the best chance of success. If you can get this person free of charge, God bless you. Most will charge you thousands for that kind of info.

        I'm not trying to discourage you. But I am trying to supply you with a dose of reality, which is something that is in short supply on forums.

        Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
        I hope for your sake you tested your idea for demand BEFORE sinking $10K+ into it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    No mentor or coach will take you for under $1-$3k
    Complete nonsense.

    Use that $200 to learn about how to use Facebook Ads.
    Stay far away from FB ads, especially at the start.

    a no fail audience.
    Tell us all about this "no fail" audience. More complete nonsense.

    I don't think anyone can go from ground zero to 'in business' with $200
    You are wrong.

    I'm frustrated at some of the answers you are getting. You don't have to be in 100% to get started....and the idea that someone knows your level of energy is ridiculous to me.
    Me too, Kay. OCWriter, one of the most important things to learn on this forum is how to tell the truth from the "self-promotional" BS. Sometimes it's not easy.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Originally Posted by OCWriter View Post

    lHello everyone!

    E-Books through Kindle

    And FreeLance work

    How will I start?

    Does all of this sound good so far? Or am I kidding myself thinking 200 is enough to start with or the avenue I'm trying to pursue?

    My goal overall is to supplement my income at first as I don't get paid enough in my job for the amount of work I put in so it has sucked being at a salary cap at my job plus I am also doing it cause I love learning and challenging.

    My immediate goal is to work up to earning consistently $100/day
    Hi Jen, yes, you are being realistic.

    Your skill, writing and your job background puts you in an excellent place to begin without spending any money at all.

    I just want to answer your question. YES. The how is much simpler than many are telling you here.

    What you need is ONE piece of paper. And a little guidance YOU already have the kind of information and the ability to create wanted products.

    Here is pictogrigm:
    PictoGrigm of Remote Persuasion

    You are on the left. Your customer is on the right. IF you will spend a few minutes looking at this picture, some things will become clear to you. Then, THINK about what you do for 40 hours a week already...and a PRODUCT you can quickly create and begin to sell should appear also.

    Do NOT get bogged down and spend your time, not money, creating a PLAN of action, which is probably advice your company may give to Entrepreneurs, and THINK it through. PLAN. Then execute.

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  • Profile picture of the author SuperKC
    If you notice the guys that are successful yet not selling get rich quick products are telling you to keep things more realistic, not spend money, and that all of this is harder then it looks. The guys selling ebooks and hoping to hit you up for $129 at a time are saying its easy and if you keep reading (and buying) their coaching, ebooks, programs, scripts, sites, templates, blasts, ads, and other get rich quick memorabilia then you. I don't buy into any of that stuff nor have I ever met a single individual that has made money with it that isn't selling informational products in this very forum. Just saying -- becareful man.

    If you like my posts please leave a thanks and message me if you wish for me to follow up with your thread. I enjoy engaging with entrepreneurs and ALWAYS willing to take the time to offer solid answers that you can take to the bank. Internet marketing has made me rich over the last +20 years and this is how I give back to the community for all of those evil popunders I used to sling in the 90s.

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  • Profile picture of the author SarahWalker
    I suggest that you implement some traditional copy-writing techniques. I find most of my prospects via Direct-mail, it's more effective than pay-per-click advertising - which tends to be used more for research.
    But I've heard Facebook ads can be very effective, although I've never used them. It depends on who your audience is.

    P.S. Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity.
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberzolo
    Being realistic? Realistic shouldn't even be in your vocabulary. There is no limitation to what YOU can do. You have to believe you will make 100/day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    Here's a thought you might consider...

    Nothing great was ever accomplished by anyone who was realistic.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author Melissahoster
    Use your money to buy essential tools and read more. All the information you need is available for free on the internet, unless of course you don't want to spend time looking for answers.
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