How many of you are making 50K a year online?

by Tre81
31 replies
I've been reading alot of threads here and all I seem to see is people shooting for the exclusive 6 or 7 figures. I'm not saying that those numbers shouldn't one day be a goal but I would rather hear about the people who do IM full time and make enough to call it their career, but aren't what you would call super-marketers. The 50K-100K a year guys..

How long did it take to reach your current income?

If you had to start over how long would it take to get back to what you're making now?

Where do you realistically see your income in 5 years?
#50k #making #online #year
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    There are questions like this all the time and they are questions every single new online entrepreneur has (I know I did). I probably asked the same questions many times years ago.

    But I would say, forget everybody else and just 1) know that there are MANY MANY 50kish incomes for many people in this community and 2) everybody has a different story of how they got there.

    So just grind away with the confidence that you can do it too and don't worry about how anybody answers these types of questions

    Good luck on your journey!
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  • Profile picture of the author David Hooper
    It's important to keep in mind that most people making this kind of money...

    1. Aren't in the "guru" business.

    2. Aren't hanging out on message forums all the time or doing interviews, because they're too busy working.

    No offense to anybody, if either one applies to you.

    With that said, I've seen more and more podcasts with interviews from these type of people. Might be worth a search.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      I agree with Kenster.

      Knowing that other people have achieved "full time IMer" status has absolutely no bearing on your ability or chances of doing the same thing. Every business is different. Every business owner is different. We are all unique individuals with completely different skill sets, education, drive, and willingness to persist.

      You must find something that works for you. It's done all the time. Don't dwell on whether you can do it.

      Roll up your sleeves, focus on one business niche and model, and give it all you got for as long as it takes!

      You'll be successful.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author m2coolgo
        Very well said Steve. It is about identifying something that you can relate to or know will stick with for a sustained duration. Go after that and slowly and surely you will start to see success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    I agree with all the guys above, really, but will still choose to say a little more, since it's all information I've posted in previous, similar threads anyway.

    (By the way, some people here don't like being asked their incomes, and even though that isn't really what you're doing, history suggests that some may even take the time to post and say so, rather than simply ignoring the thread as they obviously should. Just warning you! )

    Originally Posted by Tre81 View Post

    I've been reading alot of threads here and all I seem to see is people shooting for the exclusive 6 or 7 figures. I'm not saying that those numbers shouldn't one day be a goal but I would rather hear about the people who do IM full time and make enough to call it their career, but aren't what you would call super-marketers. The 50K-100K a year guys.
    I hear you. I think I understand entirely what motivates your entirely valid and reasonable question!

    And yet ... there's actually a pretty small minority of people earning $50k - $100k, I think, through internet marketing.

    For many people, that $50k - $100k per annum is a scalable stage on the way to something more successful, and some people pass through it relatively quickly, as I did myself.

    The overwhelming majority of internet marketers never get to $50k per annum at all, of course, but I think a pretty significant proportion of the ones who do, also "get much higher".

    A possible exception is "successful service providers" whose income may be in the comfortable "earning a living" bracket but is ultimately limited by their own working hours (i.e. relatively well-paid but not highly scalable work such as some writing/copywriting, maybe website design, etc.)

    Originally Posted by Tre81 View Post

    How long did it take to reach your current income?
    I don't even know if you "want to hear from me". I've been doing this for over 5 years, now, so I'm no longer in the range you're asking about, but I was a few years ago and I mentioned some income figures on the board fairly openly back then, and may as well repeat them now.

    This is what I do for a living, by the way.

    I earned nothing for my first 3-4 months. In my 8th month, I earned $4,500 (that's just approaching your $50k per annum figure?). My income progressed - not always as steadily as I'd have liked! - and in my eighteenth month, I earned $10,000 (just over your $100k per annum figure). My business has continued to grow for another 4+ years since then, and I now employ three full-time people, too, but after that point, I no longer give any income figures because I've learned that doing so can cause significant hostility, resentment and even sometimes abusive private messages (I think mostly from much older people some of whom have struggled to earn anything online for many years ).

    So my short answer to your question about when I earned $50k - $100k is "between months 7 and 17", really.

    Originally Posted by Tre81 View Post

    If you had to start over how long would it take to get back to what you're making now?
    6 months less than it's actually taken me, probably (with the knowledge I now have, I wouldn't waste those first few months earning nothing to speak of, and maybe I could save another month or two, also, by having some of the outsourcing skills I lacked, a little earlier). But I probably couldn't do it in a lot less time than it actually took me, to be realistic. And I couldn't work a lot harder, either.

