Private "Paid" Forums - Could You Run One?

by admin Administrator
13 replies
I've got enough requests for more private "topic specific" forums that I decided to give it a try.

Kind of weird when people ask you to create something they can buy. Cool, but weird.

I'll try it, but the hard part of a deal like this is finding someone like Kevin Riley that I can trust. It's like trying to find teets on a boar hog. Give that a shot sometime.

Even when you do find someone you can trust and they are having great success at what they do they might be afraid to try and teach it to someone else.

So this is just a feeler message to see if there is anyone here who is having success at what they do and are actually willing to teach it to other members.

This would be just temporary private forums where you would teach a 2, 3, 4 week course or whatever. I'm not interested in setting up permanent forums and sending you paypal payments for years. Limited time forums only.

If you are having success at what you do, can prove it, and you're willing to teach it to other members send me a PM with some details...


#forums #paid #private #run
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[901418].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
    Originally Posted by admin View Post

    Kevin Riley <==> teets on a boar hog.
    You mean teets on a hamster, don't you?

    This sounds like a great idea -- can't wait to see what comes out of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Stanley

    I would certainly be interested in teaching a few different CPA methods over the course of a week to week session. I think that this would be a great platform for educational courses that Warrior's have to offer.

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    • Profile picture of the author Gary Killops
      You have to trust the person. If it is someone looking to make a quick buck, forget about it. I think that is the key here Allen.

      A private forum is as good as an endorsement by you Allen so they better have a good product and good support for it.

      While many may want to have their own "Paid" forum here .... not many will ever qualify.

      Gary Killops
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris W. Sutton
    It's like trying to find teets on a boar hog.
    Go ahead Allen and admit that the Hillbilly Marketer is your hero! It's becoming more and more obvious each and every day!

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  • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
    Allen. Great idea. Maybe not now, but sometime down the line I could offer to teach media buying stuff. I am busy playing with that right now.

    Also, I welcome the idea of learning from other PRO's who are really successful at it, and can prove it to you.


    P.S. The fact that they'd be few week long courses is even better because then there would be nothing else like the War Room, which ius sort of natural to the older members, but newer members wouldn't know War Room from one such sub-forum. Great idea.
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    • Profile picture of the author Russ Reynolds
      would love to give back if possible....
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom B
    Originally Posted by admin View Post

    I'll try it, but the hard part of a deal like this is finding someone like Kevin Riley that I can trust. It's like trying to find teets on a boar hog. Give that a shot sometime.



    I never thought of Riley as a teet on a boar. I do see the resemblance, albeit a hairy teet.

    I think it would go over well. It must be tough when people throw money at you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Project-Octagon
    Hey thanks for opening this up for discussion Allen. This would be great if we could get more private coaching! Once again, you are ace! Thanks, count me in to be a paid member
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  • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Meier
    Allen, Sent you a PM. Vegas Vince and I would love to do one on using online barter systems. Let us know and very great idea.

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  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    Hi Allen,

    I would definitely be interested...sent you a PM.
    100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
    + Support! All of this, just $397! (PM Me For Details!)
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  • Profile picture of the author admin
    Closing this for now until I can respond to those who have submitted offers.

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