A Question For Established Marketers Only - No Newbies Please!
First of all, I'm not trying to be mean by asking newbies not to post. I just happen to be looking for serious advice and I can't get it from them.
That being said, I'm not a rookie myself. I've made a decent amount of money online using multiple methods like article marketing, PPC, SEO, flipping websites and also have started and built 4 businesses from scratch offline since 2000.
Right now I happen to be at a crossroads. I'm still selling stuff offline, but I'm growing tired. It's definitely not something I want to do forever, though I wouldn't mind doing it part time. I enjoy the interaction with many of my customers, I just hate having to call when I'm in need of cash. I almost always do better when I can be relaxed and laugh and joke than I can if I'm stressed out - even if I'm practically giving stuff away.
I want to rebuild my online business. Actually, I've already begun. I put a deposit down for paid advertising so I can test some offers, built two niche sites with excellent content and have begun a steady stream of content syndication. I have a helper that's doing much of this for me, though I have to jump in as well next week to get things moving faster.
My problem is niche related. I'm not really a fan of what I'm writing about. I CAN do the articles because I know a lot about the topics, but it's definitely not where I want to be spending most of my time.
Honestly, my passion is marketing. I've been doing it most of my life. I started when I was 17 and with the exception of 5 years in the military and a few labor jobs, marketing and sales have been my "thing" most of my life.
The problem that I keep hearing is that the market is saturated. I think that a LOT of the IM market is saturated and I definitely don't have the capital to go head to head with people like Frank Kern, Andy Jenkins, Perry Marshall or anyone else in that crowd.
Still, I have a few decades of experience in direct sales and feel like my online successes here and there should make me more than qualified to find my own "tribe", as Seth Godin calls them, and teach very specific skills.
I've thought of writing Kindle books, reports that solve a single problem, coaching, consulting, creating a "signature course" as Paul Evans (Nicheology) refers to it where you have a 4, 8 or 12 week class that you charge a nice amount for and just run the class for a few dozen people 3-6 times per year. Jimmy D. Brown does this at $2k a pop. So does Kim Roach, last I heard.
I guess I could just use some encouragement. It seems like every time I bring it up I hear "the IM market is saturated. Look at your competition. There's so much more that you can be doing. You need to move onto something else, etc" and I HAVE moved on to other markets, but I'm not very happy about it.
Do those of you who actually have experience in business online, offline or both think that there's still room for someone like myself to make a living at teaching elements of certain niches online? The target market can be for people who are online or offline in several areas.
Thanks in advance.
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