    On the other hand, there are no certainties and I was quite lucky at times ("she says with hindsight!") over some important things like niche selection, when I knew fairly little about it.

    Originally Posted by Tre81 View Post

    Where do you realistically see your income in 5 years?
    I have absolutely no idea at all: I never think anything like as far ahead as that.

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  • Profile picture of the author fcf360
    The time it takes to get to full time income is dependent on a number of factors, the time that you are putting in, the monetary investment you are making, and whether you are going for an active, or a passive income stream etc. Many many things to consider. There is no easy cookie cutter answer for anything.
    The Warrior Forum
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  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    Can confirm. I am not a "guru" in any sense of the word, and yet various facets of internet marketing have allowed me to make a full-time income.

    Here is exactly what I did:

    1) Know what you're good at. In my case, it's writing and conversion optimization. I know how to plug holes in leaky websites. Natural talent will only get you so far... you also have to keep studying and learning. What worked last year might not work this year, and so on.

    2) Find a mentor. This doesn't have to be some online celebrity or guru, as you call them. It's great to shoot for the moon, but keep in mind, these so-called celebrities probably discovered a method long ago that worked like crazy at the time, and have made their money and gotten out of the system, but still coast by on name recognition...

    I don't recommend paid coaching/mentorship programs when you're first starting out, since money is tight, and like I said, everyone has a different path that got them to where they are today. Rather watch what your mentor does... who do they associate with? What products are they launching? What are they working on?

    3) Get the word out. Ask around. Find people who are in need of the service you provide. For example, if you've made some money designing websites and are good at it, ask your current clients "Do you know of anyone else who might benefit from having a website designed?" Chances are they'll know 2-3 other people in their close circle that they could refer to you.

    Rinse, Repeat, and you'll have all the business you can handle. I know, easier said than done, right? But just keep learning, improving and sharing what you know. It will build up over time and you'll get better - professionally, personally and financially.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    As said before, this is a type of thread that's posted multiple times per week - if not per day.

    For me, I started off doing product reviews on youtube and building niche specific SEO sites, ranking for various product keywords.

    I quickly started to build a list after that and expanded into NON IM type markets (such as dating, pregnancy, diabetes, getting your ex back, getting a girlfriend/boyfriend, etc)

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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    • Profile picture of the author kotuleo
      I am earning more then that but i have team and working with team... But i want to earn this alone.. i have been doing seo for more then 6years and i have completed 10000hours on ODesk. Also working on other market places like elance, guru etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan3
    The question is how many people who make 50k are actually hanging around forums answering questions like this
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Ryan3 View Post

      The question is how many people who make 50k are actually hanging around forums answering questions like this
      5 or 6 out of the first 10 responses alone are from people I know to be either in that income-category or higher, so I think the answer's probably "plenty". Since you ask. (There are even some here making more than that partly by hanging around forums answering questions like this.) I hope that's ok with you.

      Originally Posted by Ryan3 View Post

      The reason 99% of people fail in online businesses is because of their mindset.
      Indeed. Funny you should say that.

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        The question is how many people who make 50k are actually hanging around forums answering questions like this
        More than you might realize. Not as much "hanging around" as popping in and out throughout the day.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
        ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ryan3
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        5 or 6 out of the first 10 responses alone are from people I know to be either in that income-category or higher, so I think the answer's probably "plenty". Since you ask. (There are even some here making more than that partly by hanging around forums answering questions like this.) I hope that's ok with you.

        Indeed. Funny you should say that.

        Ohh the irony...
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        • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
          Originally Posted by Ryan3 View Post

          Ohh the irony...
          Perhaps I missed the obvious, but what Irony...?

          Thanks for clarifying!

          Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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    • Profile picture of the author datingworld
      Originally Posted by Ryan3 View Post

      The question is how many people who make 50k are actually hanging around forums answering questions like this
      Not really.
      Some people even make more money and improve their businesses by being on the forums.
      People have different sorts of businesses. It certainly doesn't mean people participating in forums aren't making good money.
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    • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
      Originally Posted by Ryan3 View Post

      The question is how many people who make 50k are actually hanging around forums answering questions like this
      Much more than you think, a buch in this alone i figure

      Anyways, the people that make a full time income usually have something in common, so it's not a bad question to ask.

