I Don't Want Access To The War Room I Just Want More PM BOX Space !
I'm not trying to stir up controversy with this thread. And I'm not even sure if this is the right section but this is something that needs to be said. Because this has slowly been brewing in my head since 2011 when I joined. And it's forcing me to stop using WF... a place I truly love to come to.
Years ago when I joined this place there was an option to become a "registered" member. And it was cheap. Like $10-$20 or something. I thought it was *BRILLIANT* to offer that option. You'd pay that small fee and get space for like 100 pm's or something.
And the only reason I wanted to become a registered member was for that extra space.
So I went back a couple months later to register (this was long before freelancer took over) and that option was GONE. It just completely disappeared.
Needless to say, I was, and still am, very teed off about this. It's the ONLY thing about this forum that I truly can't tolerate.
The only option left was to join the war room.... which I think was like $40 at the time?
I don't really remember.
At any rate, I have never wanted access to the War Room, I still don't, and I never will. I don't say this to offend WF. I think WF is great. But I already have all the free stuff I could ever need (trust me on this, I don't even use all the free templates, designs, psds, sales letters, methods that I already have).
And with all due respect, I think it's extremely careless, close minded and short sighted that WF just offers the following:
Well.... ahem, WHAT ABOUT an OPTION to >>>> GET MORE PM BOX SPACE?
We ALREADY had an option to fulfill that need aka "registered member" option... but it's like 1 day WF put profits above members needs and decided... "We don't really care if people need that extra space. Let's just bundle it up with a bunch of tutorials so we can charge $99 / yr. And for the members who just want extra space for pm's, but don't care for the war room....well, they're just SOL!"
And I'll tell you what really urks me.
90+% of forums on the net, because that space is SO CHEAP they just give it to you for FREE! Crazy huh? Or they give it to you as a way of saying, "hey, we appreciate you being a member on our forum".
The amount of free space DOES vary from forum to forum. But I have NEVER in my life joined a forum that limits your PMs to >>>> 10 messages. Why is WF the only forum I know of who is so frugal with pm box space?
I'm a member at more than 40 different forums (although I only use like 6-7 of them) but they ALL give you a decent amount of PM space for free. Just enough so members don't lose their minds like I am right now.
Now maybe.... MAYBE all these forums have it wrong. Maybe they're all struggling to pay the bills. But if you focus solely on the popular forums, the successful ones (of which there are thousands) most of those forums are fully capable of giving you 100 messages worth of free space.
Then you add in the fact that WF has a massive marketplace to make money.... a HUGE financial backing.... unlike many non internet marketing forums who have to rely on sponsors or donations for their money.
But they >>>STILL<<< won't give you more than 10 messages?
EVEN IF YOU'RE WILLING TO PAY for that extra space, they REFUSE to do it properly. Even Comcast knows better than this. They offer bundled packages too but if you don't need phone, if you don't need cable, if all you want is internet, they WILL GIVE IT TO YOU.
BECAUSE they do NOT want to lose clients.
And wouldn't any experienced consultant say that's the smartest way to go?
Give members EXACTLY what they need? Or figure out a way to reach a reasonable middle ground?
Let people like me pay for my pm's. I have no problem paying even though most forums don't charge just to send private messages. But let me pay for exactly what I need.
100 pm's does NOT cost $99 / year. Especially when the forum use to charge $10-$20 and they were most likely still pulling a profit back then. But don't try to bundle me into some yearly package that I don't value or have any desire for.
I've been a member since 2011 and I STILL have to copy pm's like a monkey into msword before I respond because I have no space to do anything.
So any message I read, I have to copy and delete before I can respond. And people might say "well just join the war room and you'll get the space" but those people are missing the point.
I am NOT paying $99 / year just to send pm's that cost a few dollars a year at most.
Not because I'm poor. I do very well for myself. This is more a matter of principle than it is about money.
I love this forum, but these past few months my time spent here has dropped dramatically. I use to come here multiple times a day, now, I come here maybe once or twice a week. I'm just so fed up with the pm box system, I have people mad at me because I refuse to copy any more pm's (so I can respond to their messages) and I refuse to join the war room because I DON'T NEED IT.
I'll GLADLY pay $20-30 / year for that space. I'll pay what is proper and make's sense. But it makes NO SENSE at all to pay an extra $70-$80 / year for a section of the forum I will NEVER use. I don't care what "gems" are in there. I just want space to respond to messages.
That's it!
So I plead with the owners of Warrior Forum. I beg of you. Give members like me an option to pay for pm box space WITHOUT the War Room bundled in.
Otherwise I have NO CHOICE but to post on other forums. Because when I post something, sometimes I get pm's, and I LIKE to actually respond to those people. But it's NOT worth $99 / year just to do that. ESPECIALLY when I'm helping all these people out for FREE. It's my way of giving back to this forum. Because when I came here broke people did the same thing for me.
I'd LOVE to hear just *1* rational reason WHY members can't pay for extra PM space and nothing but extra PM space?

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