How to get large amount of clicks?

by Yairmt
7 replies
Hi Everyone
I promote Leads from Adscendmedia with facebook ads
Here is a picture of the clicks from the last two days :

(the other ads it's the same ad with other pictures)
How am I supposed to reach a high amount of clicks to create an income?
Currently there are 65 clicks and not even 1 lead
Should I open the same ad several times?
Or promote a lot of ads to get high income
by the way, How am I supposed to make money from this ad? I spent ‏$2.63 for 65 clicks, and I didn't get even 1 lead :\
#amount #clicks #large
  • Profile picture of the author FolkenIII

    Higher bid = more clicks
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    • Profile picture of the author Yairmt
      Originally Posted by FolkenIII View Post


      Higher bid = more clicks
      What do you mean ? If the recommended CPM to my ad is 0.03$-0.06$ should I chose more than 0.06$ to get more clicks ?
      for example if I chose 1.00$, I will get more clicks ?
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      • Profile picture of the author dana67
        You may want to evaluate your traffic methods and try some other sources to increase quality and conversions.
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        • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon
          First off, why are you running incentivized offers on Facebook with ads.

          Second, contact adscend ask them to contact the advertiser to assure the offer is live.

          You could be getting conversions. But, if it's an incentive offer they could be shaving you.

          Talk to your affiliate manager.

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          See the life of a real affiliate on Instagram

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Antoniazzi
    Try LinkedIn groups, I have been really surprised what I have gotten from there.
    I'll Get You On The First Page Of Google...For FREE!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    The easiest way to get clicks is solo ads.

    It's literally like turning on a faucet.

    Only problem, is funneling the water so you don't drip all over the place.


    I'm NOT really good with PPC these days... It requires your finger to constantly be on the pulse... One thing you might consider doing is adding MORE ads, and increasing your demographic. Change things until the faucet cranks... Then take notes on what works to increase the flow.

    The PPC adplaces are a very LIVE entity; an organism that's constantly changing.

    Keep your finger on the pulse, and move around to see if you can invoke change in your currently unresponsive ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    You posted this in the wrong place, try the social media forum

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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