      From my experience, way over 90% of the people who make this income online are building an email list. It's logical because most sales online come from promotional emails. With that in mind you know what you should focus on first.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Pagulayan
      Originally Posted by Ryan3 View Post

      The question is how many people who make 50k are actually hanging around forums answering questions like this
      Funny you said that. The one who posted right after the OP and the other 2 people after him earn much more than that. lol!
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by Ryan3 View Post

      The question is how many people who make 50k are actually hanging around forums answering questions like this
      These forums are jam packed with Millionaires, Billionaires, Trillionaires and you're doubting mere Thousandaires, the gall of that man.....
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Most earners in this category $50k a year remember all too well what it was like starting out and needing forums like this as they entered the world of IM.

    I get a fair amount of business from these forums and hanging around here helping out "newbies" adds to my growing income so its a win win.
    **Rank #1 in Google. 14 UNLIMITED Trial for ONLY $1! **
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  • Profile picture of the author moneymagneto
    How about 50 Million a year. You aim low and you reach just below what you aim for.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    Honestly in some point between 2008 and 2012 I made more than that in 3 consecutive years but not after changes in google (penguin, panda, hummingbird), and increasing competition lately. But I'm still close to that and going beyond next year based on trend. And I'm not "guru". I don't believe on people spending a lot of time convincing others to listen to their expensive webinar programs and calling themselves gurus.

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    $50K per year is very doable and a worthy achievement, but in this business it's barely scratching the surface.

    I did that, and more, in my 2nd year online (2006) barely knowing what I was doing.

    Do a lot more now, but hang out in forums from time to time anyway

    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

    Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

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  • Profile picture of the author valarmorghulis
    I agree with what another poster said, most marketers don't make it to 50k a month simply because the low barrier to entry doesn't make them invest enough follow through and not quit.. whereas those who do make it to the 50-100k level would usually know how to scale that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Muddicine
      I make more than that per month, but I made a thread a while back and wanted to help some people go on the right path, but instead some mod deleted it, he rather people keep buying some bullshit courses again and again. So I quit trying to help people out on here, you'll figure it out eventually.
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  • Profile picture of the author JL Media
    I am not millionaire yet but happy to be in the six figures club online..It sure beats cooking wages by far.
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  • Profile picture of the author january14n
    I think there are a lot of them but I don't include myself. I am sure those guys that earning 50K a year are now busy developing their resources.
    No Clicking Here - I Repeat No Clicking Here
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  • Profile picture of the author Anton Louis
    I crushed that number my first year in business and rapidly expanded from there...

    Once you figure out what works for you it becomes very easy to scale.

    The main problem then becomes having the right mindset and focus to grow to your potential instead of becoming stagnant and seeing your income plateau.

    If I can give you any advice it would be to sell high ticket/high margin items.

    You see so many people focusing on $5 gigs and $10 articles and the sad thing is even if they crack the secret to getting tons of orders there still likely stuck with a tiny income. Focus on $xxx and $x,xxx products so once you figure it out you can actually make some real $$$.
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  • It took me 2 years to hit six figures, what a journey that was.

    Find something, master it and scale it, from there sky is the limit
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    • Profile picture of the author goleza
      It sounds like you are skeptical about making money online if not losing out the energy to do business. One out of 3 people you will about online business will ask you such questions "How much do you make?".

      The truth is that it's human nature to venture into business where quick and big money is made. If I told you that I earn 500,000 dollars per month from such a business, most people would also want to join that business thinking that they would make the same money. But things don't work out like that. You start a business and build it to earn big money. You start small and grow big.

      To get back to the questions, there are many online marketers I know making huge amount of money. But they do not want to confess publicly in a forum like this. What they can do is to give you tips on what you can do to build your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    There is a lot of us who make more than that. Each person is different, has different goals, makes that in a different way,

    It is easy to think that a specific way somebody earns their $50,000 a year will work for you. Bt you just gotta see what works for you. You may have to do more than you think to achieve this much, but it is all about working at it and testing the markets.

    You just may find that small little Goldmine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amythomasonline
    There is no set way to build a 50,000 a year marketing business. What works for me, might not work for you, and vice versa.

    There a million different online opportunities, and many offline opportunities that you can blow up if you market them online.

    Find a mentor, model off successful people, and figure out what works for you! :-)
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