A Message To Warrior Forum Members
I guess that's why they call it The Main Forum.
Here's the thing...
A lot of the questions that get asked here wouldn't exist - if the other parts of the forum were visited and used more often.
I'm a copywriter. So I hang out in The Copywriting Forum a lot. The CW Forum has somewhat of a bad rep, because admittedly, there are a lot of raging egos (myself included) chomping at the bit to chime in on hot topics.
That's a good thing.
There's life-changing information being discussed in The CW Forum... often. Not everyday by any means (because there's simply not enough engagement.) But with more traffic, more questions... and more people coming back with their results...
...and more marketers understanding that their copy is the heart of a successful campaign, I think the numbers in The CW Forum will rise. (By the way, if you don't know what copy IS, get over there right now and study.)
Things like seeing your whole funnel, how you're entering a conversation with your prospects, where and how you drive traffic... etc... will ALL make more sense - when you understand copy.
The Mindset Forum is another source of neglect.
Personally speaking...
My mindset is THE reason I've always got at least a solid mid-6 figures in the bank.
I'm not necessarily any more talented than anyone else on this forum. But I always nurture the metaphysical (unseen) side of marketing.
I know that the way I think... and how I direct my attention... are HUGE reasons I'm successful...
...why I get to travel, explore, create my own products... and work with top entrepreneurs to help them spread the word.
"It's not what you do... it's how you do it."
I'd love to see more people engaging in The Mindset Forum and asking the questions that everyone deals with - in some way, shape or form.
When you remove the mystery that's holding you back; that's keeping you STUCK in questions you can easily resolvable, your results grow and change.
The Copywriting & Mindset Forums will help you remove more and more mystery - opening up your business to new, exciting potentials.
Don't get me wrong...
I love this part of the forum too.
There are some great conversations happening here every hour - of every day. It's a juggernaut of epic proportions.
But the level of conversation here could elevate massively - if the other parts of the forum receive the same kind of engagement.
I promise you that.
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